The currently blue eyes behind the masque seemed to smile with her lips. Very glad to have the opportunity to talk with the mystery guy again. “I do love coffee.” Which not many knew about her other than John, Perry and maybe Lou. Often the Dancer was seen with a bottle of water.

“Yes, the coffee shop there would work. I don’t think I’ve gone in there before that I recall.” Which was entirely true. Generally when L’aire went to the Four Seasons, she just bee-lined it inside.

Early afternoon, March 21st. The Winter repeated the time and date in her head several times so she wouldn’t forget. “And that date sounds reasonable, and the time.” Moving her hand gracefully up to the plume of her Masque, L’aire found a loose feather. Bringing it between the dancing pair, she added. “So I know who to look for.” Offering it to her dance partner. It would at least negate that awkwardness in trying to find each other.