Arnold sat in his small Haven, working at a desk by the dim light of a single lamp. Papers and receipts were spread out on the desk and Arnold was entering numbers into a spreadsheet on the computer.

He probably could have Gary do this for him, this mundane numbers work, tapping away at a little machine. Arnold didn't mind mundane work, though. He was patient, and saw the necessity in such things.

Arnold finished entering figures into the program and looks over the results of his work. When he had been chased from Jackson he had been nearly penniless, and in the five years since then he had slowly been growing more sound in his financial status. The time since becoming manager of the Avalon represented a significant increase in his income, as well.

He smiles, sitting back in his chair that creaks dangerously under his weight. Slowly, ever so slowly, he was rebuilding the comfortable situation he had enjoyed in Mississippi.

Looking around Arnold muses that it may soon be time to find a new Haven.

Arnold Culler increases his Resources