Twist drove aimlessly along the highway, her vehicle set on cruise control at 5 below the speed limit as her eyes scanned the road ahead. The windows were rolled down, touseling her hair free from it's confining bun. She knew it was a long shot, but she would rather not have to go into the city for this. Up ahead her headlights slowly illuminated a lone figure, walking. As she approached he turned briefly and in a gesture that almost looked like it was habit he lifted his hand out to the road, thumb up.

A smile flickered across Twist's face as she slowly stepped on the brake, letting her vehicle slide to the side off to the side of the road. In the time it took him to approach her passenger side she had activated the blush and a few touches of stage makeup and she was the image of a grieving girl on the edge of bursting into tears.

"Which way are you heading?"

Twist turned to see the hitchhiker, a young man, leaning into her passenger window, a backpack slung over one shoulder. She gave a small shrug and a wan smile, "Anywhere- I was just driving. Figured I could at least get a destination from you."

A quick once over and he tugged the door open and slid into the seat, dropping his bag at his feet. "I appreciate it. But I can't suggest you do this too often- not every hitchhiker is as good a person as me." He said with a genuine smile.

Twist nodded as she pulled back onto the highway. "I know. Single female and all that but the idea of a destination and company..." she trailed off, staring ahead at the road.

The young man was observant and he quickly caught on to her mood. "Everything ok?" He asked hesitantly, knowing it wasn't his place to pry but finding it hard to resist her downtrodden demeanor.

She nodded but it quickly became a shake of the head, "Yes- no...oh I don't know." She paused and took a deep breath, "The funeral of a family member was today and I didn't go because I was being imature. But now I feel bad for not being there so I am driving to try and think of a way to apease my guilt." She glanced at him, "Pathetic I know."

He shrugged, "Nah- I know what that is like. I lost my grandfather a few years back. Did the same thing. I can't change what I did, but I try and make up for it by going to visit as often as I can."

Twist was silent for a moment, giving a quick thanks to the goddess for her luck. "Does it help."


"Oh...maybe I should go."

"I don't know your situation but yeah- can't hurt."

"Hmmm..." a long pause, "maybe" hesitation, "maybe if you don't mind...would you be able to come with me?" The last words soft, almost a whisper.

The man glanced at her and for a second Twist thought she had moved to fast. But he glanced ahead with a small shrug, "I guess. I don't have anywhere else to be...although, if you wouldn't mind dropping me off someplace else other than a cemetary..."

Twist smiled to herself in silent victory, "Of course. It would be the least I could do for you being willing to go with me to a cemetary. I really appreciate it!"

"Sure, no problem," came the reply, traces of doubt just starting to creep in as the young man fully realized that instead of just finding a quick ride, he suddenly found himself the escort of a cemetary visiting female. But then again...she was hot, and he did have a shoulder that was more than willing to be cried on. Maybe his night wouldn't be so bad after all...