Jennifer entered Avalon; pausing in the hall that led to the Harpy - Regent's office. After a brief smoothing of her skirt, using the moment to compose herself. The Nosferatu resumed her walk to the Regent's office. "Regent - Harpy Donovan;" Jennifer bowed low. "I wondered if I could speak to you a moment?"

Ariana looked up from her desk and arose in a simple black suit skirt with an antique crown pin on the lapel. "Good evening Miss Hazelton. Please come in." She motioned Jennifer into her office and toward a chair. "Sit if you wish, and please you only need to address me as Harpy Donovan at the moment." She said smiling to the Haunt. Sitting down herself, she continued. "How may I assist you?"

"Thank you, Harpy Donovan." Jennifer smiled in gratitude; taking the proffered seat. "I was wondering if I could make an appointment with you to discuss an aspect that is troubling to me. I have officially entreated for a place in the First Estate; and appreciate its' consideration. Yet I would like to know more of what the First Estate strives for here; so that I could better prioritize my time. I also am curious if there is anyone who might consider meeting with me regarding the etiquette one expects of a new member of the First Estate."

Nodding her head, Ariana replied. "Well, we could talk about it now." She smiled. "The First Estate strives for excellence, influence and with that power can come into the mix as well." Gesturing her finger up in the air for a moment. "Those items are very broad as well. For someone as technology savvy as you have mentioned, I think it is very useful."

She crossed her legs to the side and sat up to the desk. "On the question of etiquette and the First Estate, I would be more than happy to assist you Miss Hazelton. What questions do you have?"

"Thank you," Jen bobbed her head. "I do wish to speak on this further. I thought that I had put it out of my mind... but.." Jennifer shook her head.
"I apologize; Harpy Donovan. My coterie mate and I just had a falling out with Miss Zhong and we are troubled at the implications that arose during it. I know that Mr. Reyes wishes to seek your counsel on it. Would you mind if he joined us?

Shaking her head, Ariana glanced into the hallway then looked to Jennifer. "No of course, I would glad to help. Is Mr. Rodriguez within the building?" Although the Harpy had still not officially met this person.

Ricardo knocks politely at the door. "Madam Donovan, may I join you and Jennifer?" He asks politely. The Hispanic waits for her to acknowledge him before he steps over the threshold.

"I appreciate that." Jennifer replied as Ricardo arrived. She gave her coterie mate a nod of welcome.

"Is everything alright?" Ariana asked with a concerned look. "Unfortunately I have never met Miss Zhong. Although Mr. Greyson informed me of her presence at our last Court."

Ricardo sighed. "Miss Zhong is a follower of the Crone. We split company after she started ranting about divine inspiration." He felt bad for not telling the Harpy about Nao's Covenant. He wasn't ready to tell her the entire story just yet.

" counsel on a comment. We are new to the domain and don't know how to best address this. It may have just been a comment made in the heat of the moment or a genuine expression. Yet ..the words..." She grimaces. "I shall not repeat them."
She plucked a note pad from her purse, writing a few quotes.

She places the note pad on the Harpy's desk, her head lowered.

Ariana's eyes widened as she read what Jennifer wrote. "This is disturbing. Part of your acknowledgement and privilege to live in this Domain is to serve our Alder Prince." Leaning in a little she said to Jennifer. "There is no need to do such a thing." Referring to her lowered head. "You are not the guilty party."
Rising back up herself she looked at Ricardo. "What context was this in regards to? I am unsure what large changes were needed to be made to serve in our Domain?"

Ricardo clenches his teeth. He hadn't noticed Jen talking notes. "Madam Donovan, we were arguing because she saw some issues between following both her Gods' supposed will and our Prince's rules." His lack of belief in her faith and reverence for the Prince's laws were both obvious. "Things got heated and she said that." The embarrassment was obvious on Ricardo face. If he was using the Blush, he would be blushing. "I wish it had not come to this." He wrings his hands and nervously waits for her reply.

Jennifer raises her eyes momentarily to the Harpy; nodding slightly to indicate that she understood and acknowledged the Harpy's words. As she listened to Ricardo; she nodded as he finished the explanation. His anguish mirrored her own at this disturbing turn of events.

