He wore the clothes of the modern hunter. Business casual, letting him blend in at bars and clothes allowing him to move amongst the kine like the cattle they are. It had been a while since he had last fed, the Coils of the Dragon serving their purpose once again just as they had on his trip here. He grinned as he walked through the crowded club, he didn't care to remember the name. Time for his favorite prey the shallow mortals. It was simple enough for him, find the blondest dumbest one and talk up her ego. Before she knew what happened she'd be collapsed in a bathroom stall feeling light headed.

He scoffed at the habits of some of his more "refined" cousins. All that formality to feed. A waste of time. They were monsters. He accepted it and looked down on those who didn't. Except that refused to just be a vampire he would be more. This weakness sun and fire was for the weak. He had already proved he was not by freeing himself from the tomb and being accepted by his Sire. He chuckled as he moved past a couple. This was his refined feeding, playing nice. Rather than hunting them down like the kine they are. Fond memories of the Hunt back in Detroit filled his mind as he found his prey of choice. The chase the kill. Ah to be a true predator.

His prey moves aware from her friends towards the dance floor. He follows her and is soon dancing with her. A few whispered words in her ear and off they go. As they enter the restroom he locks the door behind them and turns to her. She's already taking her clothes off. He flushes his skin again to be sure and a few other things. As her clothes come off he sees a hospital nurse badge fall out of her pocket. Fuck. Damn laws. O well he can still have fun.

He walks out of the bathroom some time later. Smiling as the girl lays on the floor catching her breath. Who knew that Dominate could have uses for other than stopping prey? He grins evilly. Time to find a meal. Sometime later hes walking out of the club with a cute brunette with an ample figure. A swagger in his step as they walk away he thinks about the meal hes going to have. After some more fun at the brunette's place he takes a bite into neck and feeds restoring lost vitae. She shudders for a second time that night her eyes almost rolling completely back into her head. After he licks the wound she looks into his eyes smiling. "Sleep my dear, we will meet again. Sleep" He says looking her in the eyes. Using the discipline that was his blood's right to make sure she falls asleep.

And she does and looks absolutely delicious when she does. Her bosom rising and falling. He pulls his eyes away, wanting this one to live. Putting his number in her phone he gets hers as well. She could be useful in the future an easy source of blood. Looking around her room as he gets dressed he sees books on many different things. Things that made him stop and look closer. Yes she could do. He glances back at her but has to look away again before he finished her for her blood. Yes I will keep an eye on you Rachel and just to be sure..... He bites into his wrist and lets some blood fall into her mouth. Healing the wound after a small amount falls he gently pushes her mouth closed. She slows reflexively her body thinking it her own spit. He stands and smiles as he watches her body shake for the third time that night from his blood.

He closes her apartment door behind him silently. Hoping that no one tests it before she awakens in the morning. Leaving the apartment building he looks around at the night. The domain of predators like him. He flexes in the night air. The vitae in his veins fulling him with energy. Walking off into the night he hopes he has a voice mail tomorrow begging for another visit.