Clara E. Verne

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Clara E. Verne
Happily. Ever After. In Hell.
Domain Daeva Unaligned

Music.jpg Different Drum


The Details Are Foggy

The deep sleep of torpor has a way of muddying up the dark waters of memory. As such, Clara can't be said to fully remember much about her own past. There are only a couple absolutes. One, her sire, who was her teacher and father and lover and companion all in one, suffered Final Death sometime before the 1980s began. And two, following his death, Clara voluntarily chose torpor and the long trek west than remaining in New York City. Everything else? Clara might get the general gist but the locations and dates and even the faces are all as clear as the blur in the mirror before focusing to apply make up.


The mortal girl who caught the eye of Roland, Clara's sire and esclavagiste, was studying abroad with the FBI to polish her resume for an INTERPOL application. Women were scarce in the program, but not unheard of, and the girl was driven something she thought was important. It's funny what one forgets.

Regardless, she was chosen by a stranger on a hot summer night in a drive in movie theater. The girl had paid for a ticket for Chinatown, but as soon as Roland materialized seemingly out of nowhere in her car, she became transfixed on him and only him.

Chinatown's the one movie Clara entertains a notion to re-watch, when she deigns to think nostalgia rather than feel it.

Best Six Years of Your Damn Life

Roland taught Clara her name and her bloodline and the joy of Blood. His lessons were drilled into her and he made a show of traversing the various Kindred communities. Roland was a curious one, who kept to a fief as long as a month before feeling restless. The longest he stayed anywhere was Virginia, for two years, watching the girl Clara had been when she was alive.

For a time, it was as good as it could be. Clara saw the night with wide new eyes and Roland captured a bit of that spark to see the beauty in their tragedy for a moment, too. Clara remembers all of Roland's lessons and spent the brief time in his service honing her skills in the Danse Macabre.

It gets foggy after that. Roland met his Final Death and Clara never got to have here fete. The last thing Clara remembers is wishing death after running so long she could feel the ache in her stiff bones. It was with that wish that she remembered Roland's instructions on a worst case scenario; she made the preparations for torpor and fell into her second, but not Final, death.

Endings and Beginnings

Clara awoke mid-December 2017. She awoke feeling refreshed after, say, a nap. A really, really long one. Clara spent the next six months or so living rough before eventually getting bored with that. She decided on Sacramento as an adequate fief to set down roots for comfort and blew into town on the heel of the unseasonable devil winds.

She was different now. She felt different. This time would BE different. A bit of beauty rest and she could almost stomach the idea of eternity without Roland.

Facts about Clara E. VerneRDF feed
AvatarAdèle Exarchopoulos  +
Blood Potency3  +
Character NameClara E. Verne  +
Character StatusInactive  +
Character TypeVampire  +
ClanDaeva  +
Clan Status1  +
CovenantUnaligned  +
Covenant Status0  +
Domain Status1  +
Forumid333708  +
Last PostLast Post  +
Lived InSacramento  +
OneaccountNo  +
PC or NPCPC  +
PlayerRiks  +
PlayerID333707  +
Posted14 April 2019  +
Presence2  +
Sacramento End14 April 2019  +
Sacramento Start6 May 2018  +
Secondary Picturewarning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted.
Tenure0.9  +
Threadid38165  +
VenueVampire  +
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