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Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:11 pm
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Werewolf: Forsaken Auspices

Every werewolf of the Tribes of the Moon has an auspice — an affinity for given tasks and a loose social role determined by the phase of the moon during which she underwent the First Change. The Forsaken bear five auspices: the warrior Rahu (full moon), the visionary Cahalith (gibbous moon), the judge Elodoth (half moon), the wise Ithaeur (crescent moon), and the stalker Irraka (new moon). Having rejected Luna’s embrace as a mark of shame and guilt, the Pure Tribes forswear auspices. They focus on acts of vengeance against those Forsaken enough to bear the mark of their Mother.

Questions about auspices? Refer to the Werewolf: the Forsaken (Core Rulebook), pages 80 - 83 for lots more.



The Rahu auspice is technically a blessing, but fewwerewolves look on it as wholly benign, for the gift of thefull moon is mad fury. When Luna’s face is full, the spiritworld becomes more dangerous. The moon’s wrath saturatesthe spirit landscape, making spirits more aggressiveand volatile. Werewolves have greater difficulty resistingtheir aggressive impulses, and Forsaken who undergo theirFirst Change under the full moon are marked as viciousand unrelenting warriors.

Despite the power of the fury that fills him, a trueRahu is not always a berserker, and shouldn’t be dismissedas "mindless". Many are insightful leaders on the field ofbattle, the linchpins of their packs’ combat abilities. Someare capable tacticians, excelling in the mental aspects ofthe warrior’s path. All immerse themselves in their role,attempting to master their violent impulses by paring theimpurities from their souls.

The Rahu’s role in a pack is obvious. He is to be theforemost warrior, first to take the fight to the enemy andlast to retreat. A pack with a strong Rahu is much betterprepared to survive the dangers of the physical and spiritworlds alike, for he not only lends his strength in battle,but also his insights into a foe’s weaknesses. A pack thatlacks a Full Moon must be careful about picking fights,for it lacks a warrior who can be reliably strong in allsituations.

Quote: It’s too late. If there was still hope for you, one of my friends would be here, trying to help you salvage what’s left of your wretched soul. But you don’t get my friends — you get me. You might want to close your eyes now. It’ll be easier.



Equal parts priest and historian, oracle and war-howler,the Cahalith is the voice of Luna. To be a Cahalithis to be ridden by one’s dreams, to sense things in sharpcontext, to have one’s soul constantly churning withthoughts and impulses that demand expression. Lunaplays the muse to those who change under the gibbousmoon, though she’s a demanding patron. Cahalith arefrequently artists or musicians of a sort after their change,but not particularly by choice. They must find an outlet forthe visions Luna sends them, lest they go mad.

In the greater context of Forsaken society, Cahalithkeep the scattered fragments of werewolf culture. Theyare the ones who remember the old legends and ballads.They also look toward the future, able to find answersto tomorrow’s problems of the future in yesterday’s tales.Even those Cahalith without any real talent for craftingsongs, telling stories or creating art find ways to expressthemselves in their howls. It’s said that nothing is morepoignant than the howl of a Cahalith. It’s said even thewerewolves of the Pure Tribes pause and regret just for amoment when hearing a Forsaken Cahalith’s howl echoacross the sky.

Within the pack, the Cahalith is usually the reservoirof knowledge that the others lack. While the Ithaeurunderstands the spirit world, the Elodoth learns to judgehearts and the Rahu masters the art of war, the Cahalithcan provide information on almost anything. TheCahalith is also frequently the heart of the pack, inspiringhis mates to fight more ferociously or to stay their talons.Conversely, a pack that lacks a Cahalith must work hardto uncover pertinent information, particularly about oldlegends. Without a Cahalith, a pack may fight with lessstrength and zeal; there is nobody to remind them withwords and howls just what they’re fighting for.

Quote: Lift your voices! Pierce the sky! Howl out youranger, your sorrow, your despair, your hope! Cry out to GreatLuna, and let her hear that her children remain strong!



The half moon hangs in balance, and balance isLuna’s gift to the Elodoth. Those who Change under thehalf moon are touched with duality, drawing strengthfrom that dichotomy. The Elodoth are judges and executioners,able to weigh both sides of any argument andideally suited to act as voice of the law. They are alsoenvoys to the spirit world, able to meet spirits halfway andnegotiate with them.

