The Avalon. In the cellar vault, away from the press of dancing Mortals and bright lights of the nightclub it is quieter.

Here the lights are low. The atmosphere is one of calm. Recessed lamps cast a soft glow and the scent of lavender fills the air. Music of a different sort is playing. The sound of the piano can be heard.

Tiny Martha sits at the grand piano and is playing Philip Glass' Metamorphosis from memory and with great care.

Martha sits meekly and sweetly attired in an English school uniform: a neat straw boater, a black blazer...a pair of scholarly spectacles are perched on the end of her nose, her usual calf length black gymslip is in order too. She might be wearing white kneesocks. Certainly the kneesock on her C-Leg has rolled down to the ankle joint of the prosthetic. If she has noticed, she hasn't taken steps to correct it. Martha's ebony black hair is tied with neat red ribbon bows into very long and twin tails. A crisp white blouse is obvious where the gymslip reveals it, as is her red necktie tucked neatly into her gymslip. A satchel and a simple metal walking cane rest at her side and are propped against the piano stool.

A black-clad Mekhet strode through the crowds on the upper floors of the Avalon, making his way through the nightclub to the downstairs area. He felt a little uncomfortable, as he often did without his pistols, but that would not show to the world; no, Neil Kingsley's face was a veritable Mask of Tranquility. Beast and Man alike were covered by the Shadow's composure and magic. Such was the lesson drilled into him by Perrin.

Quiet feet finally announced his coming to the Herald. He had no illusions that his stealth was any match for his clanmate's supernaturally enhanced hearing. Nor did he need it to be. He was a friend.

"Herald Villiers,"
Neil greeted her. "I hope I have found you well tonight, ma'am." It sounded like a bit like mum, like the Mekhet had a moment of Britishness. His mother had been from Derbyshire. Sometimes, some words showed it. "Have you a few minutes to speak?"

With a happy nod Martha completed her playing of the tune and smiled to Neil. "Of course, sir! I am well, thank you and I hope you are too!" she nodded to the nearby stool, as if inviting Neil to pull the stool closer so they may sit by the piano.

Resting her hands neatly in her lap and interlacing the fingers, Martha sits primly and modestly as she watches Niel. "I wonder: how may I be of assistance?" her interest in helping appears very genuine.

Neil pulled the stool closer and sat, with a smile as his eyes quickly panned the room to ensure they were alone. "I thought I would come by and check in -- it's been some time since first we met, and I was wondering if I could be of assistance to the Domain." As he said it, he opened his hand. Within it was a little note that he handed to her.

When she opened it, it would read I'm looking for a gift idea for Priscus Greyson... have you any ideas? His squinty right eye winked. Obviously it was in a note because Auspex would allow the Reeve to hear if he was in the house tonight.

Martha smiled meekly and gently as Neil pulled his stool closer. She read the note with wide eyed care and obvious concentration. Nodding, more to herself than Neil.

From the inside pocket of her blazer she took a small reporters style notebook and leafed through to the last blank page. With a cheap looking ballpoint pen, she wrote in a very neat hand: Weapons. A weapon may be a gift he might appreciate. Though he reads and is cultured, it would be hard to select a good book he might not already own. A weapon, however, might always, regrettably, be of use.

A happy smile at Neil.

The Shadow nodded appreciatively and wrote down, Thank you! Are you familiar with his weapon of choice so I can select something he'd use? He smiled back. The right gift would change everything.

She writes back; The Reeve is a master of all arms. a happy smile. Whether he was or not was not important. Martha had no intention of giving a clue to a new arrival about the weapon of choice of the Reeve.

Neil believed her, and nodded. Thank you very much, Herald Villiers. A weapon it is, then! I truly appreciate the help. How might I deliver it to his care without violating the laws of Elysium? He looked concerned at that last point. I hope to accompany it with a letter, so that he might read it and understand why it is I am providing him a gift.

Peering at the words over the rims of her spectacles, Martha smiled and nodded and carefully wrote; You may hand the gift to me. I shall escort and carry it on your behalf, sir.

A happy smile is offered to Neil.

Neil's eyes fell onto Martha's, cold, icy blue visible. But for once, they were twinkling. He really was happy to have made some progress. It wouldn't do to do what Neil was going to do without an appropriate gift. He wanted everything to be perfect, or as close to it as it could be. Thank you, Herald Villiers!

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss Villiers." His tone was quite happy. Moving on from the secretive written discussion, he asked, "Would you mind some company during your practice? You play beautifully, I truly enjoy it."