Kat arrived at Avalon, dressed in a simple black dress with matching heels. She walked down the steps into the elysium and across the room. Knocking on the prince’s office door. Wondering if he was in.

After a few moments, the door is opened by an attractive young woman, who briefly gives Katrina the appraisal every woman gives another before lowering her eyes and stepping aside.

The office is large, with the door placed on a corner opening to a diamond shape. One far wall is dominated by a bookshelf, heavy desk, and large chairs. The center of the room has a large round leather ottoman with two round couches framing it and facing a large screen mounted on the wall. The other end is blocked off by a wall of frosted glass with openings at each end.

SportsCenter is playing, muted, as Asa lounges on one of the couches. Turning and seeing Katrina, he gestures for her to enter.

Katrina smiles at the woman and enters. "Thank you." She looked around the office and could not help but notice how fancy it was. Well suited for Asa, the man was charming, sophisticated and damn good looking. He also had a naughty side which gave him bonus points. The only thing hanging over him was his status. He was the prince, the man, and not "The man" in a carthian way. It was in a corporate context, he was the boss and as such she had to remember and respect that. Still if today went well then perhaps that barrier she had created out of self preservation would get lowered?

She moves to the side of Asa, having a quick glance what sport is playing. She makes sure not to stand in front of the TV. If he was watching an important game she didn't want to be the idiot that blocked his view when a legendary event took place.

"Your Majesty" She said whilst curtsying. "I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time?"

Asa watched as Katrina entered, eyes staying on the door to see if there was anyone accompanying her. A slight gesture was followed by the rustle of fabric as Nika slipped out, and the sound of the door closing.

He pointed the remote at the screen, and the image froze while he gave Katrina a frank appraisal. Leaning back against the couch, he gestured for her to continue, still silent.

She took a pause and smiled. She was crap at this and she knew it. Politeness only got you so far.

"I have been looking at places to live and have found a nice place that I wish to take. However that place is not in the Barrens. I do not desire to live in the Barrens. It’s a brutal place to live." she gave a soft laugh. Not even the Gangrel wanted to live there and she hoped the prince would get her humour. "The place in question actually resides in your domain and I was hoping that you could grant me tenancy." Best to leave it there, let him speak. If she charged in offering something it could piss him off, her presuming to know what he wants.

Asa nodded as Katrina spoke, and then slowly leaned forward, coming to stand at his full height of nearly six and a half feet. A long stride took him close to Katrina, where he continued to walk behind her.

He stopped, leaning forward over her shoulder to speak softly in her ear. "It's difficult for a beautiful flower to blossom in the desert."

Straightening, he moved back around to face Katrina.

"Now tell me why I would do this for a neonate who embarrassed me in my own club?"

Shit, she had embarrassed him. Things were looking bad, still not too bad. He hadn't rammed a stake through her heart. She doesn't move as he whispers in her ear, sure if some random kindred did it, it might be considered a bit freaky. It was actually charming, and smooth, very smooth. He was making a clear point, in the barrens she would be like a filthy commoner. Ok she’s Gangrel it does not matter that much, but she would be doomed to remain at the bottom of the social latter without this. It was an essential step, one she needed to get done.

"I am really sorry for embarrassing you your majesty. I am not the most social person. Looks and politeness only get me so far." She paused; hopefully he would see that she was being honest with him. She valued honesty and hoped that he did too.

"I do have a possible solution." She knew she would have to swallow her pride this evening. "I will work for you, I doubt you need security at any of your clubs although it’s a job I am capable of doing. I know one other thing I have going for me is my looks. What if I worked for you at Asylum as a sub or domme for hire two nights a week. Perhaps use a private room and give paying guests the V.I.P treatment. I am not a business woman but I would expect that to increase revenue. Think every Friday and Saturday, stag parties, rich lonely men that like getting punished by pretty women or that like punishing pretty women."

She paused.

"There are quite a few possibilities there. Place a secret camera in the room and if someone important decides to party in the V.I.P room, you then have video footage to blackmail them with. If blackmail is your sort of thing of course. If not I am sure someone else would pay good money to get hold of that footage."

She carried on smiling, her tone remained polite throughout, however it had a hint of something that was cold and calculated.