All werewolves live on the edge between wolf andhuman, matter and spirit, but an Elodoth is keenly awareof it. This precarious existence influences an Elodoth todo what he can to keep himself even more in balance. AHalf Moon might strive to live as much of his life in wolfform as he does in human form. He might feel compelledto visit the spirit world for a time after a prolonged periodspent in the physical world.

The Elodoth plays a central role in a pack. He canunderstand the wild passion and Rage of the Rahuand Cahalith, as well as the detached mysticism of theIthaeur, and the aloof mindset of the Irraka. He oftenplays devil’s advocate to the pack, questioning thealpha’s decisions (when not the alpha himself) if hisperspective on both sides of an issue reveals anotherpotential solution. However, the wise Elodoth takes thisrole seriously, and doesn’t abuse his privilege as contrarian;the middle of a bloodbath is no time to be challengingauthority. The Half Moon’s perspective on bothsides of a situation is meant to help him choose theright course of behavior, not to promote the contrarycourse of action, right or wrong.

Quote: "Respect your prey". It’s not just a random stringof words. It’s a law written in our animal hearts, given formby our human mouths. We are better than wolves, becausewe can overcome our instincts. We are better than humans,because we don’t have to kill when there’s no need. So let thegirl go, or you answer to me.



The crescent moon is the auspice of the shaman, thespeaker with spirits or the spirit hunter. When Luna isbarely visible, she is the oracle moon, the patron goddessof mysticism. The crescent moon marks those Forsakenwho change under it with mystical insight and a connectionto the spirit world. Yet, as the crescent moon is justenough light to count as moonlight, the Ithaeur is possessedof just enough knowledge to get into trouble.

Dealing with spirits is a dangerous business by anystandard. The Ithaeur is equipped to face the challenge,but is also burdened with the duty to do so. The Ithaeurmust continue farther down the shaman’s path than anyother werewolf. She cannot walk away from the frighteningaspects of spirit interaction or ignore places where thespirit world is bleeding and diseased. Any of the Peoplecan interact with relatively friendly spirits, but the Ithaeuris the one who must wrestle the most malicious and poisonousspirits into submission.

The Ithaeur is the final authority on all things dealingwith the spirit world. She guides any trips into theShadow and uses her powers to dominate spirits whenElodoth’s negotiations fail. She is also a crafter of fetishes,and probably knows more rites than her packmates. Apack without an Ithaeur is at an immediate disadvantagewhen dealing with spirits, particularly aggressive ones.Although all werewolves can deal with spirits to somedegree, the world they inhabit is sufficiently hostile that apack needs any edge it can get.

Quote: You can’t smell it, can you? The street bleedshere, and its wound is diseased. We must move quickly. Breakthe glass of those street lamps. We must blind the thing beforeI begin.



Those who change under the new moon are strangeand unpredictable - moonless Forsaken with no guidingstar. Luna’s blessing to the Irraka is the ability to walkunseen, the gift of deception.

Within the pack, the Irraka is the scout, the first tofollow a trail and the first to catch sight of the prey. Theblessings of stealth and subterfuge enable the moonlessForsaken to tail a person or investigate an area much moreeasily than his packmates might. They are the werewolveswho hunt without howling, who kill with a silent bite tothe throat.

For all that, though, the Irraka are not lone wolves.They may operate on the fringes of the pack during ahunt, but they feel the pack mentality as strongly as otherwerewolves. The moonless auspice seems to have less ofLuna’s touch upon them, and a greater number of Irrakastill think of themselves as "human" at heart than dothe werewolves of any other auspice. However, even ifthey sometimes choose to walk alone through the humanherds, their place is with their pack.

Irraka also frequently master the art of trickery,though not for the sake of humor. Their arts of deceit areplied to achieve some other end - deceiving an enemyor enhancing the reputation of their pack. They are mostfrequently often the ones charged with upholding thesecret of the People’s existence by leaving false trails andduping local humans.

