Kenneth went over the list again, trying to decide who to appoint as the Domain’s new Reeve. It was a difficult task. The office was primarily investigatory but there were aspects that required both social acumen and physical prowess. Though deputies could cover weaknesses if there was no perfect candidate. Which there wasn’t.

He’d written down the names of all the Kindred he could think of and put down several thoughts next to each. It was rather disjointed but he'd start to try to formailze it and then his mind would go off on another tangent of what he'd have to do as Seneschal. He needed to move into the office. Needed to get together with Clan heads. Needed to get updated on what was happening with the traitors and the Raging Wire. The troubling whispers he'd heard of Valkyrie. All while still piecing together how this would affect the Haunts.

He was getting off topic again. He scanned the sheet again, determined to make a top three choice at least.


Alice Hart – May do well with practical observation. Still growing into leadership ability. Caretaker responsibilities could suffer. Kind. Could to seen as Clan favoritism (Clan-wide). Create additional resentment against the Family if so.

Robert Cross – Already Sheriff. Willing to give up position? Am I willing to release him? Police contacts would be useful. Keep as reserve choice if others refuse.

Garrick Marlon – Willing to follow orders but lack of drive could place more responsibility on Seneschal office to direct investigations. Increased oversight and involvement. Loss of both Priscus and Whip at the same time.

Greenberg – Decent social and legal skills. Could help with Kine management. Lacks stated physical requirements. Selfless enough?

Tatiana – Too unknown


Ciara Maskelyne – Made Priscus by Prince and would have to give that up to become Reeve. Don’t countermand Clarke’s wishes.

Victoria Stamford – Older more experienced resident. Left before. Stable enough to be relied upon? Powerful Blood abilities. Enough to make up for unknown mundane abilities. Josephine’s status as a Ventrue could create feelings of insecurity by appointing another (Clan-wide). Chance to reprove her Clan could increase job performance.


Twist – Hound

Vivian York – Social but ran at the Summer Solstice. Long-time resident. Added stability.


Konrad Roth – Highly social. Recently shamed. Weakness of the Clan may hurt investigations (Clan-wide). Criminal contacts would help with Breaches. Would he resent being deprived of his Priscuship? Probably not.

Brittany Hastings – Idiot. Reckless. Deadly.

Alessandra Antinori – Mostly unknown. Think I heard her speaking of guns once at court.

Katya Harding – Recently shamed, though that is shared by me. Able to place aside faith for greater good. Still one of the Crone. Needs to improve decision making.

Luca Bonanno – Bigger idiot than Brittany. Might improve relations if appointed. Not worth the risk.


David Regan – Intelligent. Insightful questioner. Would he be proactive? Acted when shotguns were heard in court. Would likely leave David Silver as Clan Priscus.

David Silver – Devote Circle worshiper. Flawed logic. Brave at the Farm when Covenant was threatened. Would it apply to Domain at large?

He allowed himself a sigh. No perfect choices. He'd do the best he could though. That just left his choice of who to leave the Clan to. No perfect choices there either but at least the list would be shorter.