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  1. #101
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    Excellent. Thanks.


    In the Cat's Meow Post just now. The way I wrote it might be a mistake. In my head I treated the area Viola was waiting as 'center stage' ... as if this is the area the 'audience is watching'. Which is the result of me spending too many years iin theatre and too few in creative writing.

    So as I wrote the stumbling into view he trips on a shovel which.. really. Poor kid.

    Then I had an inspiration as a writer that Odie would see some portent here and would want to address it immediately which basically has him finding a place... a place "offstage" to deal with it. Of course the way he deals with it isn't exactly quiet and part of what he's doing is heard from 'offsatge'.

    While such antics are tolerable in theater. Not so sure about this milieu.

    So if you see this post. Please me know. Was it mishandled? It's supposed to be third person but was my third person supposed to follow Odie or was it okay for them to hang out with Viola.

    And yes. Spoiler. Odie's isn't quite finished. So my next post should I provide just sound effects or do a cut scene, like "Meanwhile, just around the Corner?"

    I also realize Odie howling might draw attention but it is raining. Hopefully the only attention is other wolves who will appreciate the type of howl he's enjoying. But yeah. Rain can only cover so much.
    First since this is a Werewolf question it should be asked in the Werewolf OOC.

    Second, how is Odie howling? Are you imagining him as a wolf right now? If so, that's not right. He's still in his man shape as nothing has been done to indicate, or show him shape shifting, so he's just yelling at the sky. Which is fine. But it's something to consider.

    Third, you don't need to do a second post about the howl/scream, you made the roll and you narrated the action, if you want to do it again that's a new roll and more narration.

    My opening was to set the scene, resolve the rolls made in the previous one and to place Viola there. As I'm STing this she's acting more as an NPC so everyone else can be in the forefront.

    You can't do something in a post and claim it's 'offstage' or you activated a power 'before you git there' the PCs are the focus, the cameras are no and on them.

    It's like saying oh I did this thing. But it dosen't matter. So don't ask about it. But then why include it? If its important enough for you to include its important enough to happen 'on screen'.

    There are exceptions of course, but normally your actions, narration and rolls are obvious, unless you're being sneaky. Which of course needs a roll.

    We use third person narrative because its easier for everyone, but at the same time you are Odie, so you need to follow him, while also interacting with the other characters.

    Traditionally the ST sets the scene, the players have their characters enter and react to the set up and to each other then we carry on from there.

    If you're really and truly stumped, look at the wiki, or at other scenes and threads. The wiki is an amazing resource, providing rules and examples. While the stories told here are awesome and provide IC examples of what's been done, and how it's been done.

  2. Likes Yumyumcrow, Travisc06489 liked this post
  3. #102


    If I had the option I would rewrite this.

    I think what is happening DOES matter which is why I had Odie howl. For a narrative point it was to indicate something important was happening. Odie was still present in a sense. But this is not how things are done here.

    Howling is part of the ritual. Odie 'howls' in human form out of joy and exasperation and just because he can. I have met people in real life who actually do this from time to time.

    But for the sake of confusion I will write it differently in the future so as not to be confused with sounds coming from the four legged. Also, if just yelling satisfies the ritual as 'howling' it would make more sense perhaps that Odie would pray in the First Tongue or a yell to the sky in a guttural language or something of the sort.

    I understand the need for 3rd person narrative and again, after I posted I realized this was not like something I had seen previous which is why I asked, albeit in the wrong forum. A mistake I think I can avoid in the future, once made. Odie wasn't trying to be stealthy (the thought is almost laughable) but with the cover of rain, in my head while writing so much of his coming and going would be obscured from one point of view.

    I realize now I chose the wrong point of view.

    It might work in a play or a movie or even a story with a single narrator but in this style of story telling I can see how it falls short. I'll adjust my camera work in the future.

    Thanks for you advice. I'll revisit the wiki but but I believe I understand the points you've made.

    Thanks again.