Quote: You didn’t think there was only one of us intown, did you? Guess you don’t know much about werewolves,and you don’t have much time to learn. Listen. Myfriends are at the door.



Blood Talons (Sultar Anzuth)


Matching warrior ethos with a religious kinship to their ferocious totem, the Blood Talons are creatures as much of the battlefield as of the hunt. Father Wolf, they point out, was first and foremost a warrior — it was from the progenitor of their race that werewolves gained their great strength and terrible claws. To the Blood Talon way of thinking, the most serious problems must be solved permanently, and the greatest tools they have to do so are their fangs. The soft, privileged human world into which they were born is a lie. One must fight and kill to survive and flourish, and only a fool would not strive to be the finest warrior he could be.

When Father Wolf hunted with the Firstborn, Fenris Wolf was always the first to leap into battle and the last to unlock his jaws from his prey's throat. Only by besting him in battle were the first Blood Talons able to compel him to agree to serve as their totem. Called the Destroyer, the Devourer of Mountains, he visits great and terrible anger upon those who are not his, and teaches his own to do the same.

How the Blood Talons view:

Bone Shadows: Clever and wise, but their first instinct is always to compromise. We only resort to that if there’s no chance of victory and no glory to be had in dying.

Hunters in Darkness: For them, three quarters of every battle is played out before the first blow falls. Still, they tend to lose sight of the value of simply being stronger, faster and better armed.

Iron Masters: Not everyone can be warriors for all occasions, but these ones have proven their value as warriors in their limited environments.

Storm Lords: The ones we drive out are the ones who spend all their time telling us how strong and in control they are. The ones we honor are the ones who shut up and prove it.

Ghost Wolves: They play at being men and wolves, finding no solace in either. When they come to terms with the fire in their hearts, then perhaps they’ll come to us to learn.

Pure Tribes: Our worthiest and most fearsome foes. They desire no truce and no compromise.

Vampires: They have long fangs, but that’s the least of what makes them dangerous. Never fight them where they’re in control.

Mages: They look human, but aren’t nearly so soft and vulnerable. If you know exactly what one’s capable of, and if he poses a direct threat to what’s yours, hunt him down — but if not, think twice.

Humans: If you have family you give a shit about, honor them and keep them safe. Nobody else is worth your time.

Bone Shadows (Hirfathra Hssu)


Shamans and ritualists, medicine men and wise women, these werewolves — the Bone Shadows — now devote themselves to the study of the unknown and the reestablishment of the ancient relationships that Father Wolf maintained with the spirit courts. Uncovering and understanding the knowledge that perished with Father Wolf requires venturing into the most pristine wilderness, the darkest corners of the city and the deepest reaches of the spirit world. It is to these hidden places that Bone Shadows go with fearless curiosity.

Death Wolf was the quietest of Father Wolf's pups, and her hunt encircled the Earth. Seeking to learn from all beasts as prey, she ascended the mountains and witnessed wild goats give birth. She chased the sky and witnessed the wisdom of the eagle in flight. She traveled to strange places in search of the unique perspectives they offered on ordinary situations, and it was often given to her to liaise between Father Wolf and the lesser spirit courts. The first Bone Shadows labored for years to create rituals capable of summoning her and binding her so that they could strike a pact with her.

How the bone Shadows view:

Blood Talons: They can be hard to speak with as equals, but our mutual respect for our relative strengths transcends the need for words. Presumably...

Hunters in Darkness: Interlopers are wise to heed the quiet lessons the Hunters teach, but the Hunters must also listen carefully to other voices.

Iron Masters: They are wise in the ways of the patterns that surround human existence, but they do not always tread as carefully as they should.

Storm Lords: They have the strength and will to traverse the paths we show them, but they rely on us to unravel the mysteries they find there.

Ghost Wolves: If we can find in the far reaches of the Hisil what their souls lack, they will have no more excuses for not recognizing the Tribes of Luna as their brothers.

Pure Tribes: Their creed of hate has its ancient ties of obligation to their Firstborn lords, but that doesn’t mean we’ll just roll over for them.

Vampires: Strange things. They clearly have power beyond the flesh, but they are utterly lacking in spirit. Do they have a place?

