It was simple plastic with a bit of metal. Yet to Caleb, it may as well have been a ferocious spirit of teeth.
They had a schedule. They had been told by their friends that the schdule was paramount to a long distance relationship. That they could count down the minutes and hours until they could talk to each other again. For Bull Rush it was hours, days of agony between her calls. He worked on other things to distract him, and that worked well enough. But now today was THE DAY. And it was THE TIME.
<<Two hours later>>
She was 2 hours late in calling him. Her phone was off. He knew it was off for all two hours, because he called every 5 minutes to see if she had turned it on. She had not. He had chewed through three pairs of socks and had nearly knocked another hole in the wall.
Perhaps he would
*RING RING* *RI--* Caleb dived over the couch and picked up the phone.
"CALEB!" She shouted joyfully into the phone. Normally, the painfully loud shout would have caused him to pull his head away from the phone. But it was his mate. She had called him, and t he first word out of her mouth had been his name. The phone may as well have grown out of his head it was so close to his ear. He couldn't help but smile.
"Francy! What is it? What's up?"
"Caleb" there it was, his name again. How could she make him feel so good about himself just by saying his name? "you'll never beleive what we found. Its a piece of obsidian, that fits the right dimensions for a blade from a maquahuitl almost perfectly!"
"But that would mean that they had some contact with the aztecs. But thats...WOW! You found that? That's my girl! Great Job!" The smile on his face is huge, his fiance has just struck paydirt. "Does it look like trade or war?"
"Well, we didn't find it embedded in anyone's skull." He could hear her laugh on the other side. God that laugh. He would kill people for that laugh.
Yes you would.
The part of him that was always aware of the wolf never did say anything nice.
"No, we found it in a grave, near some jewelry. So probably just trading. But still, to see that traded out so far..."
"Thats great news Francy! So that means you can come home soon right?"
"Yes yes. But right now we are all going out to celebrate. Oops, there's my date for the night. You remember john right? Well, i got to go. Love you honey."*click*
Caleb continues staring straight ahead. Her Date for the night. Date. Date. Date Date DATE.
He inhaled, shifting into Urshul unconciously, ready to shout out the great howl of anger and RAGE at the betrayal of his mate. He would rend her assunder for her treachery, he would shatter her bones and consume the dust he would, he would...
Yes you would.
And then he caught himself.
"She loves you. She cares about you. You trust her, its why you let her go. She's not going to do anything." "She's going to get drunk and sleep with him." "She doesn't drink that much, and john is ugly. But she just had a major find. She gets sleepy when she's drunk, not horny but that doesn't mean he can't take advantage of her but he's afraid of you sothatdoesn'tmeananythingheisfarawayandican't gethimtherebutshelovesyou. She loves you." His lungs are screaming, begging to let the air out. Bull Rush slowly breathes out, shifting back into Hishu form. He lay on the floor, repeating the mantra over and over in his mind, lest any other thought shatter what little hope he had "She loves you. She loves you." He murmred to himself, until sleep took him.