  4. #103
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    I wasn't saying I thought the howl was unimportant, or that he was using stealth, those were examples.

    And there was definitely confusion there because Odie 'disappeared in the downpour' I didn't know if you were using that as a way to say 'shifted to wolf while disappeared'.

    And on the Rite, you are using a the Rite 'Ritual Mind' right? Are you planning on performing more Rites? And with the way you narrated it i can't tell if you did the ritual properly.

    Quote Originally posted by Wiki Ritual Mind page:
    Preforming the Rite
    A werewolf can only use this rite to assist in using another, and the same werewolf must perform both rites. She must prepare all of the materials required for the other rite before starting, and only enacts this rite when ready to start the other as well. The werewolf faces east if she cannot see Mother Luna or west if she is visible in the sky. From there, she takes one deep breath and howls her need for clear thought and balance to the four cardinal directions, turning clockwise. The rite takes less than two minutes to perform.
    If you just wanted to howl, and exalt Luna's glory, a Presece + Expression roll would have done the trick

  5. #104

    Odie's goal is to Dedicate the Shovel he tripped over. I'll explain all of this in my next post. As well as the way he's performing the ritual (s) When I was creating Odie I and was picking Rites I thought Ritual Mind was not just a way to make other rituals easier but a way to show respect for Mama Moon.

    I figure he'll finish up with the Ritual Mind in the last post and start dedicating the shovel in the next which takes a little while so he'll probably be last to show. But he figures the shovel was an omen of sorts and since the wolves are looking to build something new, break new ground as it were, having a shovel that can enter the Hisil or Shadow Realm or Spirit Wylds would be a nice thing to have.

    Also he heard rumor the wolves were possibly seeking a Cat Totem and has his raincoat pockets full of wrapped up fish, kitty treats and a catnip toy he picked up on the way. Chiminage. Though I know those rituals have been banned at least at Rite Level 1 I thought the concept of offerings was still a valid one.

    His Raincoat isn't dedicated so that's an issue he may have to deal with but the rest of his outfit is.

    Can't recall if I specified Odie's wallet or cellphone were dedicated in his clothes when I wrote the list of dedicated items. Which I figured since he started with the Rite that would be okay.

    Also. Odie spent a willpower or two (pretty sure it was two. yeah. two) in the other scene we did, can I assume he recovered them since then?

    Again I recognize, had I been more explicit with my post. More intimate to the character, there wouldn't be cause for confusion and I apologize for that.

    So yes. Performing Ritual Mind in preparation to do a Dedication Ritual, unless of course a player comes an tells Odie to cut that shit out. Yowling. Odie in human form would Yowl. Portmanteau of Howling+Yelling =Yowling. As Alley Cats 'yowl' this could be a good thing.

    Just a sec. GOing back to address the things you wrote. Ah yes.

    Odie has the Flaw (yeah, I know I don't get points for it but it seemed very much the character) Anthropocentric

    So he only shifts to 'anthing else' when pressed. He tries to make a special trip to the forested areas east of Sacramento each weekend to "get his wolf on". He's not self hating. He's just a shit wolf and more comfortable and confident in skin.

    So all of this seems like too much information but I wanted to let you know what I was doing/planning/thinking so as Storyteller you can nip something in the bud if that doesn't work for you or to help allay concerns I'm totally clueless.

    Just a partially, so

  6. #105
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    Unfortunately I will have to nip something in the bud.

    Unless its explicitly stated in scene, you do nothave them. Nor do you know them.

    Otherwise it's considered Metagamming.

    Like the cat treats, the possibility of a Totem has been spoke of, but anything above being 'urban' has been completely OOC.

    Or saying you thought Ritual Mind was just a 'yay Luna' that costs WP, then also saying in the same post you did it so you could Dedicate a shovel in the post after.

    As for dedicating a shovel. Cool, but please do it in a glimpse and not in a plot where time is money.

    ...and about that shovel, you cannot just decide to not see it, trip and decide its an good omen from Luna.

