Grabbing another one of her bars with a light shrug.
"Do we though, or are we just so used to it?" Taking a smaller bite. "What do we do because we want it and what do we do because those around us want it, or for those we care for?" Another smaller bite. "Whatever they might bring so can we get stuck in a cycle that literally only brings pain, but is hard to break." One grand bite with the bar gone. "I genuinely do not know, but those are questions that does linger more on my mind ever since I started to see the world without the eyes of others to guide me." Loneliness does come with a price.

Softly shaking her head.
"I donīt think itīs that simple, its all the moving parts, but at the same time you are also right." Placing her fingers out into a peak to deliver another strike at the sack herself. "Control helps in a fight, or when I teach it as well it follows what I can grasp, it is soothing, it might sound odd but the martial arts and their boons have always helped keep me calm, even in the heat of a real fight there is calmness." A constant roar of anger, and ferocity but in a sense also dulled. "That, is not a bad idea but it feels like I might be generalizing people if I do that, does it not?" Turning her head over to her student with a puzzled look. "Well you werenīt flirting or wanted to draw attention to make your beauty seen so maybe your hair was getting in the way of your eyes or bothering you?" Those being the main two things she could think of and the attention one just feeling off.

Eyes quickly drawn over to Helen as she spoke. At first thinking she would have followed up with the martial words but quickly realizing it was words aimed at her, feeling the redness of her cheek slowly rise with each sentence, falling silent with a beating of her heart, pushing down the feelings that she could never let show.
"N..No, it sounds wise, just, just like a challenge I am still far from being able to fully tackle." Gulping with a slight look away, cheeks blushing red. "I am working on it though." With a varying degree of success. "I like those words, he sounds like a wise man, that was very much how my father taught me martial arts." Completely oblivious in the moment to how that might come off. "Ill, Ill, try that, thank you for your words of encouragement, they are appreciated, and very sweet." If they only knew the source.

The potential sarcasm of the words having slipped her totally by, having been to engulfed in her own nerves to even think of it. The little chastisement catching her off guard, only to rapidly move on from it.
"Knitting? That sounds fun, what kind of things do you knit? I have never had the patience for that." Nor really the stillness. "So umm any teams you are rooting for or sports in particular you like?" Wanting to ask about her job but feeling that two questions was already a limit stretcher. "Ohh well I watch TV with Amaya, my dog, and exercise some hours each day, along with streaming or filming for my job." Rapidly thinking for a moment. "When not those so am I either out drinking, or reading a light novel, or visiting the museum or other culture event. They are setting up the classic nutcracker in a couple of months that I plan to attend."

Looking back and forth between the two, not sure how to say anything or what to say so just rapidly firing off her own comments without much apparent sense.
"Yes big guy with a really calming aura but clearly some issues and it is a relief that he was alright my own skills for checking not really the best so I wasnt sure but it is sometimes hard to tell with those kinds of damages and it is not the easiest to know without deeper checks my own field is to deliver these kinds of things not to check for them so didnt really have a clue but it is still a shame it came to such potentailly serious issues both Helen here and the giant did seem to have a lot of good sides from what I saw that first meeting and even further proved by Helen here now have not seen him again since though but he had this calming effect around him a" Losing her breath with a light cough, having fired of far to many words in a jump back and forth between them both without a breath.