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The Next Step?

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  1. #221

    Rook flicked an eyebrow in thought as Rick butted in and reorganised everyone for no real reason that he could see, considering the guy admitted to not knowing anyone. What a complete tactical botch.

    Someone with a serious jonesing for attention whoring. Surprised he's not a Fairest.

    He shrugged. He figured he'd go with the amusing Mirrorskin and the Moonborn anyway. Why not? It seemed like the best way to stay out of that arrogant fucker's group to begin with. He'd lived through far too many battles to appreciate anyone who loudly ordered people around, whoever the Hell they were. Even if he was the Goddamn Emperor of the Freehold, he should've learnt the talent of delegating.

  2. #222
    Xerxia's Avatar



    Xerxia realizes that Al is still looking at her, so she finally responds with a faint smile, "It's okay, Al. I'm sure you'll remember sometime."

    When Leo asks her what was probably the most vague question she had heard in a while, she replies tiredly, "You already know all there is to know, unless I'm misunderstanding the question..."

  3. #223

    Abigail is about to comment on the rude responce the Airtouched just gave her and on how his parents didn't teach him any manners but she decides not to. Instead she just let's out a sigh. A sigh of someone whose aspectatives for other people are never met. 'Try a liittle bit of courtesy...'
    To make everything more upsetting for her was the fact that she agrees with what Autumn said. After that she silently keeps to herself while waiting for a more cosistent plan.

  4. #224
    CyledyrWyllt's Avatar

    Jack looks from Al and Terri to Katie. The good doctor wants to help the young woman, but isn't sure if he's up to running on rooftops. Regardless, he'll help the damsel in distress however he can.

    "I'll help look into your roommate situation. I have a car, if that helps."

    He really isn't sure who exactly plans on helping this poor girl.

  5. #225

    Sebastian had long finished his padding around the bar. It was easy for him to walk and listen to each person offer up his or her opinion without notice as he was low to the ground, and wouldn't draw attention to himself unless he intended to. He had also left in the hopes that Tommy would have struck up a conversation with at least one other in the bar. Instead he returned to an ogre whose mind had gone on a bigger walkabout than usual. He hoisted up on his hind legs and dug into a dusty pant leg until he was sure he'd penetrated the cloth and started to scratch. This did the trick quickly.

    Tommy looked down and was about to pick up Sebastian thinking he wanted to be fed or something before it dawned on him that that was not why he was clawed. He had spaced out for ten, fifteen minutes? After delivering a gut-wrenching speech for him on his part about his few skills and blatant deficits, he flushed it away by his inaction. He might as well have kept staring at the wall. He could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks and the heat of humiliation soaking into his body. The literary allusion would have completely been lost on him even if he'd heard it, but he could vaguely recollect notice from the group of frosties by the bar. If they had offered him a place, he couldn't imagine they would want him now. So who was left, what was left. His brow furrowed as he exercised his weakest faculties, and a solution fell into place. Basty had talked about the Hedge. He'd go there, or offer to.

    He cleared his throat a little and raised his hand, stirring up some dust, "If there's still room, if you could use a strong hand, I'd like to help in the Hedge."

    Sebastian's mouth dropped, and he stared daggers at his large supposed friend and guardian. It's true that he himself had offered his services for that purpose, but if he never went into the Hedge for the rest of his life he would be a happy feline. He was confident that an important task involving any Hedge travel would be kept out of the domain of a walk-in. He had heard Rick offer the gathered Lost their pick, and short of Tommy raging out needlessly like in Montana or some other display of ineptitude they were going into the meanest version of Busch Gardens ever.

    Sebastian scrambled on top of the table, thinking maybe he could update Tommy that there were other options, but he saw the flickering smile on Tommy's face, big brown eyes searching the crowd for an olive branch. Those eyes zoomed in on him as he sat down, his own golden eyes with green flecks now wiped of the anger from before. He couldn't find it in himself to tell Tommy it was an awful idea. Instead, he curled up and started to lick a paw. If he refined his fur enough, it might make a nice stole for someone after his demise. Tommy turned his attention back to the group, intent on being present in every sense from here on out.

  6. #226
    Player of the Month
    GB82's Avatar

    Patrick Donovan

    "I would like to have a word with Tickle about those Never Nips, I do not believe he is behind them but he might know something." A look of utter disgust crosses his face. "Drawing children into the Hedge." Frankly he did not give a damn if Rick considered it a priority or not, Patrick would be looking into who was making those damnable Goblin Fruit. He had a couple of leads and maybe Tickle could provide some more information.

    With a look to the crowd the Darkling begins to move away from the table, hopefully the leaders would begin to sort their own teams out. As he moves the Autumn Courtier begins to hum softly to himself.

    "... can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street ..."


    The redhead smiles weakly at the Doctor, the picture of her lost friend in her hands.

    "Thank you."

    Part of her wished that the gentleman had something other than a car, something capable of taking her away from all this insanity and madness. A Time Machine would certainly be handy right about now.

