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iFLY adventures

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  1. #11
    Salem's Avatar
    Status (Academia)

    Reality seems to warp around him, distance and direction having little meaning anymore.


    Salem curses to himself. Why is he always arriving late to these sorts of things? You would think after living in this new city for almost six months now he'd figure out the best times to leave to avoid traffic. Or maybe it was just Fate screwing with the Warlock. He didn't know for certain, but he certainly didn't like it. He parked his rather small, beat up car in the car park and locks the door as he makes his way towards the building.

    He slows his steps as he glances around the area, finally spotting a couple of familiar faces. A small smile warms his lips as he approaches the others, slipping his keys into the pocket of his jeans. He's dressed somewhat similar to Asclepius, a pair of jeans and a tight white t-shirt on beneath a light blue hoodie that's unzipped at the moment. The Warlock is on the shorter side of average at 5'8". He rubs his hands together, as if to warm them in the slightly chill California weather, "Howdy, folks. Hope I didn't have you waiting too long. You'd think I'd figure out my way around this city by now.." he says with a shrug. He knows these faces and even remembers the Shadow names tied to them, but he's not had any interaction with them outside of official functions. Which is probably a shame on his part. "I prefer to go by Aaron outside of the office. How's everyone's year going thus far?"

  2. #12
    Skye's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Flawless movement)
    New Identity
    (Aella Lăcrămioara "Rose" Rosechylde)

    A flowering of wildflowers accompanied by their scent and the sounds of a calm wind dancing over the sea. The more vulgar the spells, the meaner the magic the stronger the winds, the flowers blooming only to quickly decay and spread the scent of death with them.

    Standing 152.4cm tall, her hair color changing on a regular basis, usually braided but not always.

    Her body seemingly quite petite and small but upon closer inspection so is it unexpectedly sturdy, her left arm well trained with more defining muscles than her right arm.

    Rarely seen without an armguard and archer glove on her left hand.

    Each and every movement always precise, rarely if ever wasting any more effort than needed to achieve her desired result.

    Rituals February:

    Combo Organic Resilience and pulse of the living world (pot 6, armor 4, cloaked)
    Combo Body Mastery +2, and Transform Self 4 (pot 6, cloaked)
    Honing the form dex +4 (pot 8, cloaked)


    Shrugging it wasnt everyones cup of tea and she had only seen tidbits herself.
    ”I heard its supposed to be rather good, it was interesting on the parts I saw but a bit to jumbled for my taste.” The downside of watching loose episodes. ”Are you certain? The way your face moves when I have been doing it has certainly not been one that tells that you might like it, kindly do not put yourself in discomfortable positions in such manners in order to make me feel better.” Joining in on the laughter as she rapidly pulls up a Carebear band aid. ”Do not worry I came prepared.”

    Offering him a soft smile with a warm look, doing all she could to keep the fire inside away, to focus on what was to come.
    ”I am glad to hear that you are acclimating so well and starting to find your own circles, who knows maybe we can get everyone out this summer for a beach day, some bbq, and games.” Turning her head upward with an obviously exaggerated look of sadness. ”Yes, so I must, for none accepts the clothes I prefer to wear within my own home, how sad is not that, but alas one need to be a good hostess.” So he has not figured it out, then again not like he has been given many hints. ”And I would drag you to every place I could find, or have the tea ready and just sit quietly by your side until it leaves you alone.” Raising an eyebrow at him, that was just odd. ”Knight, I host movie nights on the regular, and I come from the largest of families, trust me I can have a cup of water and just sit in silence and be fine.” Might even be nice. Sticking out her tongue with a light chuckle. ”Now what would be the fun in that? If everyone knew that they were getting a gift so would it not have been fun, I am just glad you liked yours. Even if I admit that the other two were far more fun. And I got to ride bumper cars, that was enough for me.” The crafting had been really enjoyable. Well one person did not received a gift. ”Go blue guy go, blast them bots.”

