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VtR Questions and Scene Talk

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  1. #191
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    I want to inform you that I am at capacity for Storyteller scenes at the moment. I will update this thread when I have a free spot, and if you need a scene with an NPC, request it here.
    Mekhet Gather
    of car parks and grey hairs
    Glimpse Forten's Illusion Ch 3: Making some Call
    Office Recon
    Reserved for Forten's Illusion Cryptid resolution

  2. Likes Lionell, liked this post
  3. #192
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Hello everyone,
    I want to open a conversation on if everyone knows what to do for the Blood Hunt. The Prince has called a Blood Hunt and everyone should participate or expect IC consequences. You can check the IC information here
    Update with Prisoner Count from the Prince

    I advise you to talk to someone IC at Formal Court to partner up and then create a thread where your characters look for the criminals. Tag the category bloodhunt2

  4. #193
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    I'm posting to the Invictus meeting because I'm so excited about it. I'm on mobile, so I don't have access to my photo storage and will share certain details like her dress, later.

  5. Likes Orianna liked this post
  6. #194
    Orianna's Avatar

    I'll get the office scene with Jenn and Helen up today

  7. #195
    Lionell's Avatar

    Twist Scenes


    In regards to Fists and First Brushes, unless you wanted to extend past the normal 30 day limit, I don't believe we would have time for the actual combat/sparring match. I am fine with extending, if you want to, but I have an idea as to how we could do it in the current alloted time.

    My suggestion would be something similar to a foot chase encounter, an Extended Strength+Brawl between the two of them to see how each fares against the other. Set a number of rounds and just who rolls better in that round has the advantage. We can also reserve the right to purposefully decrease the number of successes in order to allow the other person to have the advantage that round?

    I also think, while doing this Raúl could be doing an Extended Wits+Composure or possibly better yet, Wits+Brawl in order to properly assess Jennifer's current fighting prowess. If we did this, would the Gangrel Weakness come into play or not? I would think not as it is a perception-based roll?

  8. #196
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    I agree that we can move forward with the idea and that the weakness won't apply.

  9. #197
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    In the future, the formal court doors will close seven days from when the thread opens and do not expect me to need to post so for the timeline to be respected.

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  11. #198
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Hello folks,

    In of allies, you can take my last post as an exit. My Internet is glitching and timer ran out before I edited in the exit part. Please post past Jennifer in the scene per the scene rules.
    I do want to mention that the posting rules should be looked at. I posted ahead as that was supposed to be my exit post.
    I found allies to be frustrating as a writer to be waiting five or four days for a post. If one cannot commit to a scene, one can reschedule a scene.

  12. #199
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    John Helen Kingsley Verity Carmen ReubanBrightwood Lionell Raul

    Hello, I have returned. Please make a thread tagging myself to inform me of how you are going to progress short & sweet Innocence Lost.
    When you make threads, please use as the category Innocence Lost so that it shows up in the plot thread.

  13. Likes Lionell, liked this post
  14. #200
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Chambers Scenes
     Out of path casting, 

    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Vigor
      Seasoning! (Pepper spray), Physical augmentation + Pepper Spray, Awe
     Blush, ExitScene
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Not falling for it


    I have updated the tag on over-under!

    In that scene we are just finalising the short list of out next steps, good progress is being made.

    I have also put up a research glimpse that I have tagged you in.
    Reuban Brigh

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