    We could have worked something out together, if you wanted to find something like that. I could have easily done a cool dream or something to tie it into the plot.

    I know you're new, and honestly so was I. And I definitely made more then a few blunders, so I know it's possibly to stick your foot in it and get back to it, but please, please, please read the book, scour the wiki, and take the time to look at the OOC starter things, they are there for a reason, and I go back to all of them all the time to keep a grip on what's what

  7. Likes Cayce liked this post
  8. #106
    Cayce's Avatar

    Here's tips to help you out, since we were all new once and made all the veterans tear their hair out

    1. Equipment and such must be stated EXPLICITLY during the introduction post of the thread. If you forget to add something (like me), PM the person running the plot and see if they OK your addition. A great way to do explicitly state equipment without wasting precious narration space is with spoilers: [spoiler] [//spoiler] (with only one / ) or with narration tags [wtf] [//wtf] . Both indicated OOC information.

    2. Whenever you make a post, you want to be interacting DIRECTLY with either the Storyteller (and thus the plot), OR with another PC. Every. Single. Post. Remember, each post can take about 24 hours of real life time, and so it's very important we are always collaborating with each other to help tell stories together.

    3. If you want to showcase aspects of your character that don't involve directly interacting with other PCs (like doing rituals), that belongs in a Glimpse like Saber Sloth mentioned. That way you can still add as much depth as you want, but it won't distract from what the other players are doing.

    3. Lastly, just remember to be adaptable. Trust me, I've cussed at STs on this site over House Rules and ST decisions, and in the end, it's never helpful. Much better to adapt and try to see how you can continue telling an awesome story and having fun with everyone else.

  9. Likes Yumyumcrow, liked this post
  10. #107

    Okay. No kitty treats I get that. I thought that might have acceptable as between scene knowledge which is why I referred to it as a rumor. I now appreciate it is not a thing.

    If you read Ritual Mind it describes itself as a respectful prayer to Mother Luna. (lore of the Forsaken, pg 121) So yeah. YEAH MAMA MOON. Please bless what I'm about out to do with the grace you have given. It's not spurious, but that doesn't mean it can't be joyful. Face the East if you can't see Mama Moon, then do the other cardinal points. Two minutes. I did read it.

    As for finding the shovel. We're in a construction yard, in the cover of rain. I don't understand the problem with finding items native to an environment. Or tripping over them. There's dirt. Piles of it. Construction vehicles off to the side. Et al.

    If we were in a forest. Would finding a branch or an animal's carcass be any less problematic?

    If we were in a restaurant, would it be a problem finding a glass of water or a plate of curly fries?

    It's raining. I imagined the workers finished up in a haste. So a stray shovel or abandoned hard hat doesn't seem a stretch here. Like cookies at a feast.

    And isn't what my character decides on me. I'm not saying it IS a good omen. Just that Odie THINKS it is. Because of the connection between building a pack and building in general. He's Calaith. He sees omens in EVERYTHING. Probably why Hector is Crazy. He's Calaith, too. As he's been 'seeing things' for a lot longer. Not metagaming here. Just guessing.

    Anyway. No dedication. No problem.

    If I may keep the shovel, I'll do it in a glimpse. My reasoning is while plot are time sensitive, they are also non-linear. I thought it might be possible to slip dedicate the shovel before others arrived. As that is not allowed, my Rite of Ritual Mind is just an eager young novice ritemaster's (unofficially so) prayer to Mama Moon for general success in tonight's endeavors what ever they may be. SO it doesn't have any effect mechanically but it makes Odie feel like he's 'blessed' the pack's purpose to some extent. And lets the local spirits know he's a respectful pup.

    Again what the character THINKS and what IS, needn't be the same.

    I am saddened to think you believe I haven't read the book or checked the wiki or... sigh. I keep several tabs up and cross reference the gifts and rites and source them back to their original source books so I can see what our wikis leave out. I usually have several NWoD tabs up at once so I can cross-refence things for clarity.