Mages: Much wisdom, much insanity. They are either the brightest creation of humanity or the new tyrants of the flesh.

Humans: They’re alienated from and unaware of so much of what goes on around them, but their ignorance doesn’t protect them, nor does it prevent them from giving strength to the Shadow’s darkness. And so we must hunt

Hunter in Darkness (Menima)


The Hunters in Darkness concern themselves primarily with the sacred places of the world. Many mark out large tracts of territory in the pristine wilderness, tending these wild areas and minding the spirits endemic to those environs. Others recognize that the sacred places in the urban Shadow Realm are no less important than those beyond humanity's reach. They devote themselves to taking care of important urban locales without upsetting the strange ecosystems of city life. Hunters in Darkness are no less the consummate hidden predators in urban territories than they are in the wilderness.

The Firstborn hunted both night and day, but as the Hunters in Darkness tell the tale, Black Wolf was the one who was most at home in the night. When Father Wolf's pack hunted at night, she was first to find the trail. When the pack rested after a tiring day hunt, Black Wolf guarded her brothers' and sisters' dens as they slept. When the sun set and the moon rose, there was no hunter more swift and silent than she. The first Hunters in Darkness stalked her for years before finally cornering her in her den and extracting her oath of patronage.

How the Hunter in Darkness view:

Blood Talons: We can always count on the Talons’ support if we need it, whether we ask for it or not.

Bone Shadows: Is there something inherent to the physical world that drives them to the deepest reaches of the Shadow Realm, or are the mysteries they find there more compelling than our responsibilities here?

Iron Masters: They say that they must change as the world changes, but they overlook the ways in which the world hasn’t changed. Is that a sign of ignorance or a symbol of their trust in us?

Storm Lords: They often howl and bare their fangs when a low growl from the shadows will suffice, but that makes them no less successful in their efforts than we are in ours.

Ghost Wolves: The plague that dwells in human hearts affects even our kind. Scared, scattered, they don’t even know what they are.

Pure Tribes: Their rage and their loyalty to one another is pure — all else is tainted and rotten.

Vampires: Humans are short-sighted and cruel. Vampires have a longer perspective — and are still cruel. Be wary.

Mages: Do they look backward to a time when humanity was more respectful, or do they look forward to a dream of domination?

Humans: Those who are willing to see and hear, even if what they see and hear frightens them, are the hope of their kind. The rest are nothing.

Iron Masters (Farsil Luhal)


There are werewolves of all tribes in the cities, but the Iron Masters would argue that the others are never truly in the cities. In the same geographical location, certainly, but never a part of the city itself. The city isn't somewhere you live, it's something you plug into. It's spiritual, mental, physical, sexual and visceral, all at once — and it's their territory. Iron Masters keep up with the rapid pace at which humanity changes, marking how well it goes. And as humans change the face of the world and the Spirit Wilds, the Iron Masters apply the best products of human ingenuity toward bettering and honoring their territories.

Red Wolf spent his every waking hour asking Father why the rain fell, why the mountain stood, why the wind blew? For every question, Father Wolf's answer was the same. "They do, and it is good. Nothing more need be known." But Red Wolf was never satisfied with this answer, and to him was awarded the responsibility of watching over humankind and tracking for Father Wolf the effects those creatures unknowingly had on the Shadow Realm. The first Iron Masters won his patronage by arguing their cause and unraveling his riddles, proving their worthiness.

How the Iron Masters view:

Blood Talons: They’ve got more to learn from us than the latest review of human military tactics. They just haven’t realized it yet.

Bone Shadows: They’ve helped us identify and comprehend some of the newer spirit types that urban landscapes give rise to, but we’re better at figuring out how those spirits fit together in the big picture.

Hunters in Darkness: They don’t quite have the knack for blending in and disappearing into the urban environment that we have, but they’re fast learners. Maybe faster than we would be out there in the wilderness.

Storm Lords: We don’t mind deferring to the competent ones, as long as they’re willing to admit when they’re out of their league.

Ghost Wolves: There but for the grace of Luna go we. Literally.

Pure Tribes: Times have changed, and we aren’t the bastards we used to be. If Luna can accept that, why can’t the so-called Pure?

