Hey let's get rid of Harbaugh the last guy to take us to the playoffs. Hell, haven't reached the Big Game since the nineties. Garrick tips his beer towards one of the big screen TVs before polishing it off. Puking the stuff up later is going to suck but its the only way to have a beer. Placing a twenty then the empty bottle to hold it down to the table Garrick slides his chair back and stands. A hand reflexively makes sure that the sunglasses are still in place. Pulling on his coat Garrick makes his way past a table of rowdy college kids and steps into the night. Maybe the first half of the game had gone better but that was before sundown so who knows.

Later is three blocks down and Garrick barely makes it down the alleyway before holding himself against a dumpster to puke up the beer and blood. Always blood, they weren't joking when they said that shit is life. A shoe scoffing against the ground tells the Nosferatu that someone's coming into the alleyway too.

"Yo Blade ya you." Rising from his crouch Garrick wipes his mouth with the back of his left sleeve. "What kid."

"You always wear your stunner shades at night?"

"Just go home kid."

The kid steps close and into Garrick face. "Na I think I want those."

Stupid kids starting shit. Instead of responding Garrick grabs the kid's arm and leverages him into the dumpster. Face first. Not giving the kid a chance Garrick steps in and bites down onto the kids shoulder, holding the struggling drunk idiot as the Haunt has his own drink. Stilling as the monster inside tries to play; Garrick releases the kid and pushes him into the pool of beer and blood that was Garrick's relaxation for the night. Have fun figuring that out asshole, maybe someone will find you.

Adjusting his coat and wiping down his sleeve Garrick strolls out of the alleyway and continues down the road. Cause and effect maybe? Maybe, need to work on nest some more.