    Even now I have the WoD and WtF and at least one source book... uh...Lore of the Forsaken up in tabs.

    SO it's not for want of trying. Perhaps I'm just not as keen witted as some. Usually, I learn from my mistakes. I suspect I may have a few more ahead of me. Please don't think it's for lack of trying though.

    I appreciate your patience and the effort you are making to guide me.

    Let me know if I have to lose the shovel. Thanks. Odie will leave it somewhere that no one will trip over it.

  11. #108
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    I never said that Ritual Mind wasn't a rite that exalted Luna. I was paraphrasing what you already posted.

    It's a pre-rite rite to call on Luna and ask of her blessing for your next rite, and yes there are those ritual actions. Which Odie didn't do. you narrated him disappearing into the rain and then howling, not doing the Rite properly.

    We are in a railyard that is under construction, but it is still a functioning railyard. Meaning all those people wondering around getting on their trains and doing their business. So yes it's raining, but it one if those workers left something out and a kid got hurt the next morning there would be hell to pay. So knowing that they'd make sure their stuff's packed up right, or brought with them.

    Knowing these things, I'd roll to see if something's been left out, then you'd roll to, not trip on it or to see it.

    As for your other examples, I can understand those assumptions, but assuming they're there isn't good. There might be a plot reason why you couldn't find it, or the conditions, ie. weather, dinner rush, why they wouldn't be easily found or readily available.

    Okay Odie can assume whatever he likes. That's completely fine and normal for a character. I just thought you might have wanted a real omen a real sigh from Mother Luna herself, instead of an assumption of one.

    I don't think anyone's allowed someone to retcon an item the grabbed in a plot then do something to it to make it better outside of the plot, so they could use it in the plot they grabbed it from. So I'll not allow it either, but site vets? If this has been done before, how was it implemented and figured back into the plot?

    If it has been we can work something out.

    Cool, that makes more sense then trying to Dedicate the shovel, it's a rite to call on Luna's blessing for your next endever. Seeing that as a general blessing but still being an unlearned rite master not knowing he should do a follow up makes a TON of sense. I like that.

    I don't think it's from lack if trying, or from not reading the books. It's just that there's so much information available just with the books, neveind the House Rules here or the tidbits added in the OOC forums.

    I think it's a mix if an overload of info, and the completely expected excitement felt when you join and have your character ready to go and you just want to Do All The Things!

    I get it I've been there. We've all been there.

    But maybe the best advice I can give you is take a breath, go a little slower and if you have the Best Ifea Ever, maybe ask a question or two first before you post ICly.

    Like Cayce said, the point of all of this is to tell cool stories, and while doing something cool or flashing a power around seems like it would be fun, I know from experience that the most fun I've had is making awesome stories with other players and their awesome characters.

  12. #109

    I don't think anyone's allowed someone to retcon an item the grabbed in a plot then do something to it to make it better outside of the plot, so they could use it in the plot they grabbed it from. So I'll not allow it either, but site vets? If this has been done before, how was it implemented and figured back into the plot?
    Wow. I must been not communicating clearly here because that's definitely NOT what I meant at all. I was just talking about keeping the shovel, un-dedicated, to dedicate in the future. At this point though Odie's just going to drop it after he's done with his exhalations.

    I'll work toward greater clarity in the future. Thanks.

  13. #110
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    Clarity is key!

    I saw your use of nonlinear and thought you meant that unless a scenes a Sticky or Comms, then it enters continuity when it closes. So if I do a Glimpse about Dedicating the shovel then it's in Continuity so i should have it in the plot because the plot's not in Continuity yet.

    Since that's not the case, unless everyone is okay with Odie taking the time away from getting into the plot to Dedicate it properly, rolls and ritual actions, you cannot have/Dedicate it durring my plot.

    But after Cat's Meow feel free to have one (soon to be) Dedicated shovel.

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