Tech paced through the meeting room Rosh had let him use for the small meeting. I wonder if she'll be as fiesty as the other Acanthi that have come and gone. Memories of that uppity girl in the Rage, and of the former Curator of the Mysterium, left Technique with something of a bad taste in his mouth for his own Path. Who am i, though, to say their behavior is irksome? Im sure they thought the same of me. At that, atleast, shows i have some reason to be a Councillor. He gently sits down in one of the chairs in the sitting room - this one, a wingbacked leather chair, faded with age. He gently strums his fingers against his pack of cigarettes in his pocket, atleast respecting Rosh enough to not spark one up in here. Bet if i was smoking a blunt he wouldnt have a problem with it. He gives a slight smirk and a laugh at his own joke, waiting for Dr. Davenport to arrive.

October heads inside, glad she had taken the time off from work. She needed the time off, and looked forward to the meeting. She wasn’t sure what to expect walking into the meeting room, but she still walked in with an air of confidence, not one to let others see her nerves. Not that she was worried, whatever would happen was not hers to decide, Fate was in control, and it was not her to change. Seeing the gentleman sitting in the chair she smiles, “I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” She walks up to Tech and offers her hand, “I’m October, but please, call me Toby.” Her eye glimmer as she speaks.

The Councillor smiles, standing up to take the offered hand with his own. His hand is bulky, scarred, calloused. The designer suit he wore for business affairs not a reflection of what he actually did for work. "Surely you're kidding. Us Fools arrive precisely when we mean to, and to think otherwise would be to say that you are more important than time." He lets out a light hearted chuckle, finally releasing her hand. "I am Councillor Technique. You may refer to me as Councillor, or Technique." He pauses for a second, looking around - Damn, i really should have brought drinks - before speaking again. "Tech if we end up being friends."

He takes a seat back down, gesturing to another armchair several feet from him. "So, Toby...How has Sacramento been treating you?"

Toby takes in the man in front of her, knowing appearances can be deceiving, her hand small and lost within his. She raises a well-manicured eyebrow when he mentioned her thinking she was more important than time, and smiles. “I would be doing the Path a disservice to place myself above Time. I have always placed my importance in Time and Fates hands, allowing them to decide my place and my importance, if I have any." Her tone light to match his laugh. “I have become so use to saying it patients that it has almost become like second nature.” She found her patients, when awake and talking, felt more at ease when she placed emphasis on their time being important. “I am pleased to meet you Councilor." Her voice respectful.

As he takes his seat, she removes her jacket and sits as well, crossing her legs before answering his question, “Very busy actually! Seems every chance I get to unpack I get called to work.” She laughs and shrugs a little, knowing if she wanted more time to herself she could have it. “But I cannot complain, it is a wonderful city. Though I do enjoy the constant movement, it is a welcome change from my home town in Virginia.”

His smile continued. "I actually find the traffic here lacking in what i am used to. California drivers are too laid New York, its sálvese quien pueda, every man for himself. If your blood pressure hasnt risen by 20 points, you arent really driving."He relaxes backward into the chair, absentmindedly pulling out a pack of green menthol Kools, but sets them on the coffee table instead of lighting one. "Well, if i may be as forward as to ask...exactly what business around town have you been attending to? I would love to know what little mechanisms are being woven across our city. That is, of course," His eyes flicker towards the door, as if expecting Rosh to come in at any second. "unless you Libertines have business amongst yourselves. The Free Council is highly respected, atleast in my eyes." Well, he thinks, holding back a snicker, Atleast Rosh has always been dependable when i needed him to be. Im not sure if thats true of all Libertines though....

Smiling, "It's not forward, and please ask me anything you want." she came here to introduce herself, and did not believe in hiding anything. “Most of my business around town has been work related, seems I am in meetings almost every day. Not that I mind, I enjoy staying busy.” She wasn’t sure how to answer his question about the Council, and pauses for a second, “We’ve only had one meeting so far, and it was pretty much a chance to get to know each other. There seems to be quite a few who are eager to see the Council rise to its full potential, and we all are ready to put the effort into its success.” She wonders what everyone else has to say about the Council, well, she hopes they prove any ill thinkers wrong. There is a slight glimmer to her eyes, “I am happy to hear it is well respected in your eyes.”

Girl, you dont want me to ask whats actually on my mind. "Meetings, huh?" He frowns slightly, looking around the room, before back to the Doctor. "Well, sorry to have dragged you into another one. I promise to make it quick so you might actually have enough free time to unpack." He tries to chuckle at his own stale joke, but proceeds into business. "Well, would you mind if i knew how far along you are in our Path's Arcana? Just for a proper assesment of abilities, of course."

Toby laughs, “I actually took the night off for this meeting, and I’ve been looking forward to it. So please, don’t feel the need to rush the meeting, to me, this is more important than unpacking.” Her smile was warm and friendly. She hopes she hasn’t offended him with her words; she tends to speak without thinking. But unpacking was such a bore, and it never held her attention long enough to get anything done. She nods her head, “Of course. While I am only an Apprentice of Fate, I am a Disciple of Time.” She had felt the time Time Arcana call to her more, and had focused more on it. She wasn’t sure if that was important or not, so she moved on. “I feel my chosen profession has opened my eyes in another sense, and I have become an Initiate of Death.” She felt it was best to be open and honest with him.

