Once the trio were inside the private meeting room, Martha began to review her thinking for the evening.

To see all the lovely costumes and creativity on display, Martha was left feeling this was a real Judgement of Paris!

Adjusting her spectacles and making heavy use of her cane, she smiled and nodded a greeting to Vivian... Clearly taking a moment to study... carefully study... the details and contours of Vivian's daringly exposed thighs.

Her eyes eventually found those of Vivian and Katya and she eagerly gasped; "Gosh! So many lovely costumes! So much work has gone into them...Miss Harding has made her own...but...the costume of the Royal Archon is so very arresting and strange! By which criteria should we select the victor...?"she asked her fellow judges.

At Martha's Question, Katya's eyes scan the room, taking into account the different periods some people went with as well as the materials used to put together their piece. "Good question. I suppose originality, how well it fits with the theme and perhaps effort?" she looks to Vivian and Martha, tossing out her ideas as suggestions rather than concrete rules. "At the end of the night, it all comes down to which outfit stands out the most in your mind." she looks again to the crowd "INdeed, The Archon's attire is very captivating, and yet...I do appreciate Kenneth Gilroy's attempt at combining both themes into one." the cassette player was a particularly nice touch.

For the sake of Katya’s sudden notice earlier of having to work with Martha on this instead of Asa, Vivian would try her best to ignore the constant studying of legs. But gracefully she grinned. “I think there are more important legs to gaze upon…” Nodding toward the rest of the Domain present and eager to see who would be throwing their hat in.

“How many winners will we have? More than one category? One could be originality? Perhaps one for best depiction of the theme? One for maybe something for hmmm... just sheer sexiness?” Which could go any direction the Daeva thought. “I spent a lot and I mean a lot of time partying, there is one here who definitely blended some genre’s together in a very tasteful manner…”

She wondered if the two of them could piece together whom Vivian referred to, she’d wait a tick for that with a Cheshire grin on her face.

Martha at least had the decency to appear coy and blush as Vivian suddenly called out her constant study of legs...

Martha is now -1 Vitae for Blushing

Blinking and recovering her cool as best she can, Martha nodded at Vivian's recommendation, twin tails bobbing as she added; "Creativity and originality surely must count too! As much as the appeal of raw desire can play a part... but, I'd say we should have a winner and a solid honorable mention..." hoping for a compromise, it would at least offer the chance to acknowledge efforts.

"The Prince has been most fascinating in playing with the more dangerous and androgynous themes of the 1980's New Wave movement...the Archon's costume is remarkable and incredibly eye-catching...as is Mr Gilroy's...but whom did you have in mind, Miss York...?" Martha asked, wide eyed and clearly sincere in her interest in the reply.

Katya remains silent as Vivian catches Martha staring at her legs, waiting for the Keeper to regain her focus. There were many good costumes, too many to just focus praise on one. "I think an honorable mention would be fine and I"m flexible with what we honor the costume for. I would say a mix of originality towards fitting the theme as well as perceived effort might fit the criteria for honorable." she touches her chin as she thinks about any further nominations. "If we were to reward runners up, we could split up the cash prize since no exact amount was mentioned, but I don't know how well that would sit with other since the flier mentioned only one prize for one winner."

As she looks back at the contestants, Katya eyes Asa once more and looks at Vivian. "Are you referring to His Grace? He certainly does manage to subtly tap into both genres with the makeup and the black ensemble still fits the Victorian style that Steam punk often loves. I just wasn't sure if people might dub the contest "rigged" if we chose him"

“It was definitely the Prince that pulled my attention.” Maybe more so that he was the Prince or a Ventrue that did it in. The other issue was that the court was smaller than usual, it seemed. “We may need to keep it to one winner, one mention or something.” Nodding in agreement with the decisions. “How about Ale’s. True to steam punk, sultry and a bit of flare.” If coupled with David, they’d make a lovely pair.

“I think we should just mention the Prince and Archon’s attire separately; a mention of their own since it shouldn’t appear ‘rigged’ of any sort.” Vivian nodded additionally to confirm Katya’s concerns. Plus, he never did bribe me…

Martha caught the small gesture as Asa abstained from the contest. Blinking, in case Vivian missed it, Martha offered; "I think His Majesty has just made our life a little easier..." she nodded, adding "... an honorable mention is entirely reasonable! One is fine. Two would devalue the intention of the mention, I feel..." gripping her cane, Martha managed to avoid staring at Vivian's thighs again by now keeping a strong focus on Katya's eyes.

"I agree. Creativity and keeping with the theme. With that in mind, either the Archon and Mr Gilroy's costumes are possible winners. With an honorable mention going to either Miss Harding or Miss Ale..."