"Did you know that our families are the closest of any of the five Clans?" Asa asked conversationally. "That may seem odd until you consider that no two Clans' Blood manifests as similarly as ours, giving us an affinity for both the Disciplines of Animalism and Resilience."

Asa smiled, remembering Freddrick's Hound, Brandon Davis.

"What that means is that, no matter how much you Savages pride yourselves on your physical nature," Asa's tone began mildly, but grew lower as he continued, leaning forward slightly. "Ventrue are every bit your equal in toughness and ferocity."

We're just not stupid.

"It also means that we understand the relationship of the apex predator and the pack more keenly than any other."

Asa pushed images of Konstantin out of his mind as he reached a hand up, lightly running his thumb over Katrina's lips until he lowered it to rest on her shoulder. His other hand took one of hers and placed it on his bicep as he slowly began squeezing her neck.

"Do you know who the apex predator is in this city?" he asked with a smile.

"You are, your majesty." she wanted to add something about making him more attractive in this 1 to 1 situation however now was not the time for smart ass comments.

Asa relaxed his hand, nodding.

He brought his other hand up to cup Katrina's face and leaned forward to whisper in her ear again.

"I can see the fear in you, even fear of your own family. Do you want to talk about not being afraid anymore, or talk about Tenancy Rights?"

Damn, the prince had more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match. The big question was go the direct route and take a risk of a No or take the detour, enjoy the ride and have more chance of getting a Yes. She liked Asa, a hell of a lot more now than the other night.

She smiled at Asa, remaining polite as always. "I knew that within 1 minute of walking in here you would see right through me and know more about me in that 1 minute than I would know about you in a lifetime. As for the fear you are correct. It is there but I don't think I could fully loose every fear I have." She looks down; she hated to admit this next part. It was like he was cracking that hard exterior that she had put up. No one apart from prince Richard back in Russia had ever managed to do that. Was it that they were alike in more ways than she wanted to admit? "It keeps me human."

Pausing, Asa tilted his head slightly.

"You remind me of a woman I once knew, Elle Moiraine," he said in a conversational tone.

Had Katrina been of the Dracul, he might speak with her about humanity, and transcendence... but she was not; and she had made a decision.

"I will consider your proposal, but know that the submissive role is as much psychological as it is physical," he continued, his tone become the usual pleasant, but crisp voice of the Prince during Court business.

"Have you had any training? If you know how to Present yourself as a submissive, do so," Asa said, removing his hands and taking a few steps away. "If not, ask to be instructed."

"I have had no real training. Please instruct me your majesty" She knew he was boss, if she didn't know it before she sure knew it now. She bowed her head down slightly eyes focusing on the prince with an expression that read "I’m yours". The American term was that Katrina was now the prince’s bitch.

"The submissive will refer to the dominant as 'sir' or 'Master'," Asa said absentmindedly.

"A proper presentation begins with the removal of clothing, leaving the heels on. The clothing is neatly folded and placed out of the way," he continued. The words came easily, and had almost the sing-song quality of something that had been memorized and was being repeated.

Asa Clarke had been trained, by the eminent dominatrix of Sacramento of twenty years, a titled Invictus of Ventrue Blood -- Lioni Dupree.

"She will then crawl to her master and kneel with her knees shoulder width apart and raise her arms and cross her wrists behind her head. Finally, the back is to be slightly arched; this puts her body in a pleasing and accessible position to be inspected, should her master choose. Finally, the submissive will verbally offer herself. This will complete the formal Presentation."

"Of course Sir, at once Sir."

Katrina slipped her arms through her dress, letting it fall to the floor showing her perfect curvy body. Her body was defined but not in a muscular way. She stepped out of her dress and picked it up, carefully folding it and placing it on the desk. Reaching round she removed her bra and placing that neatly on the pile. Next was her thong, she slipped it off, folded it and placed that on the pile. All that remained was a thin silver necklace with a cross on. She removed it and neatly placed it on the pile spread out rather than in a ball.

She dropped to her knees and crawled over the floor in front of Asa. Getting herself into the position as described.

"I am yours sir, for you do with me as you see fit."

There was a rustle as Asa moved away, and Katrina could hear soft clicks and then a desk draw slide open; again, the sound of light metal noises. Asa returned, squatting, and placed a collar on the floor in front of Katrina. Next he reached out to touch her here and there, watching her eyes for protest or objection as his hands became increasingly intimate with the beautiful body. What started as, perhaps, an inventory or assessment smoothly transitioned into stimulation akin to foreplay.

