Regina notifies Mariel that she would like to speak with her, at her earliest convenience, at the Dhaka Hotel.

Mariel wondered what Regina wanted. She was pretty sure it sounded like something official, because why else would Regina set up a meeting instead of just talking on the phone?

In her new guise as political liaison of the Lancea Sanctum, Mariel dressed much more conservatively than she normally would. She had one business suit that had survived the fire at the All Hallows Church. It was a Coco Chanel that she had purchased in the early 60's, very stylish, in black with lovely velvet trimmed pockets and oversize silver filigree buttons. Undeath her suit coat was a simple black silk shell. She wore her hair up, and added an autumnally-shaded scarf by Hermes, and conservative black heels. She felt very happy to be taking care of Covenant business all by herself, with no meddling oversight from Bishop Black. FINALLY! Freedom!

Mariel arrives at the Hotel, and is escorted to one of the rooms that has a strange door, very different from the others. One of the assistants knocks and opens the door, and Mariel is treated to a rare sight, seeing Regina dancing about with her swords, stabbing at imaginary enemies, her hair never once leaving its bun, the twin rapiers whirling about her like a cyclone of death come to claim the ghosts she fights. The door closes behind her.

Mariel holds up her expensive handbag in front of her in case she needs to ward off any sudden blows. She clears her throat gently, so as not to startle Regina. Yowza! She really looks like she could fight. Very elegant, too! Maybe she'll be doing her sword dance for the next Elysium.

Regina does not seem to notice the presence of Mariel for just a moment, ending with both swords thrusting in opposite directions. "Sister Mariel, my congratulations on your elevation. You do your cousin and clan proud." Regina said, polite and warm; she sheathed her swords, and gestured to a small sitting table with some refreshments and chairs. "Thank you for coming." Regina was quite impressed, this woman seemed to know the basics of invictus manners, and the delight was clearly evident on her face.

You're welcome, replied Mariel, relaxing a little as the swords were put away. You're very graceful with the rapiers, are you going to perform at the Circle's Elysium?

Regina is taken aback. No one had called her work graceful. Inelegant, brutish, forceful. But not graceful. A high compliment indeed. A polite smile to the Sister, "No, I fear that my work there would not be truly capable of being called creative art, but perhaps in the future, I will consider it. Or, if you prefer a private demonstration sometime. I will be presenting a painting I have been working on for the past few months at the next Elysium. It is of the river flowing under one of the bridges of this city. Do you plan on presenting anything?"

I'd like to sing, but making a selection is giving me problems, confessed Mariel. I haven't composed anything myself, and I'm not sure the Circle considers artistic interpretation as worthy of inclusion. I should probably just contact their Heirophant and ask. She sighed. The next Elysium wasn't that far away.

But enough about me, she said, wondering if she actually had Circe's contact information. Why did you request a meeting? Can the Lancea et Sanctum be of service to you? Mariel rather hopes the answer is yes, because she can see how someone who can handle swords would be useful to the Sanctified. Turn-about's fair play, after all.

Regina nods. "The Hierophant was quite accomodating, she may indeed be able to help you." She muses for a moment, and then continues. "I am in need of spiritual counsel, speaking such that my words will be kept in confidence, and that I might learn how best to deal with some difficulties that have occured."

Mariel's eyebrows raise. Of course, Lady Pia Regina. I will hold your words to the sanctity of the confessional. She finds 2 chairs close together in the room. Shall we sit?

OMG, I hope I can do this.

"By all means." Regina sits herself daintily down on the chair. "I am troubled by the foul urges of Temptation and Lust. A vampire was creating trouble outside of the city, and I was dispatched to investigate and bring him to heel. However, he used his powers to entrance me, to twist my heart to love him. And then he broke that love when he attempted to stake me. It proved to be his undoing in the end, but it still twists my heart to think of him, and sometimes his face comes unbidden to my mind. The tide of emotions is unbecoming and unacceptable. I seek your counsel, sister."
Regina starts fairly composed and even, but her tone is broken half way through and she has to force herself to explain it all, occasionally stopping before continuing on.

Mariel touches Regina's hand sympathetically, thinking of her own dysfunctional human past. Did he make you drink his blood, or did he use his powers of persuasion? Either way, the thing to keep in mind is that what you felt for him at the time was false, caused by this man's treachery.

Mariel looked directly into Regina's eyes. It's only natural to want to be loved, and desired. Appreciated. But if this man tried to stake you, he did none of those things. You may want to meditate on that. She waited to see how Regina would respond, hoping that she hadn't made things worse.

Regina nods, and places her hand on Mariels. Mariel's concern is appreciated. "Thankfully, he did not blind me with his blood, only his disciplines. And while I know in my mind that he did not love me, still he comes unbidden to me. He seduced me, and I was unable to stop myself. I allowed myself to nearly be raped, and only the threat of impending violence to me saved me." Regina is now freely crying tears of blood, even as she speaks such terrible words.

Mariel has made so many bad choices, both in her life and her unlife. Too many to count. She understands Regina's pain. I'm so sorry, dear one, she said, taking both of Regina's hands. And I want you to know I understand perfectly what you are feeling, because...something similar happened to me while I was alive. But no one came to save me, she thought, blinking back her own tears.

This is a hard thing, but you need to focus on what good has come of this. First of all, you should thank God that you were saved from such a despicable man. You were spared final death, and God surely has a plan for you. Mariel smiled through the tears. And second, you are now aware that you have desires that you would like met. You can seek someone truly worthy of your love.

Mariel's words are so very comforting. How she missed a true confessional. And yet, this one seemed to have no difference... "Sister Mariel, your kindness is without equal, and your compassion gives me strength.". She wipes away the tears on her face, and then the ones on Mariel's. "Sister, will you lead me in a prayer to thank god?"

Of course, Mariel replied warmly, panicking inside. Her own prayers tended to be selfish, and bargaining. Ok...keep it simple. She thought back to her training at the convent school- Praise, Petition, Close.

Heavenly Father, she started, bowing her head and closing her eyes, We thank You for delivering Your servant Pia Regina from the evil one who would have claimed her unlife. Help her deal with the emotional pain this evil one left behind. Where she is weak, You are strong. We ask for Your gifts of strength and courage as she heals and makes her way back to the purposeful life You intend for her. We pray this with the conviction of Your child Longinus. Amen.

Mariel opened her eyes, and said a silent prayer of her own. Lord, please let this help Regina.

"Amen" Regina crosses herself. "Thank you sister Mariel. You are an exemplar of everything the Lancea et Sanctum should be." She gives a polite laugh, "And if any think differently, please, allow me to persuade them." She says, with a grin bordering on mischivieous. She is back to her old self for the most part.

Mariel was so relieved she almost felt light-headed. Thank You, Lord.

I'd love to see that! she grinned at the Invictus swordswoman.

End Scene