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(2409) Eternal Court

41 - 44
Jennifer's seating area
Sep 2, 2024 - Sep 6, 2024
(2409) Gathering Chatter
Began Sep 9, 2024
Week I Week II Week III Week IV
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  1. #41
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "I see, that's good, then."

    Which is about the mileage she gets out of this one until Alicia moves to where her Priscus is leaving. Ah, well. As is, she looks around and then decides to go see what happens when Verity has left. As in, she waits and remains where she is for the time being.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  2. #42
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers


    Listening to the end of the talks between her Priscus and the prince, taking note of each reaction and each words spoken, storing it all away for the future but not showing any clear reactions.

    Meeting Verity with a warm look, and appropriate bow of her head, the slight shake noticed and registered thinking she knows what it does mean as she awaits for her to pass her by, for a few seconds to pass as her eyes scans over the area. Not looking after the woman, the circle around the prince fascinating, the two speaking a bit away to which she had been invited but also excused to not attend luckily, and lastly back to the Reeve who was the one single one to stand alone. A thing she certainly couldn´t let stand unless the woman wished for it herself of course.

    Slowly making her way back toward the Reeve as she focuses on just listening in on the various words spoken around her, not enhancing her senses just utilizing her normal hearing until reaching the Reeve she had just left. Giving her the bow of the head along with light curtsy she had given the woman before.
    "Would you be interested in a bit of company, or prefer to be left alone?" Giving her a soft smile. "It would be a delight to get a chance to make your acquaintance in more than just a passing word." Looking out over the room and back again. "For example what is your favorite scent?"

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

  3. #43
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Fair enough, I ain't got no issues with company." Asked about a scent, she looks a little.. surprised and also slightly... confused ? "As in sort of stuff that I spray on myself, like to have on people I like to have around me or more in a more general 'if you could only smell one thing for a week, what would that be ?' way ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  4. #44
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers


    Giving the woman a calm smile as her ears have been focused on keeping track of as many of the words around them as possible, to gather up the manners of all the people here for coming months.
    "Then it shall be my delight to have the chance to get to know you a bit better." Keeping a calm expression from the reaction, it was not one she was particularly unfamiliar with by now. "Spray on you would be perfume, whilst an intriguing aspect so no not what I inferred, let us lessen it to two. Like to have around you, imagine it akin to what scent you would have preferred an incense stick to have and what scent gives you a positive feeling. Be it a soothing one or just one you would enjoy having a momentary chance to get to inhale at times." Cocking her head ever so slightly, the question so natural to her still it seemed to be such a surprise for nearly everyone she asked it of. Ohh that is right I brought gifts, well maybe another time.

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

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