Anasztaz finished the piece, one of his very well trained favorites. As usual he nodded slightly towards the keyboard, satisfied. Although the venue so far seemed to have made no fuss about the classics, he drifted towards a more contemporary piece after the brief pause. Most of the patrons seemed focused on their meals and drinks, but that was a good thing. He was there to create the proper ambiance and he was achieving it.

In a table off to the side, Ariana was wearing a little black dress while observing the atmosphere at the restaurant. The place was on the rotated list of reviewing, and Ariana asked Conner to join her. She particularly requested so since this was where Anasztaz was playing for the evening. Through the course of her observation, she looked to Conner occasionally and watched Anasztaz. She had told the server they would only be drinking tonight and flashed a look at him as not to be bothered again.

Conner sat back in the chair and listened to the music being played by the beautiful man. Conner was not attracted to men. But for this Haunt there was no better descriptor. Eerily beautiful, it could be described as unsettling for anyone who was not familiar with the Nosferatu and the many ways there curse can evolve. Conner looked to Ariana and saw the glint in her eyes. It is good to see that she was enjoying herself.

As he finished the set, Anasztaz drifts towards Jazz. First with Night & Day, an interesting choice, before starting Cry Me a River almost without a moment's pause. He remained still, mostly, occasionally swaying his body as he moved towards certain parts of each piece. His lips sometimes were drawn to smiles, and his eyes often closed. The music had taken him over, sunk him in an isolating reverie that might have lasted forever. He had chosen a black suit tonight, white shirt and a subdued black cravat. Somewhat out of time, but fitting for his performance.

Ariana had been enjoying the music immensely. She thought it was in part because she knew the pianist. Her hand had rested on the stemmed glass with wine in front of her and she had been tapping one finger gently on the base of it. With a smile Ariana turned to Conner in a quite voice. "Do you remember the gentleman I mentioned who played piano? This would be that gentleman, part of why I asked you to join me this evening." It really was not a surprise, she was just reiterating their prior conversation.

"Yes I recognize the gentleman. I do no know much about music, but it sounds as if he is very talented."
Conner says looking to the piano player and then back to the Harpy. "How well are you two acquainted?" Conner asked wondering if Ariana has ulterior motives here or if she and the Haunt were friends.

Anasztaz pauses for a moment as he finishes, lifting his head but still staring forward. He was making a quick decision on what to play next. One of his idiosyncrasies; his mood dictated the piece, not a previously prepared list. Having reached a decision, he begins again from the start. He returns to the classics, this time his Moonlight Sonata. His lips crease into a knowing smile, his choice had been instinctive and obvious.

"You do not need to know anything about music to enjoy it." She winked. "Considering the job that I do, he asked for advice for a venue or two in the city." She said with a grin. "We are friends. Mr. Veres is also a Researcher." Implying the word meant the Dragons with a simple raise of her brow. "A wide variety of friends is never a bad idea. I thought perhaps you may like to meet him." Smiling as she spoke.

"You thought I would like to meet him because of the ties I have to his family." Conner said finishing her unspoken thought.

"Precisely." Ariana smiled. "I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to become reacquainted with such in this city." She looked at him again. "And there is no time like the present."

Conner wanted to say something related to there immortality but decided against it. He just nodded and turned his head back to the pianist.

Content with the variety of pieces he had just finished, Anasztaz pushes the bench back and stands. He takes a polite bow to the subdued applause of the patrons. It wasn't much for him to find the wolves among the sheep. He smiled towards the table where Conner and Ariana were as he approached in cautious steps around the tables. "Good evening, I hope my performance was enjoyable. Might I disrupt your evening briefly before I am due for my next set?"

"By all means Mr. Veres. Please have a seat." Ariana smiled and motioned to the empty chair.

Conner says nothing, just nods for Mister Veres to sit

Anasztaz smiles nods thankfully, accepting the invitation and sitting where she had motioned. "Have you been here for long? My apologies, I was rather caught up and didn't see you arrive."

"For a little while yes. Not to worry, I was quite enjoying the music." Recalling the prior time she listened to him play at his home. "Mr. Veres, allow me to introduce you to Mr. Greyson."

