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At the Queen's Request

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  1. #1

    Terri Nutkins Forn Clakes

    Serreth walked towards the door of Treetop Fashions. It was quite late in the day, just before closing. Serreth hadn't wanted to intrude on any business Terri might have with her customers.

    He carried himself with implacable deliberation through the door. He stood aside to let a customer out.

    Making sure there was no one else in the shop, he addressed Terri. "Good evening, Dread Lady. Apologies for my late arrival, I didn't wish to impose on your trade." He smiled, his expression warm. As usual, he bowed slightly.

    He paused to let Terri reply.

    "How might I be of assistance?"

  2. #2
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    "Goodbye, Anna," Terri smiled to the departing customer, her blue eyes passing smoothly to Serreth as he entered."Evening, Serreth, thanks for coming. Would you mind turning the lock in the door as well as the open sign, please? Many thanks."

    Picking up some brochures that had been on display in the store's foyer, Terri began to walk towards the spiral staircase. "Come on up, we can talk more comfortably upstairs. Would you like a soda?" she asked as her heels tapped on each wooden step as they ascended the faux-oak tree.
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  3. #3

    Serreth clicks the key around and flips the sign. "Thank you but I don't really drink soda." Serreth said as he followed Terri upstairs.

  4. #4
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    "Really? Nothing? I've got water or some coffee. Its nothing fancy, just something for the customers," Terri said as they reached the first floor where the boutique's main displays were laid out. Heading straight for the back of the store, walking down the centre of the displays, Terri indicated the couch that was near to the fitting rooms, mainly used by badgered boyfriends and husbands waiting for their generally better halves. With a quick skip, Terri popped into the tiny kitchen to grab herself a Diet Coke from the fridge before returning. "Please, feel free to have a seat," she offered before perching onto a nearby wooden counter, her feet dangling from the ground. "I just wanted a little chat, Serreth, to see how you've settled into the Freehold. Any concerns or queries you have for me?" the Steepscrambler asked, opening her can of soda.
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  5. #5

    "I wouldn't decline a coffee if you're offering, thank you." Serreth smiled.

    Serreth sat down very carefully. His manners, as usual, polite and warm.

    "Thank you for the sentiment, Ms. Nutkins." Serreth inclined a respectful nod. "I think things are going quite well." He paused briefly. "There was something I was hoping to speak to you about soon but it's not urgent. If there's something I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask."

  6. #6
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    With a smile and a nod, Terri hopped down gracefully from the counter, her tail acting like its natural balance aid. "Oh, what was it you wanted to talk about?" she asked from the kitchen whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. It took a few minutes to make the coffee but when she came back through, Terri handed the steaming mug to the Elemental before retaking her seat on the counter.

    "Well, I was hoping to talk to you about the Autumn Court and your place within it," Terri said with a smile. "Do you see yourself developing your connection to the Leaden Mirror in the near future, Serreth?"
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  7. #7

    "It was actually an idea for a business proposition." Serreth took the coffee remarkably carefully for someone so large. "Thank you," he said taking a sip.

    "I'm looking for work to bring in a little money and I had the idea of starting up something along my lines of interest. A bookshop or something similar perhaps. Unfortunately I lack the capital to start up such a venture nor do I posses the necessary paperwork to secure it through mortal means. I was in fact wondering, since you seem to run a successful business yourself, if you would be willing to sponsor such a venture in return for a share of the profits?"

    Serreth expression became thoughtful, "I realise this is a lot to ask, there will be no hard feelings if you feel it best not to sponsor me. After all, I am still relatively new to Sacramento."

    He shifted his weight slightly, trying not to squash the couch. "In answer to your own question; yes. I have always held the opinion that we fear what we do not understand. Thus to seek understanding is to conquer fear and indeed I have already felt my connection to Autumn strengthen slightly in the brief time I've been here."

    Serreth put two and two together. "Why? Did you have something in mind?"

  8. #8
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    "Oh! That sounds very interesting indeed, actually. We could definitely do with a bookshop within the Freehold. Was it going to specialise in anything in particular or a general selection of books?"

    Terri wasn't a big reader, truth be told, but she could appreciate that there were others of such ilk and where there was demand, supply was needed.

    Listening to what he had to say about his connection to the Court, Terri nodded but interjected with her own thoughts as he concluded. "I agree, but never forget that our fears should never be forgotten. They must be used to spur us on to greater heights of understanding. A heart with no fear is a heart without hope."

    She smiled, warmly after taking a sip of soda. "Yes, I do infact. The Leaden Mirror is without a Lord Scrivener. I was hoping that you would fill that role here in Sacramento."
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  9. #9

    "Well as a business it would have to turn a profit so I suspect a reasonable stock of general items would be necessary but possibly with a specialist leaning in more academic and/or philosophical directions." Serreth mused, briefly pondering the ratio of useful books to general pulp that would be required before returning to the conversation at hand.

    "Oh I quite agree, understanding is not simply grasping the concept, but cataloguing and recording so that - as you say - the knowledge is never lost. Indeed, it should be shared with others as well." He smiled, quite enjoying the slight dip into philosophy the conversation had taken. "There is always hope. Even those without fear can at least hope to help others overcome their own, serving a greater good."

    He paused, composing himself. "Forgive me, I realise this is not primarily a philosophy debate."

    As Terri offered him the position of Lord Scrivener, Serreth stopped, almost completely for a moment. He took a long sip of coffee and placed the empty mug carefully on the floor as he weighed up the offer. "Dread Lady, you do me immeasurable honour with your offer. I fear my current collection of writings - a mix of things fae and spiritual - would barely suffice for an archive fit for the Leaden Mirror. If, however, you truly feel I am the best candidate, I would consider it an immense privilege to serve and expand on my collection for the benefit of the freehold."

  10. #10
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    Terri held up a hand towards Serreth, smiling as she did so. "Woah there, cowboy. The role of Lord or Lady Scrivener can only be entitled to someone who has come to understand the Leaden Mirror beyond its basic ideals. You're almost there, granted, but not quite yet. What I'm offering is the chance to act in this position if you are willing to become a stronger presence within the Autumn Court."
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

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