Right on time, an old Series One Jag pulls up in front of the club. Ciara eases the car into neutral, stepping out of what American's would call the passenger's side to look around for Jillian. One of the many advantages of British cars: You always step out on the right side for the curb. The car had obviously seen better days, but it ran smoothly; and fresh leather upholstery inside. Seems the Harpy had a little project car on her hands.

Jillian walked out of the Alleyway and made her way over to the fascinatingly beautiful Woman who was both Prefect and Harpy. Jillian felt the Ferocious beast within the woman but knew that Ciara would keep it caged. So, as Jillian made her way over she soothed her beast. And by soothed I mean internally told it to grow a pair and shut its damn... um ... mouth? Anyway as Jillian crossed the street she nodded to the Harpy. Once she got close enough she said, "Evening Ma'am."

*Ciara waves to the approaching Gangrel, motioning her towards the unlocked passenger door.* Good evening, Ms Malloy. Hop in, I just got her back from the mechanic and I'm eager to road test her... *Climbing back into the car, Ciara apparently dressed down for the evening; just a pair of jeans and light tan sweater. Once the other Kindred joins her, she'll put the car into gear, ease back into traffic, and head down the road.* So, Priscus, what is on your mind tonight?

Jillian, not really dressed down because well she is dressed as she always is. A set of heavy boots, a heavy leather jacket, a pair of cargo pants and a tank top. As Jillian gets into the vehicle she takes off a set of black fingerless gloves and puts them into her inside pocket of her Jacket. "Thanks for seeing me Harpy... er or should I call you Prefect?" Jillian asked not meaning to sound like an idiot but still unsure of which title she should use.

*Ciara laughs softly, a sound that slips easily in with the murmur of shifting gears and the purr of a finely tuned engine.* Ms Maskelyne will be fine, unless this is officially Kindred or Movement business.

Jillian had to admit she liked that purring laugh of the Harpy.

"Well that depends on your Point of View in what I am want to ask you."
Jillian says with a pause. "So I will just ask and you can decide which title I should use. I need some information and your the only person I figured I could ask.” Jillian paused again, “Ajax and I were out patrolling, hunting for the broodlings that have been causing problems in South Sacramento. We came across a group of Homeless who Dog said may be connected. So to make a long story less long, I think those homeless may be connected to brood or no something about us.” Jillian said. “Both Ajax and I do. Does any of this ring a bell or sound familiar?”

*The laugh turns into a growl, and a sudden down shift and black booted foot pushing the accelerator to the floor cause the Jag to spring to life; the car quickly picking up speed in response to it's driver's annoyance. How long would they have to suffer these mortal fools? How long until they were run out of town for good; or simply killed and forgotten about? Her anger carries over in her voice, Ciara never taking her eyes off the road as she talks.* You're correct, Ms Malloy; the Homeless are aware of what we are and are extremely dangerous. I myself suffered from one of their attacks, one I barely survived... *For just a moment, Ciara's thought turn to Argent. As strange as the other Carthian could be, she couldn't help but wonder what had become of him.* But they are not with the Brood. They are their own entity, one that should have been dealt with long ago; but was over looked by the Ex-Sheriff. I thought all new arrivals to the city would have been made aware of them, but I guess with the lack of a Reeve, that is not the case...

"So Harpy or Prefect?" Jillian asks not wanting to piss off the Harpy any more then she already is. And she had no idea how stringent the Movement was with there titles.

*Ciara blinks, suddenly aware of how quickly the car had gained speed. She eases off the pedal, letting the car slowly bleed off speed.* Harpy will be fine, you aren't yet a member of the Movement. But your hunch is correct, the homeless are a continuing problem in the city. Along with the Brood...

"Aight Harpy." Jillian says with a nod really wanting to feel how smooth the skin on the Harpy's hands are, "So yeah the issue is that the Brood are coming into South Sacramento from the same direction that the homeless are. And I am thinking that if they weren't related or intermingaled they are now." Jillian thinks for a moment. "So Harpy, If the Gangrel and I were to say... go after the Homeless and deal with that situation. Would you would say its not a good idea?"

*Ciara is silent for a few moments, thinking over Jillian's idea.* Were they smaller in number, I would recommend it. But it is my understanding they are great in number. Several other members of the city have tried to deal with them, and have either come back burned and broken, or not come back at all. They are numerous, they know our weaknesses, and they are, almost to the man, crazy as a loon. If you are set on dealing with them, you'll need more than just the two of you...