Ariana was beyond displeased, but did not show it as she shifted positions in her chair. Yet this was not the Haunt or Lord's fault. "This is very grave indeed." Yet she also realized something just as important. "Yet because you both came forward with this information, shows how loyal you are to Alder Prince Clarke and his Domain."
Looking to both Jennifer and Ricardo. "However, I will need to report this to the Reeve. Disloyalty is not something to be taken lightly." She tilted her head slightly. "I know that you felt that it was important enough to bring to my attention, but what are your thoughts on the situation? Do you think she is volatile or something else?"

Ricardo nodded his head at the comment about their loyalty. It was easy so be loyal, as the Prince shared his Clan and choice of Covenant. He wasn't about to say that, but it was defiantly on his mind. "I don't see Nao as a physical danger to anyone. However, her use of blood magic is troubling. I twice witnessed her predict the final deaths of Kindred." The Hispanic Lord cringed at the thought of one or more blood magic users plotting against the Prince. "Please pardon my ignorance and inquisitiveness, Regent Donovan, but is the leader of the Circle really an Ancient?" If Nao was right about his age, and presumably his power, they could be in real trouble. Who knew what a blood sorcery that old and strong could do?

"She did mention hiding behind the Woven Circle; a pan-religious movement dedicated to the Crone, led by the Ancient Silver. Jennifer mentioned quietly; her nature reserved at the grave subject being discussed.

"I am unsure about Heirophant Silver's age. Although not many of us are willing to admit such a thing to many." Ariana shook her head slightly. "I wonder if Deputy Greyson would know. I myself have been trying to understand a few things about the Acolytes."

"I would rather not discriminate against a Covenant, however, I would hope that this is not a plan of theirs." The Lordess was still rather unnerved that this was happening as she sent a quick text message to Conner.

For a moment the corner of the office seems to wave, one minute empty, the next, Conner Greyson stands before the Group. "Deputy Greyson has been made aware, And he will inform Priscus Greyson..." Conner says as he seems to appear out of nowhere. Conner slides his phone out of his pocket, "I received your text message."

The Deputy's instantaneous arrival was jarring to Ricardo, especially because they had just been talking about the possibility that he would ash all of Los Tigres. He tried to pass it off as surprise and laughed nervously. "Deputy Greyson, it is good to see you." True, because he was even more dangerous when one couldn't see him. "Has Harpy Donovan filled you in on the situation?" The question contained an offer to explain, but without assuming any ignorance on the Deputy's part.

"As I have been here the entire time, Yes I have heard everything." Conner says leaning against the wall. "I will handle the Miss Zhong issue. You were right to separate yourselves from her." Conner says with a cold tone.

"Ah..." Jennifer fumbled for an appropriate response, forcing herself not to focus on just how terrifying the Deputy could be. She considered mentioning that they really didn't want any harm to come to their former coterie mate; but she discarded that immediately. The wishes of a neonate with no history of sound judgement to her name when weighed with the security of the domain would be moot; she was certain.
"In hindsight; we didn't know her as well as we thought. I do apologize for not seeing this potential sooner. " Jennifer squeaked; hating the tone of her voice immediately.

"It is understandable Miss Hazelton and Mr. Rodriguez, that sometimes we make mistakes along the way. Yet we can always learn from trial and error in our Requiem." Ariana spoke to both the Lord and Haunt. "This matter will be addressed with our officials now."
Sitting up in her desk, she glanced at Conner and nodded. "Yet sometimes, there are silver linings." The Lordess clasped her hands on her desk. "Your Loyalty to the Domain speaks highly of you after bringing this matter to immediate attention. Therefore, in light of the announcement of the First Estate meeting, at this time we would like to offer an official Sponsorship to both of you. There will be but one condition to our offer." She looked at them both with a soft smile.

Ricardo inclined his head respectfully. This turn of events was quite pleasing to the Hispanic Lord. He had been waiting for this moment for a while. However, he never did like accepting deals, even those framed as generous offers, without asking the price first. "Thank you very much Harpy Donovan and Soldier Greyson. I appreciate you offer very much. However, may I ask the condition?" If he was still mortal, he wold have swallowed at that point. Ricardo didn't like looking gift horses in the mouth, but there was no way around it this time.

