Jennifer sits in her haven; sulkily examining her lap top. She had allowed herself to be distracted by socializing and her first friend had suffered for it.

She begins by flipping off the internet access; and unplugging the internet router for good measure.
She reaches into the small suit case she had brought. Instead of clothes yet
to be unpacked from her arrival in Sacramento; it holds her computer
accessories and necessities.

She plucked out her EHD, checking the sticker that denoted she had last
backed up her drive a week ago. She was getting lazy.

Placing the EHD in the suitcase, she got to work.
She opened the laptop, booting with a bootable CD/DVD with an
operating system. The Nosferatu begins the virus / spyware scan, intending
to clean off the drive.

The brunette returned to what had alarmed her earlier; searching to see if
the back door programming was visible. She wasn't above scratching a
compromised piece of equipment.