Crystal closed the door behind what's-his-name and made his way to the couch, where he dropped down with a sigh.
He sure had some fun (judging by that-guy's unwillingness to leave he apparently didn't do too badly either), but after the fact it all just felt so empty.

"So what to do with the rest of the night?" He had a light buzz and his head was swimming from the poppers he did earlier, but apart from that he didn't feel much. His hand was grabbing for his mobile almost on its own accord, scrolling through the hundreds of headless torsos of his hook-up apps. "Shit, you'd think that good looking people were less boring." Not that he was shallow enough to only pursue models - he actually preferred less conventionally attractive partners most of the time.

But nah. He threw the phone on the couch next to him and just stared blankly at the ceiling for a minute. He could study, or read, or work on something.
"What's the fucking point." Yeah, since touching the hot stove that was the Abyss he really didn't feel the need to delve too deeply into the Supernal truths of things. He was lazy, but not lazy enough to fix random mundane shit with Magic. He was kind of interested in all of it, but on his own accord he couldn't really get up and get to it.

With a groan Crystal rose and shuffled over to the cabinet where he stored all of the fun stuff. He opened it and looked at the possibilities - he could do some speed or some acid, but that'd just drown the evening out without really doing anything.

Maybe going out, throwing himself into a sea of other revelers, forgetting himself in the sensation of flirting and dancing? There hadn't been a club that really excited him, so that wasn't a satisfactory option tonight.

Is this what his mentor had envisioned? Was this the great big self-improvement Crystal should pursue? "Fuck that." There was nothing to exactly strife for, nothing that really pushed him to be a better person.
Well, technically there was Kaze. Crystal walked over to the table, where the book the Obrimos gave him still laid unread. He really should get to that.
"How the fuck does that one stay so positive all the time?"

Crystal sighed, threw himself back onto the couch and turned on the TV. Looks like this is going to be another evening wasted away with zapping and scrolling.