Enraged at his Fetch’s newfound insomnia, the Elemental known as Jacob Greenteeth rises to his feet and screams, “GODDAMMIT, DOESN’T THAT THING EVER SLEEP ANYMORE!!!” The water in the fountain becomes a mighty liquid hammer, smashes the white basin from whence it came in a flurry of broken ceramics, then disperses gently upon the floor. He feels it wash over his bare toes, temporarily relieving his nerves. He paces back and forth over the jagged pottery, unmindful of his bleeding feet.

“He doesn’t sleep.” He looks forlornly toward the small, sheetless, coverless, pillowless excuse for a bed he had been lying upon. “He knows not to show his face in a mirror or near water.” He looks toward the large, ornate mirror in the room. “I can’t go to the Goblin Market because they’ll be looking for me there. GODDAMMIT! IT STOLE MY FAMILY!!! IT CAN’T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!” He clears his throat, makes an attempt at composing himself. Then he folds his arms behind his back and speaks to the walls as though it were a jury of his peers, and he were representing himself on trial. The path he walks is stained with crimson footprints doubling back on themselves.

“Yes, technically, I stopped their hearts from beating. But they were already dead!” He raises an index finger in front of him to emphasize the point. “I had to kill them. Their minds had rotted away from Dream Poison months ago. That THING!!!” He clears his throat again. “Excuse me. That thing spread the Poison, made them sick. They were but empty husks, obedient to the One Beneath the Waves. You see why I had to do it? Wouldn’t any of you have done the same?”

An image starts to swirl in the large mirror. Jacob Greenteeth sees it out of the corner of his eye and bounds toward it…