Previously In New York, Part 6

Conner leaned against the Lamp post in central park. It was like something from a Noir film. Conner again wore his grayish rain coat and his hair looked a little less tousled than normal. He waited for Ariana to arrive. She had requested to meet him in a public place. Understandable after he was forced to make his point at their last meeting. So here the man leaned, wondering how long he would be forced to wait. The homeless were, as per usual, out in force tonight and sadly the rain did not deter them. The thing about the homeless was they were not stupid. In a city like New York, a stupid bum does not survive long. Of course that does not mean their educated by any means, what it means is that they have survival instincts and street smart. And thanks to those instincts they knew by looking at Conner that once maybe twice they could get away with bothering him. But he would probably very easily lose his temper with much more harassment.

Ariana was still not ready to meet Conner after their last encounter. As strange as it seemed, she did feel safe meeting him in the Park. Mainly because of what he could do to others, she was still uneasy about what he could do to her. She was enjoying her walk to the side of the park where she was to meet Conner. With her umbrella in hand she felt almost like dancing Gene Kelly’s Singing in the Rain. Although with her purse slung across her torso she would have a bit of trouble. She did wear her running shoes tonight, in case she felt hungry later. As Ariana came upon Conner he looked a bit picturesque. She almost smiled. Maybe she could make this quick, she thought. All the instructions were printed out and inside her purse along with the first payment. There was something she wanted to ask him, but she was not sure how.

Conner looked up and saw the legs of the Ventrue approaching, then the hips, then the torso, checking her for weapons as he looks her over. Some may think he was checking out her body, he was not, he was assessing a threat. Conner was not a stupid man, he knew the Ventrue was beautiful. And he knew that he was disheveled, and looked like any other lower middle class man. And that was the idea. So why would a lower middle class man like this meet with a beautiful woman, in central park, at night. “Good evening Ms. Donavon. How may I be of assistance.” The Shadow says quietly, calmly and with exact precision.

Ariana did not greet Conner with a smile. She was all business tonight. “Mr. Greyson, thank you for meeting me here.” She continued without an ounce of emotion in her voice. “I have the next assignment for you, if you still wish to do it. The payment is significantly higher. Lord Bainsworth was pleased with your work.” She was assessing his every move wondering if he would make the same attempt as he did in her apartment. “This time, the job has been a request of the Prince. It will not be a quick one though, there are several meetings. The main one that he is focused on will not be for at least a month. I have the instructions and list of who you are seeking as well. Do you have any questions?” She still had one question before she handed over the items, but she thought it should wait.

“Gathering Information?” Conner asked simply his question was quiet and to the point. Conner wanted to know if it would be a information gathering or a kill mission.

Still a man of few words, she thought. “Gathering information in one part. If the information gathered from these meetings is not a result of what they want, the second part, will require a death.” She paused for a moment as if to wonder about the next question. “From the last item of business that you did, they came to a resolution from the recordings. They have asked that you terminate Jameson Quinn. I know he is a fellow Mehket. If this is a problem, Lord Bainsworth said other arrangements can be made.”

“The death is not a problem, the Prince’s Laws are. If I kill this man, if I violate the Law, I will need guarantees that I will be protected.” Conner was serious in his words. Deathly serious. Conner will not jeopardize his requiem for the sake of dollars and cents.

“Lord Bainsworth has guaranteed your protection. The death of the Mekhet is under the order of the Prince.” Ariana was surprised that he was concerned about the laws. Then again, she did not fully understand Conner. He would not let her. “In both respects, you will be protected.” She was only the messenger and relaying what was told of her.

“Give me your word.” Conner says with no pause or preamble.

“You have my word. However, there is a statement from Lord Bainsworth with his signature in the envelope with the other items.” It is a good thing she asked for that ahead of time, she thought.

Conner steps in close, very close, close enough that she could feel the breath coming from his lungs, through his voice box to create words, “Your Lord Bainsworth doesn’t mean anything to me. He is a bureaucrat; a politician. They cannot be trusted any more then a venomous snake.” Conner’s hand moves slowly up and takes the briefing from her hand. “I’ll do it, but not for your puppeteer.”

Ariana did not flinch like before. Her face was puzzled. “Then who are you doing this for?” She quickly thought to mention one more detail since he was so fond of fleeing from her sight. “I also have one other thing to ask you.” Those words were with calm sincerity.

“Full of questions.” Conner says not stepping away from her. Staying very close, so close she could see into his cold eyes. She could feel the breath expelled from his lungs that allowed him to speak. The same lungs that has breathed in the last breath of countless people.

“My request is a personal one.” She paused for a moment. “Will you teach me how to defend myself.” She was just as serious as he was all night.

“I have been.” Conner says and turned to walk off into the night, ever the illusive, and frustrating Mekhet is Conner Greyson.

Ariana thanked herself quickly for wearing running shoes. She caught up to him fast. “Mr. Grey, could you please answer my other question. Who are you doing this for?” She spoke so quickly, before he had to chance to change his course.

Conner says nothing and continues walking. He does give a small, short huff, as if entertained by what she asked. His face though, his face did not betray anything, no emotion, no frustration, it was, as per normal, a blank slate.

The realization struck Ariana as Conner failed to answer the question. “Are you doing this…. for me?” She was only a few paces from him, but she had stopped altogether in her moment of clarity.

“Good night Ms. Donavon.” Conner says and continues down the path not stopping to see her ask the question or to see the moment of clarity on her face. He trusted his ears. And her moment was as obvious audibly as it was visually.