It was a nice restaurant. Serving the upper levels of society Joseph was still almost out of place. Even in life this place was near the top of where he could get into. ~I'll have to work on that~ he thinks as he sits across from Rachel. Ah Rachel, he wasn't sure what he first caught his eye. He figured either her hair and eyes or her heart beat. Probably both. Still there was something about her, his mind telling him it might be love if he wasn't dead, that attracted him to her. ~Probably the fact that she proved to not be a sheep and has the drive to be something special~ He grins at that thought.

"Hey no zoning out on me again. You brought up Aristotle." She says lightly.

He smiles and shrugs. "I don't know it that well, that is why I asked you." ~Remain civil~ he restrains himself from looking around at the other beating hearts.

"The old views on the Soul? Some claimed it was separate from the body, that at death the two would go separate ways. The body decaying and the soul leaving it behind and traveling somewhere else. Others believed that the soul and body were intertwined and that when one died the other would as well. Generally speaking at least." She waves a hand dismissively and takes a bite of the steak she had ordered. Warm juicy pulsing throat...... ~FOCUS~

"Ah yes well I should have paid more attention to all of that when I was at school." His eyes wander over her, stopping briefly on her neck and bosom.

"Hey now.." she giggles slightly. "None of that here."

He can only grin. "Sorry can't help myself you're too much fun"

She blushes.


Later that night he licks the wound on her neck closed. "Sleep lovely." He wills the blood to command. Then bites his own wrist and allows a drop of blood to fall into her mouth again. ~Yes she could do well, complementing what I lack in knowledge and she is strong willed.~ He locks her door on the way out, a second pair of keys that she didn't know about. ~Ah connections~