The following is an excerpt from notes left for Slave McCann at the Chapterhouse by Supplicant Raluca...

..and so the Kindred is an imperfect mixing of mortal and immortal. In that vein, we must consider the quandary of the Beast. Is it the immortal self? Is it an entity unto itself?

First, the Beast is not a separation of our Natura into two entities. While the Beast is formed of the base emotions and instincts of mankind, it cannot be a split from our Natura as those same emotions exist with the Man. Secondly, It cannot be a shard of our spiritual Natura or a magnification of baser elements. The Beast is too personal. It has too much personality to be a shard. Do we not name our Beasts? When we describe them doe not their voices and appearances vary from Kindred to Kindred? When one enters the chrysalis, one faces the risk of the Beast seizing control of the Body and locking the Man away in his own flesh. No, it is clear that the Beast is an entity with desires of its own and a sense of self-preservation as strong as the Man.

This leads us to the next question. If the Beast is a separate entity that enters at the Embrace, is it the intruder upon the Man or is the Man the intruder up the Beast? Since the vast majority of human bodies stay in the ground upon death, we can safely say the Embrace is directly linked the introduction of new supernatural elements to the body. Why does the Beast enter the bodies of the Embraced? This is a complete mystery, but I shall share what theories I have learned. The Kindred condition is called a curse, and those Embraced are cursed with the Beast and Kindred Condition. However the Embrace does not follow what we understand of magic and arcane laws. The Embrace does not denote punishment of sin or a consequence of sin. A person who has lived a life in keeping with the Commandments and kept a pure heart maybe be embraced against their will as easily as the wicked sinner's willingly embracement. So while we call it a curse, it really is not. It is a state of existence that obeys specific laws as does the human state of existence. So is this new state demonic? The Beast as can only be described as such. This leaves us with two possible purposes as Dragons. The Man is the intruder upon the Kindred state and the purpose of the Dragon is to steal his Body back. Or the Beast is an intruder upon the Man and Dragon fortifies the Man and his body.

However let us circle back to the Kindred condition and the entrance of the supernatural into the body at Embrace. After the embrace our Natura is greater than it was before. Using the Eastern wisdoms as an example, the Plant Self becomes more detached from the Animal Self, the Body. The sensual no longer pulls as much on the Plant Self. Our connection to the unseen realms is increased as Anouskha describes. It is when we are more attuned that the Beast enters the body. As we can now see, the Beast is truly the intruder on the Man.

This then is the goal of the Ordo, the conquest of the Man over the Beast. But how is this achieved? In simplest terms, Dragons employ transformative meditation. We create foci called Chrysalises to meditate upon and journey inward to the Plant Self, or our Natura. In our center we enter the Soul of Clay and touch the divine perfection that we are meant to have and enact a piece of that perfection outward onto the imperfect mortal shell. Of course this raises the question, what change are we enacting? Is it Angelification or Angelmorphism?

I must pause and state that I am using Angelification and Angelmorphism out of their original context in regards to Christian visionary transformation. But this usage is in a manner applicable to what we strive to achieve as Dragons. There are some among us who use the moniker of 'Angels' or 'Angelics' to describe their pursuit of change. To them the path of a Dragon is to achieve a purification of the mortal and immortal, to reach a true transcendence over their current imperfect state. They do not seek to become 'angelic' in the common understanding, as that would be impossible.

Knowing what can be achieved with the Coils, I would submit that we undertake Angelfication rather than Angelmorphism. Angelification is the process by which one attempts to transform oneself into an angel, physically and spiritually. Through the Coils, the Kindred does just that. Coils of the Flesh allow one to grow hair and nails, altering the static nature of the Body, while Coils of the Beast and Banes allow one to alter the spiritual flaws within the Man. We seek to remove imperfections of the mortal and immortal self to achieve a state greater than either kine and kindred. A total transformation is sought.

Feel free to post McCann's thoughts and reactions here
