Circe had a good feeling about this customer. She'd been ready for the meetings today and had a couple more to make. But this one was sending off vibes that the Summer Lost liked. The customer was a woman, and judging from the healing black eye she was trying to hide beneath a baseball cap this woman felt the need for some offense. Not protection, no, this lady was pissed not scared. There was even a hint of wrath oozing off the woman in question. Circe wasn't trolling around with a arsenal, but she could point someone in the right direction with ease.

"Evening miss, what ya lookin' for today?"
she cheerfully greeted the woman.

The woman scowled, "Are you seriously asking me that? Are you a stupid blonde or into the double speak shit?!"

Circe's grin grew into a toothy smile, "While we could be philosophical or play spy games, I mean are you lookin' for a automatic or a revolver?" the Fairest was being a troll.

"Oh," the woman was taken aback. Shifting uncomfortably she asked, "What's the difference? They're both fucking guns?"

"Six shooters are crazy reliable, simple, easy to maintain, and have a coolness factor," she pantomimed a finger gun pointing at the woman, "You know: cowboys. They're pretty much guaranteed to work. Automatic is the standard pistol everywhere. You can hide 'em easier, they got more rounds, uh, shots," the woman interrupted Circe as she growled out: "I know what round means."

Circe held up both hands defensively, but her tone was bored: "Right right, they're also faster to reload and have the same punch as a revolver. They need a little more long term care is all, but the ones here are in good condition," she raised both arms with a slight wave behind her, like a announcer right before the curtain goes up.

"So miss, all you gotta do is pick what kind ya want, be it," Circe was caught off, "Revolver. Simple is all I need to show that bitch up."

"Alrighty then. If you never used a gun before, exhale and squeeze is the way to go. Plus aiming. Oh, and cash only," the elf honestly had never thought that'd be something she had to say. But after hearing about a bust up north she felt compelled to insist. Smart phone credit card readers might be great for small businesses but not so much for the black market.

As they ended the transaction the Summer Queen leeched some of the woman's anger away. She smiled as the burning rage flowed into her: "Use it in someone else's bad health," the Fairest happily waved at the woman.

The mortal paused to stare at Circe, mouth open as if to say something. Then the woman glared at Circe as she was pocketing away the revolver in her coat, flipping Circe the bird as she was walking away.

Money and glamour. A good start to the night.