Jennifer listened to the Harpy with her full attention. At the mention of sponsorship; surprise flashed briefly on her countenance before she tried to smooth it away. She listened to her coterie mate and nodded her acquiesce to his question. Ariana smiled at Ricardo and answered his question.

"Most often, when a Sponsor is attained for membership, a Major Boon is asked of the person seeking such membership. Mr. Greyson and I both went through this to attain our own membership in the First Estate as well."

"For such a gracious offer that will affect our Danse so positively; I would imagine such a boon would be a pleasure to complete."

"Of course, Madam Donovan."Well, it was a favor to be decided later, but at least it was within an acceptable range.

Jennifer was privately thrilled; if confused. She and Ricardo had feared sharing their association with Nao would have harpooned their application to the First Estate. She gave Ricardo a quick; searching glance. A boon - even a major one - could easily be fulfilled with their dedication.

"There is one other condition." Conner states holding a hand up, "So you both may want to think before you answer." Conner looks to Ariana and then back to the two Neonates. "Both of you have shown a good deal of potential and skill. For that reason we require that you take a oath of loyalty to Madam Donovan and Myself. Miss Hazelton, you will be Madam Donovan's Protégé. And Mister Rodriguez, you will be mine. You will serve us with loyalty and distinction. And in return we will provide you with training and education in the ways of the First Estate."

The Mexican smiled. "Thank you for this opportunity, Deputy Greyson. I will swear the appropriate oaths." He was expecting the oaths sooner or later, but he did not expect them to come with the offer of a mentor. This was indeed a pleasant development. Hopefully, Jen would pick up on his enthusiasm.

Jennifer examined the Regent's words for a moment, silent and apparently deep in thought. She had known from speaking to her Grand Sire that new applicants would be needing to prove themselves. The Major boon had been a brief surprise; but now some of what her Grand Sire had spoken of made more sense. The Oath of loyalty was what Jennifer weighed. She had transcribed her Grand Sire's journals and had learned some of the Oaths were very... binding. A great deal of potential and skill? Jennifer tilted her head; deciding that she had thought everything through. She knew that she wanted to be a member of the First Estate. Hadn't she and Ricardo planned so often for it? The surprising news of an extension of 'protégé' was a compliment to the both of them.

"I understand the desire for an Oath of Loyalty and would be proud to undergo such. The offer of learning from you is a true privilege."

Having waited for both Jennifer and Ricardo to decide, she was surprised it was so soon. However, enlightened that they quickly understood when opportunities knocked that you should open the door. She smiled to the both of them and nodded briefly again to Conner, "We are glad you agree to such terms." She leaned back a little with her hands on her lap. "Miss Hazelton, you had mentioned some further etiquette in regards to the First Estate. I will be happy to sit down with you and Mr. Rodriguez prior to the meeting, if you so wish."

At first, Ricardo didn't want to join them for 'etiquette lessons.' However, he realized that he didn't know how the First Estate worked here and would rather talk to his coterie mate's mentor than make a mistake. Furthermore, she didn't seem to be asking for anything else and he already owned them a boon. "Yes, Harpy Donovan, I would be happy to sit down with you." He replied sincerely.

"I would appreciate that; Madame Harpy. I would wish to comport myself with all due respect to my elders." She paused; glancing to Ricardo. "If its not to forward; may I inquire what might occur during the meeting?"

"The meetings of the Invictus are formal affaires and you are expected to act as such."

"At this time, I am unaware of what The Good Judex Twist has on the agenda. However, as Deputy Greyson mentioned, it is a formal affair." Ariana was unsure as to comment on the issues of the last meeting so she refrained unless Conner mentioned something. "The Good Judex will ask you as to why you are petitioning to join. It is best to have that in mind before the meeting."She smiled kindly.