Pleased that his position atleast regarded some trust from other mages, Technique decides to elaborate as well. "While i have always exhibited more familiarity with the vagaries of Fate, the intricacies of Time still amaze me. I just wish i had more time to study it. And Death..." Im more used to causing it than learning from it. "I had a cabal mate a while back who was always talking to shit that wasnt there. I just cant wrap my head around that stuff....but, for your profession, it sounds like it might be more beneficial than usual at first glance."

“I am always amazed at what Time can allow one to do. With the knowledge of Time comes the understanding that nothing within Time is set in stone. But as with Fate, every action we take has a consequence, be it good or bad.” She found Fate to be a little less forgiving then Time when a mistake was made, and had a healthy fear of using Fate magic too much.

She nods her head, understanding his opinion on Death, not many people were comfortable with it. “I learned early on in my career that Death was inevitable, and that when my patients Time was up, I could do nothing to stop it. So I decided to learn from Death, try to work with it.” She smiles reassuringly, “Talking with those that cannot be seen has its benefits though. They can tell you things no one else can. But I understand the stigma around Death, and it isn’t something I usually bring up. But I wanted to be open and honest with you about my abilities.”

"Your honesty is greatly appreciated. Knowing the relative power structure of the local Acanthi falls into my job description." He looks around the room, thinking of the meeting so far. Well, shes been exceedingly polite, followed all the correct formalities, and is eager. He smiles and loosens the red Armani tie he was wearing. "And the interview is over. You wanna go grab a slice of greasy pizza?"

“Do the Acanthi have a strong standing here?” he was the only other she had met; she needed to get out and met more people. When he says the interview was over, she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. She had either passed and made a good impression, or hadn’t, but either way, it wasn’t something she could change. Not that she would, some things were best left as they were and as they happened. Going with the thought that maybe it went well, she smiles, “Greasy pizza sounds great!”

Chuckling, Technique held the door open for Toby as they left the room, heading towards the front of the hostel. "I know this perfect place down by the river, Irianas, makes it just like back in New York." Once out of the Hostel and curious Sleepers ears, Technique works a little bit of Fate - just enough to make people just happen to be on the other side of the road instead of theirs - and goes back to discussing politics. "You could say that. The Magister is one of us, and the person who suggested me for the job. The former, and current, Curators of the Mysterium were both Acanthi. And, well, then theres me." The Councillor pulls out his pack of Kools, lighting up a menthol but making sure to blow the smoke away from Toby. "And, well, y'know. Im just that badass. So take it as you want."

Smiling as she puts her coat on, “Thank you.” She says as he held the door open. “Sounds perfect!” she wondered if they served beer with the pizza, would seem weird to have pizza without beer. She listens as he talks, never one for politics, seemed she was going to have to learn to play by the rules.
She makes a mental note of the terms he uses, seems the Acanthi were in high places here. Which was not a bad thing; it was where they belonged in her opinion. Tucking her hands in her pockets, “Well they would not have suggested you for the job if they didn’t think you could do it, and clearly you can.” She says, “If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been Councillor?”

"Bout six months now. Seems some of the other people they had picked for the job didnt work out too well." He makes sure to take measured steps, so as to not outpace Toby, and to blow the smoke away from her. "Have you ever held a position in a different Consillium?"

"Some people just are not cut out for, or meant for it. I'm sure it can get quite stressful at times, dealing with different personalities and all." She had to stop herself from laughing, "Me?!" she does chuckle though, finding humor in his question, "No. Sorry to say, but politics has never been one of my strong suits. I've learned that speaking your mind doesn't get you far in the game of politics." she smiles and adds a wink.

He lets out a chuckle at her smile, looking back at her. "Heh, well, youd think that. But it hasnt really stopped me. Dont get me wrong - I dont wanna be Hierarch or nothin. I just want to, well, be able to help folks around here. Get people used to the idea that this place is dangerous." His smile vanishes, and he takes another drag off the cigarette, again, blowing the smoke away from Toby. "I dont mean to be a downer. I've just seen some shit, y'know?"

"Well I'm glad it hasn't stopped you. Most people throw in the towel when things get to hard to handle." she had seen many residents break under the pressure and stress of a residency. He had, in her opinion, qualities of being a good leader, and it was more obvious as they spoke. "I was still a student the past time I was out here, not yet awakened, so I never really gave much thought to the dangers here." she knew it was dangerous to be awakened, but had never really put a lot of thought into it, perhaps she should. "I don't think you're being a downer. I've learned that sometimes the cold hard truth is what is best."

The councillor makes a right onto a less busy street - and stops in front of a pizza restaurant, with a sign in red cursive that said "Irianas' above the door.
"Here we are. Perhaps we could finish our discussion onto more mundane topics, considering our presence in public and, wearily enough, because im tired of business." He flashes another smile, opening the door and gesturing for her to go inside.