The plane ride had been uneventful, which for a Kindred was a very good thing. She had a lot on her mind as she made the journey across the pond, a lot of worries and unease. Would she be welcomed back into Sacramento? Would those she considered her friends, Martha and Dillon, welcome her back? The unlife she worked years building called to her, England was no longer home to her. She did her duty, luring the one who murdered her Sire back to Northumberland to face Invictus justice. And while she hated her Sire with a passion, she had a duty to the Invictus and to the Kindred that had raised her.

Sighing, her mind moves back to Sacramento, would she be able to call it home once again? She felt guilty over the way she left without saying a word to anyone, but she had her reasons. Would those closest to her accept her reasons? It was a question that played heavily on her mind. She was willing and ready to accept any repercussions from her decision. She just longed for the familiar feel of Sacramento, of nights at Avalon, Courts and evenings spent on patrol.