"You play well." Conner says to Anasztaz, extending his hand to shake

"A pleasure, Mr. Greyson. A rather odd circumstance that we have been proverbially in the same front and just now we have the chance to to actually meet. Something poetic about brothers in arms that still remain strangers, I find." Anasztaz says as he returns the handshake. It hadn't been a proverbial battlefield, of course, but this wasn't the place to speak about it frankly.

"My Duties keep me very busy." Conner explains, his voice a smooth calm that does not betray the lethality of the man.

"Indubitably." Anasztaz ascertains. A Deputy's job wasn't simple. "Regardless, a good time as any. It is good to meet friends of Miss Donovan at last. I owe her much."

Ariana had been listening to the gentlemen speak, she knew they had been talking about the recent problem in the Domain. Smiling she looked at Anasztaz, "It was no trouble at all Mr. Veres." Looking from one to the other for a moment. "It seems that you gentlemen are as busy as I have been as of late."

"Fortunate or unfortunate, it is hard to say. Dwelling on it is an ill fit for the few moments of leisure we can afford, and I regret bringing the topic about." Anasztaz says, waving his hand before him as if he could shoo the subject away.

"It is no matter Mr. Veres." She shook her head. "How are you enjoying this venue tonight? It seems that many are enjoying your music." She smiled sweetly. "I do know the last time this place was reviewed, the patrons seemed slightly disturbed at a rendition of Crocodile Rock played at a slow pace. Not quite the type of music suitable for the atmosphere." She could not recall if she had left him that piece of music, or if he went through all the music.

"Reading the mood of the audience and keeping it to pace with mine is challenging, I admit. In a couple of spots I almost lost my grasp, but I believe I managed to regain it." Anasztaz smirks. He was aware it sounded somewhat conceited, but he was certain of his assessment. "May I ask for a brief preview of your next review?"

She laughed a little. "Do you want the star rating, or the actual context." Ariana smiled with an accidental wink.

Conner's eyes drift to someone leaving and someone entering. Anasztaz may notice that Conner is seated somewhere where he can see each entrance and no one can approach his back.

"How narcissistic do I feel today, I wonder?" Anasztaz chuckles, following Conner's gaze as it drifts before returning it to the table. "No, I believe I may just stem my curiosity and read the full piece when it is done, lest I let it affect the rest of my performance tonight for better or worse."

"Perhaps it would be best to leave him in some suspense Ms. Donovan." Conner said with a look between the two.

Ariana chuckled slightly."Oh I do intend to do so." She smiled. "You know observation is quite the key to find out the feel of the atmosphere." Ariana's head turned slightly and her eyes averted. "The couple over there." She said quietly. "There was a pieced that perhaps invoked a memory or emotion which pulled them together in a hushed conversation." She raised a brow slightly in thought. "It is instances such as those that tell me how well it may be

"Ah, but you have the advantage on me. You can gaze towards the audience, I instead must find it sufficient to catch their feelings in the air." Anasztaz says, indicating with a brief nod. "But that is another exclusionary subject. I'd much rather learn of my new acquaintance."

Conner is silent for a moment, seemingly doing nothing but looking ahead. Conner looks to Anasztaz, "Night and Day was the woman's Parent's wedding song. Her father would sing it to her as a lullaby. He died 6 weeks ago." Conner's words were said as if it gave away some information about himself. He was casual about it, like a man would say, I'm married with two kids and a dog. Or something as relaxed as that. Not a deep rooted memory of another, whom they had never met.

"Grim affair. Almost tempted to apologize. That... may make things more unsettling, however." Anasztaz says, glancing aside for a moment during the pause of his sentence. He seems to sink in thought for a moment before he smiled again. "I believe you had the chance to meet Amelita? I have grown quite fond of her in the little time we've known each other." The change of subject had been deliberately tangential. He had got the point.

"Miss Cardoso and I are cousins." Conner said, "She has great promise."

"I myself have had little opportunity to converse with her."
Ariana mentions in passing.

Anasztaz paused for a moment, gauging the reaction with some interest before proceeding. "I agree with you, Mr. Greyson. I have taken her under my wing and she has done nothing but impress me. Other than her, I am afraid I am not too familiar with the rest of your family. Regrettably."

