Terri's head lulled for about the 50th time that day as Ray's voice droned on and on and on, his monotonous verbal diarhorrae never fuckin' ending.

Who give's a shit about this guy's old war days? Heck, he want's war stories, he should listen to some of mine.

Instead, she said nothing as the thick set mortal talked about this and that, going off on tangents that had alreadys added 45 minutes to this basic CPR and first aid course. It was handy to have, especially in her line of work; you just never know when a client may over exert themselves and suffer some catastrophic heart attack. That shit just is not funny.

After a further 30 minutes, they actually started on the dummy, practicing the A, B and C's of first aid. Airway, Breathing and Circulation. Well, she was doing that now as this complete prick kept going on and on about nonsense that stun her delicate ears, focusing on learning and not shoving the dummy up his ass.

And his breath smells of stale coffee.

Terri smirks as she passes the end of day test, glad to have another string to her bow. Face your fears, Terri-girl, an ye shall be rewarded.