The dirty, unmarked white van sat in the parking lot like a sleeping predator, faint music drifting from the cracked open windows as the engine purred and idled.

"I know it's getting late..."

The girl was probably pretty, once. Certainly the sickly yellowish light of the Wal-Mart parking lot peeking in around the sun visor didn't improve her beauty any, and Scott was pretty sure that weird shadow under her one eye was a fading bruise. But it wasn't any of his business. If she had to sell her body to get by, Scott didn't mind using it at all for his purposes.

"...But if you'd like to talk a little more..."

The girl fidgeted as the smooth sounds of the Bluetones drifted low out of the CD player. She clearly didn't want to be here any longer than she had to though. So Scott just held up a thin roll of bills and said, "Here, now get to work."

"...well, that's alright with me..."

The girl frowned in distaste, but took the money anyway. Leaning over, she reached for the zipper of Scott's pants. And that's when Scott seized her by the neck. The struggle was short- even without the strength given by the blood, Scott was a powerful man. He sank his teeth into her throat just beneath her ears, and began to drink.

"...I'm feeling kind tired... but it ain't exactly beating down my door..."

He could feel the rapid beating of her heart against his gums, and while he lost track of the lyrics, he could almost imagine her heart was beating in time with the quarter-notes. He could savour the bitter adrenalin mixed in with her coppery-tasting blood. The girl moaned in his grip, the feel of the Kiss cutting through her fear. And when the beat began to slow, slower than the beat of the music, Scott released her. He licked the wound closed before letting go of her neck, wiping the red wetness from his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I know I shouldn't say..."

While the girl recovered herself, Scott reached into his pocket and tossed her another $50. "I'm done with you, now go," he growled, putting a little of the force of his Beast behind it.

"...but you've been acting strange these past few days..."

The girl's eyes widened in fear, and her hands began to claw at the door handle. When the latch clicked, she threw herself out of the van, hitting the ground running. Huh, thought Scott, maybe I overdid it.

"...and this has made me think..."

The hunger satisfied for the night, Scott leaned across the passenger seat of his van to tug the door closed.

"...just what could this be..."

The song cut off abruptly as he started the motor. As Scott pulled out of the parking lot, he hit the skip button on the player until he came to a song a little more pleasing to his current mood. Soon an staccato rhythm powered by a synthesizer and a strong drum beat.

"Better get up outta the way, tomorrow we'll rise so let's fight today..."

Scott's smile grew. The night was young, the hooker was already almost out of his mind, and tonight, at least, he felt like a predator.