  7. #227
    Matt's Avatar

    Kaito frowns. "What will each group be doing exactly? I know yours is going into the hedge Rick that's about it."
    Matt - Werewolf Storyteller
    Pronouns: He/ Him

  8. #228
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    Terri pinched her the bridge of her nose, the promise of a vicious headache brimming just over the horizon. Maybe it was all the new arrivals putting her on edge, unknowns in a world where trust was hard to earn and even easier to loose. Perhaps it was all the voices and her Beast-like brain not being able to keep up. Or it could be that she was too focused on the pictures and actually dealing with the possibility of having to square up to Lois. When she hears Jack's voice, she turns his way, and then blushes furiously as it seemed she had blatantly ignored the young girl who appeared seriously out of her depth.

    However, when she heard Kaito ask the simple question, Terri couldn't help but chuckle. "You tell me," she joked before looking around, addressing all in the restaurant of the hotel. "Can I get everyone's attention for a minute please? Now, to those who don't know who the furrytailed squirrel girl is, well, hi! I'm Terri," she says with a smile in an effort to take the weight from Rick who, despite his positives, speaking in large groups wasn't up there. "It would seem we're getting our wires crossed, or am I getting confused about that? From the way I see it, we've got several problems that need ironing out and plenty of hands to make the load lighter. Now, I'm very interested in finding out more about who is taking these pictures and why. We have a name, it would seem, in Fairweather and we have targets," Terri pointed towards the photos. "I am very, very, very interested in the why. If it means trailing the fetches with hope of spotting anything untoward then that's my plan. If anyone else cares to join Al and I, then cool, the more the merrier. Roof running was just an idea not a certainty. In fact, I'm guessing that anyone with talents of mimicry and stealth would be extremely valuable," she said, looking directly towards Leo and any other Winters she could notice. "As for the other tasks, I think this young lady's plight also needs looking into asap," Terri added with a smile towards Katie. "As for any Hedge ventures, I'll leave that for others with more knowledge. Last time I went into the Hedge, I got sliced by a sword wielding douche of a tiger."

    Finishing her little speech, keeping a friendly smile on her face, Terri waits any backlash as the headache grows, pounding like a hammer behind her eyes.
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  9. #229

    Sweet Tooth strolled in to the lobby of the Four Seasons pausing briefly to scan his surroundings. Hmm nice decor, smartly uniformed dude at the front desk and ooh a bar. Think I might go and get a feel for the place before I track down the illustrious Mr Bates. A virgin Cuba Libre is in order I think.Leaning forwards and squaring his shoulder he heads in to the Bar.

    As he passes through into the bar proper he pulls up short in surprise. Damn more than a dozen ‘lings in here.Wow quite a crowd”. Sweet tooth remarks, “Looks like it’s my lucky day”.Wait till they get a load of me.

    Sweet Tooth strides purposefully across the room to the open stage area near the piano the sound of dry leaves rustling in a breeze following in his wake. Silhouettes of three pronged maple leaves drift slowly down through the thick red, yellow and orange colored bands of his tight long sleeved top giving the impression that he is walking under a tree in the midday autumn sun. Stopping and facing the throng he exclaims. “Roll up, roll up one and all and witness with wide eyed wonder the marvel that isSweet Tooth the Clown. Who here wouldn’t want to see me play with my brightly colored balls”. He then reaches down and grabs the waist band of his trousers either side of a large happy yellow smiley face belt buckle. After pausing briefly to survey the expressions on the faces in the crowd the clown slides his hands down into his pockets and produces four small soft leather balls all in vivid primary colors which he then proceeds to start juggling.
    As the balls go zipping through the air Sweet Tooth continues on like a bally caller trying to pull in joobs at a carnival. “But why has this dashing figure we see before us graced us with his presence I hear you say. Well I’ve noticed there’s trouble a'brewin in the Hedge and I’m looking for any hombres tough enough to form a posse and take it on. Do I know the Hedge well yes sir I’m on a first name basis with brer rabbit himself, I’m a graduate of the Steve Irwin School of crocodile wrastlin and I’m an acrobat extraordinaire. I’m here to tell ya folks if you need to use any of my skills. I can do whatever you want.”
    The balls disappear back into the clown’s pockets and he spreads his arms wide, one to the front and one to the rear. “That’s all folks. There ain't no more”. The clown looks expectantly at the crowd waiting for a response.

  10. #230

    “But why has this dashing figure we see before us graced us with his presence I hear you say. Well I’ve noticed there’s trouble a'brewin in the Hedge and I’m looking for any hombres tough enough to form a posse and take it on. Do I know the Hedge well yes sir I’m on a first name basis with brer rabbit himself, I’m a graduate of the Steve Irwin School of crocodile wrastlin and I’m an acrobat extraordinaire. I’m here to tell ya folks if you need to use any of my skills. I can do whatever you want.”
    Otto paused at the bar and reached over for a beer when the clown walked past him to the stage. "What the!?" he thought. The Beast cracked open the beer with his ring as the Autumn Orgre took the stage and put on what Otto that was one of the fubar spectacles he'd seen in a long time. "Sounds like you're two cat-stabbers short of a toolbox. You need to cut huffing the helium and switch to booze kid!" Otto called from the bar.

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