Vampires: Stagnation, careless predation and an undying sense of entitlement that they dress up as noblesse oblige... In some ways, they’re a mirror of where we can go wrong.

Mages: If these… people are the next step in human evolution, what changes must be coming that make them necessary?

Humans: Bless these nasty, brutish and short-lived geniuses for keeping us busy. What would life be like without them?

Storm Lords (Iminir)


The Storm Lords are the alphas among alphas. They try to lead their cousins in the other tribes to do the work that Father Wolf's death left undone. They know that they must be strong and unyielding in order to live up to their responsibilities, never holding themselves back out of fear, weakness or the worry that their cousins might not approve of their methods. All that matters is doing what's required without fail and without complaint.

Winter Wolf, the second oldest spirit child of Father Wolf, minded and protected his brothers and sisters when Father Wolf was otherwise engaged. When Father wolf died he howled in grief but then took up the mantle of leadership as his Father had taught him. The Storm Lords demanded that he show that same responsibility to his half-flesh cousins, and by force of will and strength of sinew they compelled him to agree.

How the Storm Lords view:

Blood Talons: They’re as honorable, brave and uncompromising as we are, but they’re not always willing to do what’s ultimately necessary to truly secure their territories.

Bone Shadows: They unflinchingly go to extraordinary lengths to confront what others misunderstand and fear. We would do the same as often were it as necessary as they believe.

Hunters in Darkness: They represent the opposite end of the spectrum from us, defending their territories subtly by sowing paranoia among their enemies. It’s a bizarre strategy, but it seems to work.

Iron Masters: Adaptability and compromise have earned them significant, unassailable power in their urban territories, but what does such specialization cost them?

Ghost Wolves: The ones who survive the longest on their own are worthy of our respect and make decent allies. The rest are no better than scared, ignorant children.

Pure Tribes: Luna’s mercy overrules the bitter, vengeful dogma of their petulant fanaticism. We’ll see who’s standing last.

Vampires: If they really are unseen lords of the night, why is their every move motivated by an undying fear of their prey?

Mages: They hide their strength well — there’s no way of telling one from an ordinary human until it’s too late. One wonders if they’re simply worried about the human herd, or if they’re hiding from things that they can see and we can’t.

Humans: The worst of them meekly simper or fawn over one another, making it impossible to respect them. The strongest of them risk alienating themselves even from their peers, thus forgetting what makes them strong to begin with.
"I might like you better if we slept together."

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Werewolf ST

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Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:37 pm
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Ghost Wolves (Thirirtha Numea)

Ghost Wolves are not a tribe, they are those few lone wolves who have spurned the tribes. Some have abandoned their old tribe and are still searching for who they really are before joining another. Some cling to their human natures, and avoid the tribes entirely. And some just want a little plot of land to call their own, and let the world burn around them, they want their own peace.

Ghost wolves have no totem, and instead appeal directly to Luna for guidance. They often take Mother Luna gifts, when they take gifts at all.

How Ghost Wolves View:

Blood Talons: I know some things are worth fighting for and even dying for, but to these guys, fighting itself is worth living for. I get that kind of Conviction, but I don't have it.

Bone Shadows: I can talk to spirits and even cut a deal sometimes, but I've never understood 'em like these guys do.

Hunters in Darkness: Just knowing these guys are out there, unseen and doing their thing, makes me feel a little better... except when I know I've screwed up or I've got something to hide.

Iron Masters: These guys can take anything in stride, no matter how bizarre or unexpected. Maybe if I could have done that when it counted...

Storm Lords: Being respectfully wary of them without ever treating them as anything other than equals usually keeps us seeing eye to eye. Usually.

Pure Tribes: At least the Tribes of Luna respect me about as much as I respect them. These bastards don't even try.

Vampires: I don't like being nervous, and finding out these things are real and that they're out there in numbers--that makes me real nervous.

Mages: Each one's got some weird, unique awesome power that answers to no one but him. Trust me, there's no way that's a good thing.

Humans: I trusted my last human friend with the truth about what I am, and damned if she didn't act like she almost pitied me. I still look in on her once in a while, but I haven't spoken to her since.
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