"Good Point Madam Harpy."
Jillian thought for a moment. Feeling the hum of the car and watching the parting of the Harpy's lips, Jillian runs her tongue over her own before saying. "Can I ask ya another question though?"

*Ciara eases the car to a stop for a red light, giving her time to turn towards the Gangrel Priscus.* You may ask whatever you wish, Priscus. How, and whether I answer is up to me... *She responds with a playful smile.*

Jillian smiles back at the woman, You wanna make out... is what Jillian thought and really really really wanted to say. But instead she said, "I got 4 gangrel, a Ventrue and a Mekhet. And these fuckers really really pissed me off..." Pause "Still think I am screwed?" Jillian asked not even realizing she had let the epithet slip.

*Ciara is silent, turning over the information in her head.* Normally I would say no, but I was in a group with three other Kindred when we were jumped by 4 homeless, and we barely made it out of the trap; and even then we lost one of our own. I'm afraid you're asking for advice on a topic out of my expertise. I'm a lover, not a fighter; to use the old saying. Perhaps the Seneschal or one of the Deputies would be better able to assess your chances.

"I bet you are" Jillian thought...

"Aight thanks for the input Harpy Maskelyne, Could you let me off by South Sacramento please? I can hot step it back to my place."
Jillian said thinking about the information she had been given.

*Ciara nods, turning the car in the proper direction to drop Jillian off. She's silent for a few moments, then quirks an eyebrow.* My turn for a question; feel free to not answer if your wish: Do you always dress like that? Or is it something you only put on while going out?

Jillain took down her blue and blond hair, ran her hand through it and pulled it back up into a pig tail. "Um not really sure how to answer that... Yeah I am a bit more of a Function over form kinda girl. I was raised by single father so I am not much of a Girly Girl. For the most part anyway. Why do you ask?" Jillian asked in a conversational tone.

I didn't mean anything negative by it, it's simply you have a style I don't usually see. I have a passion for fashion, and I always try to learn more about those styles I'm not familiar with. I didn't know if you ever just lounge around, or if your pajamas have spikes on them too. *She gives the other Kindred a playful wink, letting her know it was all in earnest fun.* Hrm, you mean you've never known the bliss of a full evening at the spa?

Jillian laughs, as she does her lip ring clacks against her teeth. "I know you didn't mean to offend. I was just surprised that's all." Jillian said, internally part of her was trying to remind herself that She wasn't talking to a girlfriend but a authority figure. "As far as when I lay around at home, Boy Shorts and tank tops for the most part. Or a warm set of Flannel Pajamas." Then it clicked that whole Authority figure not girlfriend thing. Probably a little late but it clicked. "Sorry Harpy Maskalyne You probably didn't want to know that..." Purposefully using the Harpy's title.

*It's Ciara's turn to laugh.* You can relax, Ms Malloy; you don't have to call me Harpy now. A little chit chat doesn't have to be so formal; I only worry about titles in public or if it is official business. Unless you want your tank tops to be a topic of discussion at the next Carthian meeting... *She teases the other woman softly.* Speaking of which, there will be another coming up soon; if you'd like to attend.

"Aight, Yeah I would like that very much." *beat* "If in private we are being less formal you can call me Jill or Jillian if you want." Jillian says, with a smile that may or may not be a bit flirty, to the Harpy."Oh and to answer your question from before, no I have never been to a Spa or had a pedicure or any of that. The Piercings and stuff I had when I was embraced so Leave em in or have holes there. And the Hair dye, well I do that in my sink."

*Ciara smiles back, thinking.* Hmm, I'll have to change that then. There's a wonderful little place down near the river that is open late for professionals after work. I'll set up everything for you; think of it as a premature "Welcome to the Movement gift". *She eases the car to the side of the road, slipping it out of gear.* Very well, Jillian, you can call me Ciara. Anytime you want advice, feel free to call. Or if you just want to talk, it's refreshing to be able to have a conversation that isn't about politics...

"Yeah this was really nice, Thanks Ciara. I'm looking forward to the next time we get to do this." Jillian says and opens the car door, knowing that her boys would be waiting and she needed to get back. "Thanks for the advice too, Its nice to have an ear to talk in to and not have to worry bout getting your eyes clawed out." Jillian said that last part with a smile hoping that Ciara would find it funny.

*Ciara smiles back.* I'll leave the claws to you, Jillian. I'll stick with my whips and chains. Be careful out tonight, and have a good evening...

Jillian just smiles back to her and closes the car door to make her way off into the night.