Once in the privacy of the exhibit room Rahyna looks at Asa "I understand that tonight you are not in the capacity of Prince but before I begin this meeting I had a request from a sanctified member that I recently acknowledged of the Prince."

"What was the request?" Asa asked, remembering that he also needed to announce that Ishani was the Harpy.

"To have a meeting with Prince Clarke and Seneshcal Rahyna at our convenience of course to discuss our views of the current Sanctified in the city." referring to herself in the third person seemed a bit odd to her but she tried to give the request as close to the way as it was given to her as possible.

"How interesting," Asa replied, thinking of Nicolo and Bella Orchid. "Did you attend Mass?" he asked.

Rahyna sighed at Asa "Unfortunately I did it left much to be desired in my opinion."

"Ah," Asa nodded. "Could you elaborate? My views of the Sanctified may be colored by my past friendship with Inquisitor Orchid."

"It was not the experience it once was there were people dressed as though they were to be performers in a circus we had Mariel who was dressed as though street corners had started recruiting nuns in my opinion Father Black did a very nice sermon if you believe in such things but the other members of the Sanctified that want to call Sacramento home treat as though an atheist would treat Christianity a joke."

Asa shook his head, a bit troubled by the news. Apparently the First Estate would have to keep it's distance from the Second if they insisted on making such impressions. Even as much as he disliked Nicolo for being a pompous, ineffectual ass, he still mostly put forward a suitable impression. A shame the Inquisitor had been lost. "I will meet with them," Asa replied. "They can speak to Olivette and she'll coordinate with Jackson to set something up."

"Very well Prince Clarke I will speak with her and with Jackson after maters are adjourned this evening." Rahyna thinks for a moment making sure there is nothing else she needed before going back outside "Unless there is anything else that you need I believe that was all I needed of the Prince this evening."

"Actually, I would like it announced that Ishani will be my Harpy," Asa replied. "Would you like to make the announcement, to keep the meeting in your hands?"

"I will be more than happy to announce that and I appreciate you letting me do so. I would also like to thank you for attending not as the Prince." Rahyna gives a slight bow and thinks to herself If all Invictus were like this maybe I would still be one.

"Excellent," Asa said, turning to head back. "You should wear blue more often, also," he added with a smile.

Rahyna qirks her head to the side and follows him back out into the main room not quite sure how to respond to his last statement.