He looks around, and find Dana's eyes locked on his. He glances to his left, where there's a blonde girl, barely half his age, giggling and blushing. She was not pretty, but she was young, something neither Dana or the man could say they were anymore.

He's on his late thirties to early forties, greying hair and blue eyes, the shadow of a bulge starting to form visible through his shirt. Handsome, but not winning any beauty contests, overshadowed by the younger ilk partying loudly on the table just next to him. So why didn't this girl pick one of those?

Bogdana tries to drive away the irritation - it was supposed to be a trinulation of some kind, after all, so a challenge should be welcome, not scorned at. Still, she was going to have to think and act fast, or lose her prey to the younger flesh sitting there. Fitting, fresher, younger flesh.

He looks at Bogdana again just a little before returning to the blondie. Her allure was working, so Dana acted quickly, and took that as the excuse she needed to grab her purse, stand up and walk to him.

"Good evening. I couldn't help but notice your look." No names yet, let him ask. "You do have an expressive look."

He has disappointment on his expression, as if he had ended the night with a consolation prize, then he looks furtively at the girl again. Dana looks at her too, and to her surprise the girl is also coming towards them.

"Thanks, I..." Before he can even begin a phrase, Blondie sits down with a wide smile, and offers him a hand. "Hi! I'm Samantha." "I'm John." How appropriate.

They smile at each other, and then look at Bogdana, embarassed. "I was telling John", she turns to Samantha and speaks quickly, before they can invite her away, "that he has an expressive look. What do you think?"

"Er... Yes, yes he does." She was dressed in a jeans skirt and a black-and-white blouse, showing the curve of her breasts, contrasting with Dana's tame dark red dress."I could notice instantly he was inviting me, using only his eyes." And you were not invited, she could have added.

Dana ignored what had been left unsaid."Curious, I didn't see an invitation on his eyes when he was looking at either of us; I saw Judgment." They didn't answer to the Vampire's questioning look and capital J, still trying to make her seeing the table had one too much. "You see, he was judging us, seeing if we were appropriate."

"Well, he must have liked what he saw, then, or I woudln't be sitting here." Samantha's voice goes up an octave, making she look even more like a teenager.

Dana gave the pair a knowing, somewhat patronizing grin. "Oh, no, you've got me wrong. He wasn't judging us by his own standards. He wasn't looking at us to see if he liked what he saw. Oh no, he was looking at us through other men's eyes."

"How so?" Now little Sam was puzzled, caught by surprise.

"You see, most men, when choosing women, be it for a little flirting or for taking them home, don't seek the women they like, but the woman they would like to be seen with. And there's a world of difference between the two things."

"Well, no man would like if another woman got between him and his date and started talking like a slut. Now she was openly hostile, and she wasn't lovely at all. Dana looked at them, disappointed, and rose up. "Please, I didn't want to bother you. If you wish, I may leave you alone." Samantha looks triumphant and John relieved as Dana took a seat at the bar and discreetely watched them.

John went back to speaking, now that the third party had left them. Dana could not listen to them, but she could see as he spoke something and smirked at Samantha, and she assumed an offended look and went on rambling about something - me, probably.

Then she kept going on. And on and on. Johns smile faded from his face, leaving only tiredness there. "I'm certainly not a slut like her; anyone could see it. You should have seen that, as you were looking at her before seeing me." Even with all the noise around, Dana could hear Samantha screaming; there really wasn't another word to describe what she was doing as Joh laid there strained. Their eyes met again, and Dana smiled at him, noticing Samantha moving her head towards her, then towards him, choleric. "Now you were looking at her again"

Samantha stands up and, in an angry move, marches firmily out of the bar, not before passing in front of Bogdana and giving her the evil eye.

She waited a moment and went to John's table again. "As I was saying" - John was astonished as she sit - "a man often feels obliged to approach a woman based only on her physical exterior, even as he knows she wasn't someone he'd like to spent even five minutes with, in a sober conversation, if he had a say on it. Alas, often he doesn't."

"Tell me, don't you find it tiresome?"

The confusion stays all over his face as he answers. "A... A little."

"Sometimes..." Dana looks away from him, at the bar's door through which Blondie just left. "Sometimes, a man comes accross a woman that he knows he wants, despite she not being as young or as pretty as other people would expect. No, he must hold his own to his peers' eyes, he must drive away what he feels right in favor of the common sense!" She speaks in an overly dramatic tone, and then bursts in laugh. John looks dazed at first, but then starts laughing too. "Of course, I'm just kidding, I just couldn't resist finishing it after we got interrupted. I'm Dana."

By transforming what she said in a light joke, Dana managed to take away must of its weight, but she knew it had worked her way through John's mind. Now he would be smiling, engaging in this chit-chat they were starting, and he would be forcing himself to find it enjoyable and to find the woman in front of him attractive, just to prove to himself that she wasn't right, that he was capable of making his own decisions and dismissing a beautiful young lady in favor of what he deep down really wanted. From there, a couple of innocent suggestion, a touch of hands, some not-so-innocent suggestion and some whiskey... And then she was indicating where he could park his car as they came to her Haven. She faked being properly ashamed, just enough to stimulate him, but she was radiant on the inside.


She looks at his body, laid down on her said, covered in a sheet. It had been somewhat enjoyable, she had to admit, but to spend precious blood only for that... She looked at his neck, naked and tempting as he was fast-asleep and thought, why not? She had managed to seduce him without the kiss, going the hard way, and she was about to toss him out. Why not getting a bit of a refreshment before that? She bit him and he mumbled, his body twitching in pleasure as she drained the precious blood. She licked it, and he woke up. "Hello, sweetie... It was good, wasn't it?" He reaches for her, but she gets up the bed abruptly, leaving his hand hanging.

"I'm not your sweetie." She started to get her clothes from around the room and started dressing again.

"What's wrong? Didn't you like it?"

Still dressed only in underwear, Dana gets his clothes and throws them at him, looking at him with a mix of contempt and loathing. "No. Get up. Leave."

He looked at her, not really understanding what was going on. He sit and started getting dressed. "But I thought you enjoyed it... What's wrong?"

Dana finished buttoning her dress. "Shut up. Get out." She goes to him and grabs the rest of his clothes, he's just put his pants and is without shoes or a shirt. He follows her around as she goes to the main room, opens the door and throws the clothes on the sidewalk. She puts up a tearful voice and yells, "You've hurt me, just like all men! Get out of my house! Get out or I'll call the police!"

She listens he mumbling "crazy bitch" as he goes out; Dana closes the door soundly behind him, and sits on one of the chairs. It felt good; she felt... Powerful. She was the one that drove the whole night to that point; even when she was afraid of it, she didn't lose control of the situation. As a spider, she weaved a web to catch a fly, suck it dry and toss away its carcass. The man was the powerful one, wasn't he? But any woman could drive that power as she wished, even to the point of his own humiliation, perhaps his destruction. If she wished to, she could had drank everything from him.

That power... Harnessed not from brute, physical strength, but from cunning. Making her own lack of charm into a charm of sorts, while turning her rival's qualities into flaws in front of her prey. Using the role men reserved to woman to bring them both to their downfalls...

OK, now she was being little megalomaniacal here; it was an one night stand, that's all. But maybe that was what Hierophant Silver had expected her to feel, to go through with that experience. To feel, as a woman, a power different from any man's, less violent but no less dangerous. It felt good. And she would tell Hierophant SIlver just as much when she reported with her task done.