Oh good, a difference in opinion, nevertheless, this was good, Katya does not want the decision to be simple. Waving her hand, Katya begins "I will be fine being left out, this should be about others in the Domain after all." she looks back at the three names that have come up the most, Ale, Twist and Kenneth and re-evaluates them now that the pool has been reduced, giving her a keener eye to assess the criteria that fits originality, genre and sexyness as Vivian put it. "As I look upon the other three a second time, as much as I like the effort Kenneth put in, I feel that the entire ensemble seems a bit haphazard in comparison to Her Grace and Whip Antinori's, both of whom have ensembles that could easily be bought as a whole piece rather than one combined of different parts. There is a coherency that the two ladies have. Although there does seem to be a difference in opinion as to who gets the honorable mention and who gets the prize. If we were to narrow it down to the two, what are your arguments for each? We've complimented what we liked, let's look at what we don't like and see what wisdom that sheds."

Martha nods. Gripping her cane tight, she nods again and adds whispers softly, so Jo cannot hear; "I cannot help but feel that the Reeve isn't taking this seriously. I feel a little...well...disappointed in her costume. The Reeve has previously shown an acute understanding of previous costumed themes... yet this... it strikes me as simply too absurd to be anything but a outright mockery of the theme..." she sighs. Wondering if she's paranoid and wondering if the mockery, if mockery it is, is a direct assault on the office of Keeper or the acting out of an adolescent testing social limits...

"The Reeve's message is quite clear." Vivian didn't need to elaborate. "And with that, I think an involuntary nod of not wanting to participate." Whether she meant the contest or in court at all was undetermined, but either and both applied.

"I believe I fancy Ale's most of all thus far." Her own decision puts into words. "As far as Kenneth, it's quite possible he did what was within his means too. But if we are to go on appearances alone, it does strike as lazy." The Daeva shrugged slightly, none of them truly knew the depths of anyone's finance in the Domain. There may have been a few in the know, but Vivian hated to assume either.

Katya is at first confused as to why Josephine is brought up, given that the Seneschal hadn't referred to the Reeve since it was obvious she had no interest in taking the event seriously. Nevertheless, she is pleased they are able to return focus to the task at hand as Vivian puts forth her expertise, something Katya values given the Whip's long standing reputation for dressing well at these functions. That left the Archon and Katya's own clan Whip. While Katya initially expressed her fondness for Twist's attire, the newfound attention to Ale does make Katya think of other aspects of the significance in the winner. The significance, of course, being that it would not be as such if her Grace was selected as telling the Domain she was the finest dressed vampire for Court was not something they didn't already know. But Ale on the other hand. "When we give those in the Domain a task, even just for fun, it is telling overseeing what they come up with. Whip Antinori has done tonight what she's done countless times since arriving and has been consistent in her appearances with each Court. With that in mind, I think it's time we give her the spotlight this evening as the winner." she looks to Martha for her input before asking with a polite smile "Just my own thoughts Mistress, of course, but we've still yet to hear your thoughts on the final candidates."

Before the chaos of Liz's instrumental fail, Martha has enough time to reply with a smile and carefully avoiding staring at Vivian's thighs. "Oh, well, Miss Ale's style isn't something I have a personal affinity for. I much prefer the Duchess's style and..." she wanted to say legs, but hesitated, caught herself and added meekly, "a...a...attire... But, your arguments are persuasive. I can see the merit in all you've both said. I say we select Miss Ale as the victor with an honorable mention going to either the Archon or Mr Gilroy." she smiled and hoped her assessment was useful.

Vivian didn't understand why Kenneth still came up if it was questionable that his attire was lazy. She was taking the costumes for face value, and if that was the case appearances were not to be considered 'deceiving'. "Then yes, Ale is our victor, and the mention goes to Duchy Twist." At least it didn't take much shuffling around to come to a consensus. Unlike the media's recent blow up of the Making a Murderer case, at least they could avoid heavy debate. "I'm glad we could come to an agreement easily." She smiled to the two of them.

With her hands clasped behind her, Katya nods as she smiles at the both of them. "As do I. Mistress, would you be willing to make the announcement, then?" she asks Martha since it technically had been her show.

With a happy nod of agreement to Vivian and Katya, Martha adjusts her posture in order to get ready to walk back to the Court area; "Oh, of course, Seneschal! I'll be only too happy to make an announcement!"

"Excellent, I'm glad it's settled. I think someone will be most pleased."
Though Vivian wondered how many did care. Money was money, not worth as much as a boon or pristine hunting rights. The Daeva had a feeling that if the stakes were set higher, there would have been more eager participants and further efforts would have been made.

With their conference complete, the trio made their way back to the Court...