A hand glides ove the center dash of an old rusted pickup. The Radio long removed. a convenient hiding place for 'essentials'. A savag snarl of self hatred passes over the world as he steps down and locks his vehicle.
Niel deserved a lot right now. It would hurt to give it to him. It would hurt to do it properly. Soberly.
But it would be done. Because Neil mattered. It was hard to reason why that was so easy to forget but days ago.

The door is pulled and in steps a hard man with a hard frown. The lines soften as his blue-grey eyes adjust to the indoor light. He seems to feel comfortable enough being here, but wary at being seen. Perhaps he would be lucky. Nightfall might not be here.
An excuse. Weak. This was not a time to cling to excuses. To fondle them like a blind sheep seeking some comfort against a predator. Against the steel blade.
This was dangerous work and such an understanding made the doing easier. It gave this man drive. How long could he keep that drive and clarity going?

Inside, a figure dressed completely in black has his back to the door at the sound of it, he turns, revealing an entirely white face and white gloved hands. Hands holding a bottle of water and a duffel bag, as the mime prepares to go to the park.

A white hand gives a casual wave.

"Getting ready to lock up,"
Neil offered.

He loved the park, and continued to make time for it. Sometimes he found kids he took on pro bono, sometimes he simply entertained.

"Neil?" the mime looked like a Fairest. "Wow, um, your a clown." King of obvious sweats knowing there is another word. As the awkward moment threatens to grow into the inane, the Summer closes the door. "I need too apologies on two counts. What I said was both untrue and heated, and I gave you my word and broke it." Well that is done. embarrassed feet step backward to take the door. "Thanks for hearing me out. And.." curiosity kills him. "why are you dressed that way?" he blinks human eyes at having asked as much aloud.
What Nightfall did was not his business. It had never really been and that now seemed a crying shame. So rather duck then a strange question the former king pauses to hear a reply. Whether it be a terse word or stab in the ribs.

At this moment the guilty man felt either would be justified.

The Fairest gave Rust a look that spoke volumes.

Who was calling who a clown?

"Yes, it was untrue."

There was a pause, as if he were debating saying more... but did not.

"I'm dressed like this because they take, and take, and take... and someone has to give."

More, he didn't say; that with the face paint, he wasn't Fair, he would not dance, nor sing, and for a small while he would be nothing of what he had been made. The spoken reason was the important one.

Rust considers the response for a moment.
"Yes, not only was what I said untrue. It was ungrateful. You gave my Brother your help and you gave me a chance when I deserved you scorn. And now, your performing simply to give hope and happiness to others." He did not need to know for whom of where to get this was for charity. "You are the most self-less man I know. I am in your debt for how I acted. Would it be too much to ask of one thing."

"Let me make amends. How can I set the first brick to repair the damage I made?"[/QUOTE]

Nightfall sighed and shook his head.

"You don't owe me anything, Rust. But I think it's time you were honest with yourself and had a long talk with Sam."

Did Rust see? When he was called upon for Wrath, there had only been Acceptance.

"I will speak with him." Rust adjusts his weight and rubs at his shoulder. A scratching motion. "I can not excuse myself of the weight I set on Fu and Spartan. It was irrational, irresponsible. Harry wouldn't.."
Rust shakes his head at the floor, then looks back up to Neil. "I stumbled, but I found my feet again. I lost respect and trust. My Wrath is against the mistakes I made and the results they caused. Against the isolation it created." Rust suddenly recalls the word. "Mime. Your not a clown. Mimes help people believe in things they can't see." Rust looks upon the fairest with a new understanding. "Sam tried to find his place. You helped him see as you try to help me. Why?"

It surprised Neil, at how little the Sovereigns knew. It made him wonder if they were all dancing to the same tune.

"I didn't help Sam,"
he answered, shaking his head.

He wasn't sure about Rust.

"And, why?"

Neil smiled.

"Because I can't kill Them all by myself."

"Bad enough without bone headed fools going brain dead on a stage." Rust replies.

"If you did not help Sam.. Another reason to talk to him. I'll take my leave then. Let you do your..." He gestures at Nightfall's costume unable to finish his thought.

"Good night." Rust steps to take the door.