*Once that party upstairs had wrapped up, Max invites Cassandra down to Court to clarify the events of the night of the car races.

It felt a little odd leading the other Kindred into Court in just his swim trunks, but Cassandra hadn't brought a change of clothes; and the Reeve would feel a little odd talking to her in a suit.*

Thank you for your time, Miss Dawes. As I said, I just have a few questions about the other night before I issue an official warning in Court. This shouldn't take too long...

*Max opens the door to his office, letting the Deava enter first before following. The usual desks, chairs, and couch are present; Max's change of clothes folded in a neat pile on one of the couch cushions.*

Cassandra smiled and, after primping at her damp hair, she allowed herself to be ushered into Max's office...ensuring a wiggle in her step. "Thank you, Reeve." she said happily as she entered. Offers him one of her Hollywood smiles as she looks about for the best place to sit. Best, in this case, meaning: where best to sit and look most awesome.

*Max raises an amused eyebrow as he watches the female Kindred sashays her way into his office, but says nothing. He makes his way over to the larger of the two desks, setting down before taking out a note pad and pen.* Miss Dawes, I want you to tell me what you saw that night. From what I can tell you had the best vantage point to the Porsche and whoever we were chasing. Myself and the others were distracted by the fight, as were most of the crowd.

Did you get a good look at anyone, or notice anything strange? *Max keeps his tone light, trying to keep the conversation from seeming like an interrogation. But, he could not disguise the curiosity in his voice; the Mekhet eager to get hold of as many pieces of the puzzle as possible.*

Cassandra decided to play this like Bacal. The detective thriller. She crossed her legs, letting as much thigh show as she could, one hand held in a nonchalant pose...only missing the cigarette. A smile. "Ah. Well, I did notice a strange, shadowy figure dash between the autos...you know...when we were all ready on the starting line. I guess that coincided with the all that fuss in the crowd. The Porsche was real fast...it took a heckuva lot to keep up with it...I did even try to head it off...but...it was a bit too fast." she shrugs, as if the inferior engineering of her own car is beyond her control. Pausing to see if another question comes she smiles to Max.

*Max is unfortunately too busy jotting down a few notes to notice Cassandra's change in posture, only looking up when she mentions the starting line.* Ahh, yes; about that... Sorry about ruining your race...

*A hand brushes away any concern about the chase itself.* You did what you could, and a lot better then most would have done. At least one of them knows we're on to them; hopefully it will buy us enough time without a serious Masquerade breach to hunt our uninvited guests down...

*Max looks down at the paper, rereading his notes, the Reeve shaking his head slowly. When he looks back to Cassandra, it's with a weary smile.* You know, life would be much easier if things would make sense every once in a while...

"You said it!" Cassandra agrees with Max. "Er...Reeve..." she adjust posture again, a look of determination and sincerity. "Look, I want to help, sir. I can drive. I might not be a fighter, but I can get people about...you will let me know if I can help...won't you?" she asks, her resolution becomes a little more plaintive towards the end. A hand brushes through her drying hair.

*Max sets the pen and paper aside, studying the other Kindred. He's silent for a few minutes; trying to get a read for the woman.* Ms Dawes, I do not doubt your sincerity in wanting to help. It's a willingness I plan to put to good use. In fact, I'll probably require your services as a driver when we go looking for these people, you're the best wheel man I have access to at the moment.

But am I correct in thinking there is something else behind your eagerness to help? *The tone of her voice had Max's inquisitive nature piqued; it seemed to go beyond the normal eagerness of Kindred to make a name for themselves and bust heads.*

"Oh...well..." she sighed, showed a bit more thigh and sighed again. "I...I guess I want to make up for any past mistakes, sir...I want to earn a place in the City, sir. I figured: if I can help you out...then that helps the City out...and that helps me out. So...we all..." she smiles, "you know...get something out of it...and...well, we get to have some adventures!" another smile, this one less Hollywood - more real. Her sentiments and reasoning probably seem genuine.

*Max nods.* If it helps, I to am trying to correct past mistakes as well; though of a different sort... And it's admirable you're trying to earn a place in the city instead of simply taking it for granted.

*He can't help but smile at the show Cassandra put on of her legs.* You know, you don't have to do that, Ms Dawes. I'm quite aware of how beautiful you are, no need to try and convince me of the obvious... *Max's tone is one of amusement not annoyance; the Reeve trying to fight back a soft laugh.*

Cassandra smiled, pleased her legs had won approval, she light-heartedly shows an inch or two more thigh - happily playing up to Max's comment.

Not pushing for more information about his past sins, it seems they understood one another. Nodding happily, Cassandra smiled again...a carefree smile. "I guess we can work at absolution together, sir." She wasn't sure if she should stand. She had nothing more to add about the car. They had transacted their understanding. Standing and getting ready to go, she did think of one thing - now was a good time to mention it. "I was thinking, sir, those guys at the car race....they seemed pretty well known. Everyone seemed to expect them to be there. I wonder if anyone in that scene knows them? Maybe we should go back...try for another race? See if we can pick up some information...you know...together?"

*Max can only shake his head at her showing off a little more. Definitely a Daeve, this one.* I think you might be on to something, Ms Dawes. Further investigation seems like a good idea.

*He stands, offering an arm to the female Kindred to escort her out.* Here's to what are, hopefully, a lot of nights together...