Ishani sat in her old haven staring at the blank wall before her. She had covered all of the furniture with sheets before she'd left. Now, they were dusty and musty smelling from lack of use. She used to have a cat too, but she'd given it to her neighbors five year old daughter when she moved in with Asa. Now the place was almost empty and devoid of any emotion or decor. Just what she needed to concentrate and practice.

She told Asa once that she felt if she could harness her anger, she may be able to use it. That's what she was going to try and do now. Thinking of Asa brought an almost involuntary smile to her face. After last night, their relationship seemed different. She felt as if maybe she understood him better. Even though their kind of connection was never rumored to give any special insight into the other person, she felt a lot closer to him.

She pushed her thoughts of him away. Right now warm fuzzies was not what she was going for. Instead, she concentrated on the Lost Nights and how many kindred they had lost. She felt the anger begin to stir. She held onto it and fed it, feeling it begin to burn through her veins. She tried to harness the power, to force it into a direction.

She felt a connection and almost let go of it all, it startled her so much.

So, there is something to this flame of rage after all. She thinks with a slight smile.

Putting her mind back into focus, she got back to work, concentrating with everything she had to force the anger into some sort of useable energy.