Sable crawled through the sewers of Sacramento slowly counting to herself in the darkness. Not this one, the next one. She thinks passing a turn-off and hurrying down the tunnel to the next juncture. This one she takes and the pipes here become more narrow, just as she expected. The rats are bad in this tunnel, and they squeak as they scamper out of her way. A few more yards of counting, turn up. She reaches up in the blackness and feels the ledge she was looking for and pulls herself up. Now she can see the light of day trickling down from a storm drain and she heads for it, blinking as she peers out of it.

It's a school yard and the students are being filed in for lunch at the school's cafeteria. Made it... Now she just had to wait for the right time to move. She watched them, the students, high school students actually, just like she was before she was lured away. It made her wonder what would have been. She was looking forward to prom so much before she was snatched away and her friends had plans to do matching dresses. Amber was always so jealous of Sable's blond hair, what a mess it was now.. Nothing to envy down here in the sewer. They were all probably older now, not that she knew how long it had been since she returned, but she didn't seem to visibly age at the same rate as she once did. Are they married? Do they have children? She had no real friends now, after that witch had gotten to her. She had gone to the Freehold and pledged allegiance to them and their general way but her fellow changelings liked her more for her means of travel than her company. Constantly it was, "Sable, deliver this." "Sable, sneak into there." She did their chores but it didn't fill the loneliness in the off hours. Who would want to invite a slimy little thing like her to a get together anyway? And she looks like a little seventeen year old so bars were impossible to get into and romantic relationships? Ha. Maybe if she had been allowed to graduate.

Time to go. The students were almost out of sight and she didn't want them to see her climb up. First her scrawny arms come out of the drain, tiny reptilian claws seeking hold in the concrete. Disgusting sounds of bones popping out of socket and cracking out of place is heard and she drags the rest of her body through the thin opening. She lays on the pavement, her body untwisting itself like a contortionist climbing out of a tiny box. Better hurry.. She stands, her body finally back to its normal awkward self, and dashes toward the end of the lunch line that was filing into the cafeteria. The last kid in line was so busy chatting it up with his teenage pal that he takes no notice at all that an unfamiliar student just joined the line.

The smell hits her immediately. Ah, nice hot food. Grabbing a tray, she moves down the line. She scored big this time. The lunch ladies were doing turkey, aka mystery meat, and gravy with a mostly stale dinner roll. Fine dining for someone like Sable. They drop the slop on her plate showing the lack of love and care that, after twenty years of serving high school brats, will develop over time. No matter to Sable, the messier the better at this point.

Sable took her lunch back outside, no one stopped her, she was just so unnoticeable to the mortals. Often to changelings also. At least there's lunch... She thought as she dug into the low quality school meal and took drinks from her mini cardboard milk box.

When the meal was finished she left the tray by the drain she used to sneak in. Might as well keep 'em guessing...