Green worked quickly and really wasn't satisfied with his handiwork. But the bark strips worked, torn as they were from hedge growths: long pithy strips of material, light and supple, durable enough to handle his crude pounding. He just hoped his text was legible.

Date Action Roll Result
2015-03-21 18:19:48 Green to make something quick rolls 5 to Intelligence + Crafts (10 Again) 7, 4, 1, 3, 10, 2 1 success

He left one in the main Hollow of the Onyx Court and a couple more in the more trustworthy and secure cottages that he knew of. The other bark letters he had written disintegrated in his pocket. He hoped it was enough.

My Queen.

Dragon moves. Cult robbing hollows in the hedge. Attacked Goblin Market. Have hob. Have to alert the Freehold as a whole but wanted to tell you first.

He knew the reigning Sovereign would be told soon, but he also had his duties to his Court. If Queen Byeli wished to move with the rest of the Hold, so be it. But she was Winter Queen and if she decided to move in secret, he had to allow for that option.

Hope this is the right spot. Given its firmly changeling related I shied away from putting it up in general messages. Hope that is OK Forn Clakes Jag