Konstantin decides to drop by Arnold's office at the Avalon, just to check in. He is dressed in his new default look - leather jacket, jeans, hiking boots, leather gloves. He knocks at the office door.

The door opens a bit, Arnold looks out "Konstantin?" He opens the door the rest of the way "Come in."

Konstantin enters. "Good evening, Arnold. I thought I would check in, let you know what I am doing, see if there is any news. If you are not busy, that is."

"No, now's a good time. I've actually been wanting to talk to you." Arnold walks around and seats himself behind the desk "But first, how are you?"

"Good, thank you." Konstantin sits down. "Have found place, unused auto garage. Not much, but enough for me. Has fence, has ground to sleep in. Is good. And how are you?"

"I'm fine. I've been making preparations before involving myself in some of my more important investigations."

Konstantin perks up. "Something I can help with?"

"I don't think so, not at this time. I'm going to ask Alder Lady Naetesh if she would show me the basics of Auspex. The heightened senses would aid me in my search for clues, I feel."

"Auspex... as the Shadows do? Yes, I have thought it would be good to learn that as well. Already my senses are good, but with that... I could track almost anything, anywhere." He thinks for a moment. "I have been teaching Twist some things, have thought she might know someone to teach that. But Ishani... good choice."

"Yes, I thought so too. I will be asking her about that soon." He's quiet for a moment and then he asks "I wanted to ask you. What do you already know of The First Estate? Our ways and customs? Our history?"

"Not as much as I need to know. As I have said, in my land, and in much of Europe, the Invictus is covenant of nobles and generals and the wealthy. It has long history... back to Rome, some say, but I do not know of that."

"I have never been wealthy, or a noble, or general. So, this is all new to me."

"That is what the histories say. The First Estate is the oldest of the Covenants. That alone should prove our right to dominance. As you may know, Invictus translates as unconquerable - That is the First Estate, unconquerable even after all these years."

"Something that has helped the First Estate remain as such are long held customs and traditions of honor and respect. For one's contemporaries, elders, and betters."

"What do I most need to know?" Konstantin asks. "I am working on trying to remember the titles, but it sounds like you are talking about things more than fancy titles."

Arnold pulls a stack of papers, bound together by a paperclip, from his desk drawer. "Titles are a large part of being an Invictus. They are the first thing one Kindred receives when meeting another. It is important to know the Titles of other members of the Invictus because by knowing that you know how much honor you are expected to give them." He slides the papers to Konstantin "I've just recently written this out for you. It is a list of the more common titles, and their meaning, as well as a few notes on the manners with which they are given. Study it as much as you need to. Memorize it. Then destroy it."

Konstantin takes the thick stack of papers. Inwardly, he groans, as reading is still a task for him, but he knows this is important, and that the practice reading will serve him well. "I will study and learn it," he says. "It may take time, but I will spend time needed."

"In the Invictus you must give respect to get respect. Without that we're just predators bickering over territory. It will pay off, though. Being First Estate means that you have powerful friends, whose friends are yet even more powerful. I believe you will find wealth and holdings will come a bit easier if you study those words and hold to practices of respect and deference."

"The Reeve and Deputy positions are especially vital to the Invictus. Order must be kept, and the Traditions upheld. That is the way of the First Estate. At least." Arnold smirks "That is what I believe."

Konstantin nods, solemnly. "Respect and honor, I understand. I was soldier before I was vampir. I am still learning Invictus way to show such things, but I will learn, and I will uphold the Traditions, the laws of the Prince."

"Good." Arnold nods. "That's all I really wanted to say, for tonight at least. Did you have any questions?"

Konstantin thinks for long moments before shaking his head. "Questions, none. Still I am amazed at my fortune, at generosity and kindness shown by so many. Twist, the Prince... did you know, the Prince helped me pick out clothing. The clothes I wore to the meeting... that he picked out!" He shakes his head, smiling. "Never did I think I would say, but this is better even than old days, in Russia."

Arnold smiles "Prince Clarke is unlike many Princes I've met in my Requiem, as I'm sure the case goes for you. I'm glad things are going well for you. We've got to keep that good streak going."

"Yes, I want that." He thinks for a moment. "I mentioned I am teaching Twist things. I owed her favors, she has helped me understand much. She wished to learn some of the Savage way, to make her Beast appear as strong as any. I was able to teach her this." He chuckles. "She says I am good teacher, but I think she is just smart, yes?"

"I think so, myself. Graceful and beautiful, as well. Your lesson went well, then? That is good. That is something we Invictus do. We help each other. One hand washes the other, if you understand what I mean."

"I have been washing more lately than I am used to. In water and with helping." He chuckles, and something occurs to him. "As I am Priscus of Savages, I will hold meeting soon. Get to know those in the clan. If there are some who are strong, they will be good to call on when needed... and if there are any that are weak, I will make them strong. I wondered though... the Gangrel way to choose leaders is by combat. This is okay with Prince and Invictus rules, yes?"

"In my opinion, it would be fine. Voluntary combat isn't disallowed in the Prince's laws, and dueling is common in the Invictus. Try not to kill each other, as a rule, but even then. Savages are Savages, are they not? If you truly fear retribution you should ask the Prince yourself."

"I do not fear retribution, but I do want to follow the Prince's law. If I am to uphold law, I must follow it, as example. So, I will write letter to the Prince... formal request, yes?"

"That would be fine."

He nods. "If I could ask favor... when I have written letter, could you look it over, make sure I say what I am trying to say, and use titles in right way?"

"That is my duty as your sponsor. Anytime you are unsure of yourself, feel free to ask me."

Konstantin nods, smiling. "I will try to do that less, be more sure. Am learning. Oh! I almost forgot. I am planning to get dogs... big dogs! Am learning from my blood to speak to animals, will make dogs of my blood. Will be good to use against enemies."

"Now that I have place, I can keep dogs."
He shrugs. "Would rather have bear, but bears hard to find here, and draw too much attention. And bears eat too much."

Arnold just laughs some, then nods - smiling "That sounds like a good plan, my friend. Let me know how that works. Perhaps when I see your dogs I'll want some of my own."

"If comes to that, I can teach you that part of the Savage way. Another Savage, another Russian, very, very old, strong blood... he told me once 'All vampir have Savage blood, deep inside. This is why they all have Beast.' It would be honor to help you find the part of you that is Savage, Arnold."

"Some savagery is something that I think is necessary. Especially in un-life. Perhaps there are some things I could show you as well, if you were ever interested."

Konstantin raises both brows, obviously interested. In fact, his expression is not unlike that of a kid who has been offered a fantastic toy. "Yes? To make weapon unseen, this would be very useful... I could carry spear with me! You know of this, yes?"

"It's called the Touch of Shadow, and I am familiar with it. I use it every night. I will be happy to teach this to you."

"This would be great honor. Powerful ability! Thank you, Arnold. Whatever I know that I can teach you, let me know also. I know you can make yourself strong with the blood, as I can, but I also know how to toughen the flesh. Is very useful in fight."

Arnold seems interested "I have been wanting to learn of the toughness some Kindred can gain. It seems there is much we can teach other, Konstantin. This is good."

Konstantin nods in agreement. "Very good."