"With the exception of Mister Flores I know very little of your Family, at least, in Sacramento anyway." Conner says wondering how the Nos would respond.

"A distant relative, unfortunately. I am a bit distanced from my family at present, but not by choice. I wish to make amends." Anasztaz says, pursing his lips a bit. In truth, he was always a pariah in his family. The manifestation of his curse was often seen as a blessing by his peers, if they only knew...

"It seems as if we should lead by Mr. Greyson's example. He does seem to make an attempt to know his family."
Ariana was still apprehensive of her own. "Making amends is certainly a wise decision Mr. Veres." She smiled although her mind crossed to a particular Lord.

"Sooner than later. I am certain." Anasztaz says, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "I have to thank you again for your thoughtful gift. Without the myriad of pieces you gifted me, I think my repertoire wouldn't have been a fit for the audience. Without your preview of my performance I don't think I would have caught the mood of most pieces either."

"Gift?" Conner asked

"Yes, I thought a few pieces would be a nice start to a collection to begin playing again." Ariana's eyes made the slightest twitch."I thought they would go nicely with the assortment you already had, Mr. Veres."

"Why, yes. It was a very thorough compilation, I am certain it took no small effort to collect them and I am not certain I was deserving of the gesture." Anasztaz says, nodding thankfully. "Yet, something else for me to strive and repay. I do not forget my debts."

"Forgetting one's debts, especially those to a friend, is not respectful. It is good to see you take them seriously." Conner says

Ariana was quite humble when speaking of such things. "Please, it was no trouble at all. My assistant Felix did most of the work." Conner may have been slightly amused, knowing that her ghoul was deaf.

"Yes, I do believe I owe him likewise. His reorganization of the assorted pieces was keen. It yielded incredible results, I could have never done it without him." Anasztaz says matter-of-factly.

"Oh yes, he is certainly clever like that."
Ariana spoke plainly and quickly changed the subject. "Is this the only location you will play in Mr. Veres, or are there others in a rotation?" Curiously speaking.

"I haven't given it much thought, but with that said... wherever you wish me to perform, Miss Donovan." Anasztaz says humbly. "After all, it is the least I can do. Assist you with your reviews and bring up the general feeling of the places you favor."

Ariana actually preferred listening to him at his house, for many reasons. "I am sure I have a few in mind." Speaking as she turned to Conner. "Mr. Greyson, is there any place particular you could recommend?" Looking at him inquisitively, trying to engage him in conversation.

"Cheyenne prefers a coffee shop, Café Refugio, on Del Paso." Conner said accepting Ariana's quiet reminder to be involved. "I understand they have live music there on occasion."

"As long as there's a piano, I am satisfied. I am otherwise unbiased on the venue." Anasztaz says, shrugging slightly. Truly it made no difference to him. Places might as well not exist at all while he played. "And if it is something I can do as a small present to commemorate our proper introduction, I am more than willing."

"That is unnecessary. Perhaps later we can all meet in a place where we can discuss private matters." Conner said

"I do agree Mr. Greyson. That is an excellent idea." Ariana smiled, and very surprised at his suggestion, but hinted no expression of the sort.

"Capital idea." Anasztaz nods, throwing a glance to the piano with a small smile. "I should perhaps return to the stage. After all, the patrons are not paying to listen to recorded music. It was a true pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Greyson, and I hope you both enjoy the rest of your evening."

"To you as well." Conner said, "I have rounds that are needing to be made. Ms Donovan, will you be staying or would you are for an escort?" Conner asked

Ariana thought for a split second, literally split. "Mr. Greyson, I will go with you. I do believe I should get back to check deadlines for tomorrow's edition." Looking to Anasztaz, "Mr. Veres, it was such a pleasure listening tonight and the opportunity to see you shine." She smiled as a possible hint at her review.

"Whatever small pleasure I can grant you is a fraction of all that I owe you." With that, Anasztaz stands and begins his return to the piano. He had already a mood to draw inspiration from. He hoped the patrons would appreciate the crescendo.

Conner waits for Ariana to give him a sign that they are ready to leave, once that sign is given Conner takes the lead and walks them out of the club.