Pockmark Paul pulled the full file.

Misdemeanor, sealed. Public disturbance, disobeying an officer.
Federal database pings twice for prior associations with radical organizations.
But he was bailed out by Mommy and Daddy, and went straight-laced after College.

Lucky guy went from grunt detail at a non-profit all the way into the office of the Mayor of Sacramento, with a couple of helping hands along the way of course. Of course his college buddies went nowhere fast, meeting headfirst with the limitations of... common heritage.

Might make a man feel a little guilty, no?

"This is our guy Paul. You get a cookie,"
Dicky growls, pleased.

"And a new motherboard,"
Paul reminds him.

"Don't know what that means, I'm strapped for cash this month. But you know I'm good for it. Besides, I know that you got a handie from my girl Brianna. I practically should get the next like three things for free."

"OK, next month."

Dicky pulls out his phone and gives Cassie a call.

"Hey babe, I've been thinking. I know so few people in this town, maybe you could introduce me to some people you know..."


The young woman hangs on Dicky's arm as she introduces her fellow staffers. They lean casually against the bar, chatting and laughing about stressful lives at the office.

Dicky takes a look over to one outlier, 27 year old Bernie Zweiss. Bernie doesn't know it yet, but they're already the best of friends.