Jennifer moves from Avalon with Ricardo; checking the time on her phone.
"We were in there longer than I thought, " She relayed to him. "I have some ideas for gear to buy. Not sure
if I can afford to outfit the whole troupe.."

In the electronics store; Jennifer moves along the line of two way radios. She chooses a model for its distance and the privacy options. She asks the lone salesperson to demonstrate the security codes; trying to imagine if these could be picked up.

Selecting six models and hoping it would be enough; she asks the salesperson to bring over the compatible ear pieces. The radios had a
voice activated mode, the head piece attachment went there...

Jennifer tried on the get up and walked down the aisles of the store; the salesperson at her elbow. It seemed to function well enough.

"Put me down for six of these too," She hands the get up to the salesperson. "Our paintball team is going to kick ass."

The Nosferatu placed two binoculars on the pile; she had the impression not many were going to be able to sneak closer.

"Do you carry any keyboard loggers?" She inquires. The employee did not; but gave her a electronics web site that did. With her new
purchases in hand, the Nosferatu decided to head to her haven and prepare.