Bull Rush sat in his car outside of the man's house. He was a bad man. Someone who didn't listen, or didn't care to listen. Regardless, here he was. Mister Marcus Lupzin, age 31, contractor, licensce suspened in 2004 for illegal dumping. Reinstated in 2005. And last month, he ran into a very angry Ithaeur. An encounter that he seemed to have misunderstood entirely.

Bull Rush had spotted him in a truck with the two workers speeding away from a storm drain, with a couple of empty paint cans by the road. The rivers had been polluted. This man would pay.

And so Bull Rush watched, as the man sat in his home, kissed his wife and daughter. They ate dinner together promptly at 6:30, and the little girl went to bed at 9. Then they stayed up and watched TV together. A normal, happy life. Except that he was killing the river, and damning himself.
Midnight. Bull Rush slinked out of the shadows in urhan form and padded over to the Lupzin household's spirit reflection. He shifted into Dalu form, and brought forth a can of gasoline, which he set alight in a wide bowl.

"Come spirits of flame, come spirits of fire, arrive, come." He intoned, over and over again, for many hours he called, until one came, from a long distance away.
"Come spirit of flame and fire; listen and I ask your aid. Set this house alight, burn it down, and I will gift you with essence."

"Why does the wolfling want this home destroyed?" The flames licked at the bowl of gasoline, absorbing the heat and potential from it.
"This home houses a man who does harm to the spirit world, and his punishment has been decreed to have his home burn down. If you do not want the essence, then I will call another."
"No" it commands. "Give me the essence, and the home will burn; and I will reap the essence from it."
"Half now, half after." He said.
The gaffling considered the offer, before accepting. Bull Rush gave over the essence and led the spirit across the gauntlet, and then directing it towards the house. He watched as the house seem to light up, first one room then another. He walked away, returning to the locus, waiting for the spirit of flame to return. It took some time. Eventually the spirit returned, fat from the fires it had started, and fed on the growth of those flames. Bull Rush bled and gave the essence from his crimson hand, before taking the spirit back across the side.
"Our deal is concluded." Bull rush said simply. The spirit merely left, returning back to the south, where it had come from.