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  1. #1
    Samaritan's Avatar


    Presence: ●●● (Professional)

    Status (News Media): ●
    Status (Concealed Firearms License): ●●
    Status (P.I.): ●
    Status (Consilium): ●
    Status (Guardian of the Veil): ●

    Bishop had taken a few steps into a doorway, that shielded him from anyone watching from above. Of course, he was still visible from the buildings on the other side of the road, but he had no intention to completely be out of sight, since he was not entirely sure he would be found by the two others.

    So he leaned on a wall and fumbled with his mobile phone, while keeping an eye on the streets. He was not anticipating any dangers, but being found by a random police patrol with freshly purchased drugs was not his plan for a nice quiet evening, so it did not hurt to be careful.

    He closed his eyes and let go of a spell in the meantime.
    Bigpaw kimura
    Health: [][][][][][][] | Willpower: ●●●OO | Basic Mana: 6/11 |
    „Spoken.“ | Thought | Done
    War is worse than Hell - in Hell, there are no innocent bystanders...

  2. #2

    Continued from Here

    Thumping bass and muffled noises were all that spilled from the college bar that Bishop had just left behind. Stragglers to the night were rushing in, across the way, unaware or uncaring how late they were to the party. Neon lights advertising beers both good and bad, flashed in the windows.

    It might have been a funny little microcosm to watch. Sleepers all so enamored with things that were, in the end, lies.

    When Bishop opens his eyes again, and glances into his hand, he sees the tiny square dime-bag the dealer sold him. Within, there are a few tabs and at first blush, it looks like he was sold just LSD. It isn't. But, the tabs were blue, inviting, and stamped with a single, tiny star on each one of them. It all looked so innocent and innocuous that it may be hard to believe that this was the drug that was storming Sacramento by storm.

    So much so that a 'revision' of sorts was released and now sits in Bishop's hand.

    New ways to sell, take, without the cumbersome requirements needles and shooting up require.

    How convenient.

  3. #3
    Miach's Avatar



    His head was turning left and right as Miach walked in Sacramento's night. Was he looking for someone ? Watching out for threats to Kiko ? Enjoying the freedom of a sky over one's head ? Probably all of those mixed together, but who could tell ?

    After he had followed the directions provided by Bishop, the Acanthus slowed down, and started looking more closely. When he spotted the other Awakened, he went toward him, hunching by an inch perhaps on his way as he tried to be more inconspicuous.

    "So... we're here." he said, trying to look in-the-know, when he had only the faintest idea of what step 1 was.

  4. #4
    Samaritan's Avatar


    Presence: ●●● (Professional)

    Status (News Media): ●
    Status (Concealed Firearms License): ●●
    Status (P.I.): ●
    Status (Consilium): ●
    Status (Guardian of the Veil): ●

    "Glad you could make it." Bishop said, hushed and quietly.

    He took out the little bag with the pills and turned it in his hands, very slowly. When he looked up, his expression was a mixture between worry and curiosity.
    "One of my associates in the executive branch of the government tipped me off on some new kind of trip-blip. Normally I wouldn't even bother, I am not that kind of guy, neither asleep nor awake. Then he said, this stuff is nearly untraceable and seems to elude the usual routes of the mortal trades. What I want to know right now, is if there is anything that makes this stuff a matter of the world beyond." He pointed at Miach.
    "You mentioned certain talents involving medical and biological proficiency. So here is my offer. I will give you half of those..." he indicated to the pills in his palm, "...in order to cover medical and biological ends. I take it, your associate here..." Bishop nodded his head in deference to Kiko, "...may take a look, if this is in any way 'alive'. I can't cover those ends."
    Bishop took a break and looked around, making sure they were still in private.
    "I'll take the other half and see if any components on the material level strike a chord. After that, I would suggest, we reconvene at a place more private and exchange our findings. How does that sound so far?"
    Health: [][][][][][][] | Willpower: ●●●OO | Basic Mana: 6/11 |
    „Spoken.“ | Thought | Done
    War is worse than Hell - in Hell, there are no innocent bystanders...

  5. #5

    Arriving with Miach she seemed far more 'limber' now that she'd walked whatever had bothered her off. Maich's seemingly over protectiveness actually made the young woman faintly blush given his past few months and who knew exactly if this was indeed a way for him to heal?

    Heaven only knew it would seem..

    As they reached Bishop she was almost oddly intent on listening as Bishop spoke she nodded her head at his request "I'll see what I can find out but this would be something I've never tried my Gifts on before so.. I just hope I can help."

    She curiously looked at the container, and any visible pills, while something inside her screamed caution.

    It was moments like this she was happy she was who she was..

  6. #6
    Miach's Avatar



    An associate in the governement ? A cop ? Well... it hardly mattered to Miach, who had eyes only on the pills that Bishop was handing to him ! It was too good to be true ! The Acanthus took them, trying neither to shake nor snatch them.

    "I will take care of those issues, yes..." he said absent-mindedly. Already, he wanted to be alone with those pills to indeed take care of them...

    "Your plan sound very good..." did he whisper, licking his lips in anticipation.

    I just have to say I didn't find a thing, and it's all mine ! But then someone else would be left hanging, and then what... the tall doctor winced at the sour taste in his mouth.

  7. #7

    May I have a [Wits + Empathy] check from Bishop contested with Miach's [Manipulation+Subterfuge] please. If Bishop wins, he might sense Miach's strange jubilation. If Miach's win, he's just schooled enough to keep his glee to himself.

  8. #8
    Miach's Avatar



      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-04-12 16:48:55 Miach rolls 3 to Man 2 + Subt 1 (10 Again) 6, 8, 8 2 successes

  9. #9
    Samaritan's Avatar


    Presence: ●●● (Professional)

    Status (News Media): ●
    Status (Concealed Firearms License): ●●
    Status (P.I.): ●
    Status (Consilium): ●
    Status (Guardian of the Veil): ●

      2 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-04-13 04:17:55 Bishop rolls 3 to resist Manipulation attempt (Wits 3 + Empathy 1) (10 Again) 7, 3, 10, 8 2 successes
    2014-04-13 04:17:22 Bishop rolls 1 to resist Manipulation attempt (Wits 3 + Empathy 1) (10 Again) 4 failure
    Health: [][][][][][][] | Willpower: ●●●OO | Basic Mana: 6/11 |
    „Spoken.“ | Thought | Done
    War is worse than Hell - in Hell, there are no innocent bystanders...

  10. #10

    Miach concealed his glee just enough, slipping it passed the Guardian. Huddled beneath the overhang, they go unnoticed by the others in the area. College students were far more interested in the bar the trio of Magi have just left. Step one, find the tablets, was complete. The question now, however, was what to do with it once they had it? The question later, though was far more daunting: where did it all come from?

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