His hands left her, and went to his jacket, slipping it off, and then his tie. Next, he unbuttoned his crisp white shirt, revealing an immensely powerful physique that the sharp lines and dark colors of his suits camouflaged.

Moving forward, he placed a hand against the small of Katrina's back and pulled her close against him as his other hand went to the back of her neck and guided it to the slope of where his neck turned into his shoulder.

"I accept, and offer you the true collar of my Blood," Asa murmured in her ear, pressing her lips against his neck.

Katrina softly kissed the princes neck before softly whispering in his ear. "Thank you for the offer sir. I would rather love and respect you because I do. The bonds of the blood will make me love you, but they would also bring that feeling of pure hatred and resentment and I do not wish for that to happen. Sorry, I would rather do these things because I want to and where it’s true that I want to please you, I do like you, if I didn't then I wouldn’t be doing this now. It’s just that’s a big step and no one I would make without being sure first. ”Her words were sincere. She liked the prince but it was far too early to take that sort of step with him. Naturally he could order it, but she would spend eternity hating him. She would know the feelings of love were false. If she were to enter into it, it would be because she truly loved the person.

She braced herself expecting the worst. Deep down she hoped he would understand that. Every prince wanted to be loved and she expected Asa was no exception. Did he want people to love him for him or because they were forced to?

Asa held her closely for a few more moments, thinking that maybe she reminded him of more than just Elle.

Pulling them apart slightly, he took one of her hands and laid it on her chest, above her dead heart, covering it with his own.

"Now I have seen your weakness, and your strength," he said, smiling. "Maybe it is time for you to use that strength," Asa continued, pressing on her hand, "Instead of other, common, assets."

"Please get dressed."

To say Kat was disappointed would be an understatement. She had seen the prince at court and at Avalon and had noticed him. Chasing after the prince was a sure fire way to get yourself killed. She had decided not to do anything about it before, if he was going to come he was going to come to her and make the first move. He had done so tonight but she had managed to fuck that up, was it a test perhaps?

She saw it now; she had been willing to please him. Much like with Richard although with Richard it never got sexual. She had just managed to look like every other member of court, willing to do whatever he wanted to advance. She looked like another toady. This was not the impression she wanted to give. She did not want him to think she served him because she needed to. She wanted him to know she served him because she wanted to. She had seen another side of Asa this evening, perhaps he was not as she had first thought, and a better image was projected.

Surely this would get around court and she would be humiliated, Jillian would probably be angry but she could handle Jillian.

She weakly smiled at him. "Yes sir." She headed over to the desk and put her clothes back on.

Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise? What could have happened after this? That much she did not know.

Despite how things had gone her opinion of Asa had suddenly changed. She still saw him as the prince, but now she had also seen him as a man as well.

She finished getting dressed and turned to face him. She gives him an un-sure smile as she headed back to stand in-front of him.

By the time Katrina finished dressing, Asa had put his shirt and jacket back on, and his tie was neatly rolled and sitting on the ottoman.

"The Lily is in need of a night manager/hostess, Miss Scherbotsky," he said conversationally. "When you leave, let Nika know if you'll be working at The Asylum or The Lily, and when you'll begin work. Also, please leave the address of your new Haven with her."

A hand held up the collar, and offered it to Katrina. "I'd like for you to have this, as a souveneir. I'd also appreciate it if you respected my privacy in regards to this conversation."

Katrina softly smiled at the prince. He had certainly shattered perceptions and the offer of the lily position was great indeed. Perhaps this was better than she had hoped for? At the lily she would not be stepping on Victoria's toes.

Katrina took the collar from Asa "Thank you your majesty." it was not the usual thank you, it was deep and from the heart. "Of course, anything you say to me will always be held in the strictest confidence."

She looks at the collar and smiles. "Thank you again. You are a good man."

She heads out of the office, making sure to close the door on her way out. Seeing Nika she smiles. "I will be taking the night manager / hostess job at the Lily. I will be starting on Monday. I am also to give you details of my new residence. It will be 132 X Street. However I will call you if that changes." She smiles at Nika. "Thank you for your help."