"Others at the meeting will also be given the option to ask you questions." Conner says remembering all to well Ariana and Conner's induction. "Once that is complete, and you have been approved, you will take a blood oath to the Invictus. This is not something to be trifled with, and not easily broken." Conner says, avoiding thoughts of previous oaths and there breakers. "The oath you will take with us is only superseded by two things, The Oath you took to the domain at the night of your Acknowledgement, and the Oath you will take to the First Estate." Conner's voice holds no sway, there is no question of his seriousness. "Is that understood?" Conner asked.

Jennifer nodded as she listened; already formulating an answer that would satisfy and hopefully impress the Judex. She was briefly concerned at the thought of others questioning them. She was unsure if Madame Brown had detected Jennifer's displeasure at how Madame Brown wanted to run the Brides investigation. It would do no good to fret, Jennifer reminded herself. She would be honest and forthright; and her elders would determine her worth. "That is understood; Deputy Greyson."Jennifer replied somberly.

Formal was fine by Ricardo, he could dress up and play the part. However, being grilled by other members of the Invictus was quite another. The Lord would have to put together a good speech/reason and be ready to defend it. "I understand the weight and value of an Oath." He knew that betrayal would be tantamount to suicide. However, swearing to follow one's Prince, Covenant and Mentor seemed reasonable to him.

Ariana smiled to both of them. "Excellent. I am glad we are all in agreement. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any further questions." Turning to Conner she asked. "In regards to the other matter with Nao Zhong, Deputy Greyson will you be addressing that with Reeve Heinz?"

"Indeed" Conner says with a nod of his head

"I cannot think of any, Harpy Donovan." Ricardo cringes a little when Conner replies that he will be 'addressing' Nao. It wasn't idea, but she didn't really give them much of a choice.

“No, you have provided us with everything we need to comport ourselves well during the meeting. Thank you for your time; Harpy Donovan; Deputy Greyson." Jennifer resists the urge to look to Ricardo; not willing to show her youthful regret over Nao's choices in front of their new mentors.

"Expect to meet with us after the Invictus Meeting." Conner states, "Also, it may be wise to bring gifts. It is a tradition." Conner wishes that his sponsor would have told him that bit...

"Yes that would be a wonderful idea." Wishing Victoria would have mentioned that to her. "It does not always have to be elaborate, but a little thought or something unique is appreciated as well. Like flowers." Ariana winked at Jennifer.

Meeting with the sponsors after the meeting was not a surprise. Flashes of removed hearts and severed heads appeared in Ricardo's mind. Hopefully things were different here and the elders didn't want sacrificial victims. "What other kinds of gifts would be appropriate, Soldier Greyson?"

Conner looked to Ariana, letting her take the lead on the gift ideas...

"Gifts,” Jennifer echoes, privately worrying about how best to impress with the gifts. Oh, flowers. Jennifer brightened at the Harpy Donovan's suggestion. "Fantastic. I hope to learn more of botany."

"As often we enjoy keeping traditions of letter writing and formalities, perhaps stationary would be appropriate. There are many ideas. I have always found that things that are subtle to mortals, but a reminder to ourselves are usually a wise gesture." Ariana gently tapped the watch on her wrist.

A wave of relief passed over Ricardo. "Thank you very much, Harpy Donovan." He took note of the watch, but was currently thinking more about stationary.

"You are more than welcome. I hope that in lieu of other events recently this will perhaps brighten your spirits." Ariana nodded slightly. "I am sure it was a hard decision to make, but I believe you both made the right one."

"I appreciate your counsel." Jennifer confided. "This evening has been difficult and I hope that it will not bring any more complications to any citizen. I have not seen any hint that the Woven Circle was a threat before tonight and trust it was an over exaggeration." She may be ignorant about the culture of the Crone; but doubted subverting his Majesty's rule would be the first tenant they would share with a newcomer.

Ricardo doesn't say or do anything when she mentions the Circle. It was already out of their hands.
Conner has nothing else to say, his face is a blank slate.

"Miss Hazelton and Mr. Rodriguez, I do hope the rest of the evening finds you well." Ariana smiled.

"Thank you again Harpy Donovan and Deputy Greyson. I wish you both pleasant evenings as well." That seemed like a goodbye and he got ready to depart.

"Thank you, Harpy Donovan, Deputy Greyson. I hope you are well until we meet again." Jennifer also rose; following her coterie mate.