Equipped with a residence and ultimately an address, Chase had also acquired a destination for mail orders. Since he was never awake during typical open hours he found it much easier to place orders by phone and awake to find them waiting for him the next evening in his P.O. Box. Here is a sample of his conversation the evening before:

"Yes, my name is Chase Ankers, I'd like to place an order for a Battalion Laptop, 16GB Memory, Intel Core i7 Processor, 300GB Solid State Drive, Wireless Network Card, with Linux? Yes, with credit. Mhmm, that comes with USB 3.0 correct? Good, good. And I'll be needing an assortment of cables, audio, video, ethernet, coaxial, hdmi, adapters for anything you can think of. Yes...yes... exactly. Yes, thank you. I suppose you could say that. I'm actually a computer networking technician. Well that's kind of you to say."

Once he was in possession of his sleek new laptop and its black carrying case he booted it up and took to the net. The first thing he investigated was a suitable lawyer in the area.

"Mr. Dershowitz, my apologies about the late hour, I realize your business hours are a tad earlier than this but I'm in great need of your services. You see I've just arrived back into town and low and behold I find that I've been filed under a missing person report. You can imagine my embarrassment, and the shock it most certainly will cause my prestigious family. My name? Yes, Chase Ankers. Yes, as in the Ankers Estate. You see I'd like to avoid upsetting my dear sweet family by coming back from the dead, so to speak, so I need you to arrange for my return, get all the paperwork checked out, renew my licenses, ecetera. Where have I been? Oh the details are unimportant, how about we arrange a time to meet to hash out a plan, throw out some numbers, and get to know each other. Then I can answer your questions to the best of my ability. I'm glad you see things my way, see you soon."

However it wasn't enough simply to get a computer and a lawyer. What he really needed was a job. He couldn't survive on the meager scraps that was left of his financial account. So he tried a information management software company that had posted listings that met with his qualifications.

"Hi, my name is Chase Ankers, I assume you've received my fax with my resume and relevant information? Glad to hear it, so I'm sure you have questions for me? Oh yes, Harvard University, you say you're also an alumni? Smashing, what year? Oh my, well that is a surprise. Yes, it's only been a year since my graduation, haven't had a chance to really dig into the white collar workforce. An internship? Well I was really hoping for the position listed on your site. Well if that's all you think I'm qualified for, everyone has to start somewhere. An interview? Well you see I have this unfortunate constitution that interferes with my well-being and makes it difficult to go out very often. What's it called? It's a err Meticulitosis... Yes. And I also don't have a car at the moment so I was wondering if you'd mind having me work from home. A Contract Employment? Yes, well I suppose that will work for me. Sure thing, hope to hear from you soon."

Chase sighed at the end of this and began searching the internet idly, the blue glow of his screen illuminating his pale skin with an eerie complexion as he sat upright in his open coffin. He still hadn't gotten any proper furniture for the place. What if he needed to host company? Well he doubted that he would. Even if he brought his food home he wouldn't want the chance they'd remember where he lived. He had other things on his mind anyways. Like this Urban Spelunking venture he had cooked up spontaneously. He had scouted some locations to explore but the problem was that Sacramento had very few abandoned locations. Some still had security in place to prevent squatters and vandals from breaking in. He would need to do something about that. He began to do research on the various setups the facilities used and started toying with work-arounds in his head. Soon it would all be in place, just needed to torrent for some sensitive software.