    Noticing the tone but opting to ignore it.
    ”I know, it will be exhilarating, nothing like the real thing but no one ever seems to agree to that.” I do hope to find someone that will agree to it though. ”Morgan it is, how do you feel about nicknames? I have a tendency to give one to everyone who do not mind, as said feel free to give me one as well.” Hmm what would fit her though? ”So falling today, and a museum trip in the near future, if you can stand us after today that is.”

    Letting out a soft chuckle as she begins to walk inside only to see another one arriving just as she had given up.
    ”Welcome Aaron, we were just about to head inside, I am Aella Rosechylde, please call me Aella or Rose, or any nickname you might prefer, how are you with nicknames?” Looking over them all as she walks backwards inside. ”Well seems like Alice is not coming sadly enough.” Forcing her lips slightly upward with eyes focused in the distance. ”So shall we?”

    152.4cm tall

  3. #13
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    DYLF - Grim Sight
    DYLF - Alter Raiment

    MR - Supernal Vision
    MR - Unseen Aegis


    Witch seemed to consider for a moment and then gave a small shrug, "In a very limited area I suppose you could say yes. But don't pick me for trivia night." She smiled and nodded, "Charles it is then." And with discretion the better part of valor, she didn't make any further comment on Skye's nickname for him.

    A hand raised in greeting to Salem, "Hello Aaron," she echoed the offered name. Familiar face but that was about as far as it went.

    Turning back to Skye she let out a thinking "uhh..." at the question, taken off guard by it. "I mean ... If it makes things easier for you?" Joining in walking toward the entrance she pondered the question more than she wanted to. After all ... wasn't Morgan a nickname for Witch was just a nickname for her? She couldn't argue that yet another layer of obfuscation was ... bad? But she would likely stick with Aella or Skye in turn herself.

  4. #14
    Asclepius's Avatar
    Status: (Emergency Services)
    Status: (Adamantine Arrow)
    Skill: Medicine

    Height: 5'9
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Wears gold band on wedding finger
    Speaks with English accent

    Hears the sounds of a heartbeat monitor (ECG Machine)
    Combat Stats:

    Health: 7
    Mana: 7
    Defense: 2
    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Willpower: 3/3 (usable)


    He nodded to he words of Buffy, not feeling the need to add onto the conversation in regards to it. “Yes I am certain, it was a passing comment in a conversation, if I have to take you to karaoke just to prove it to you, so help me I will.” A small chuckle as she produces the medical item. “Aww look at it, you got those Care bear plasters.

    Somehow I doubt everyone would go out for a beach day, but I would not put my money on it.Does she mean that she doesn't wear what she likes out in public? Not even when she went camping? I mean I would not know what you like, I have been round once and you wore PJ's if I remember correctly.She seems eager for someone to chat to, I wonder if that is because I am very lax when it comes to what we talk about. Sounds good to me, as long as it is not made in the microwave and a proper kettle is used. I have tried the microwave ones before and was disgusted.” He eye rolls as she plays off the surprise of the Christmas present. “Just you wait till December. Spending time with you out and about as friends is not a gift in my eyes. But thank you for the gifts regardless, I am grateful.

    Which part of history have you taken a liking to? You don't have to share if you want to keep it to yourself, I was just curious.I am glad that was easily sorted, I wish I could have announced my name before Aella announced her nickname for me but oh well.

    Seeing the Gentleman approach looking somewhat cold. He listened to his introduction, thankful for it as he had not previously learn his public name. “Hello Aaron, nice to meet you outside of the office finally, I am charles and don't panic if you hear Aella call me Knight, as i say to people, Charles is fine. Don't worry I still sometimes lose myself in this maze of a city, it gets real awkward when in the ambulance for work. Also no we have not waited long.”

    Aella began making her way in with an announcement and he could not help himself but offer a comment. “Probably wise to head in, if we keep you waiting any longer you will no doubt bounce off all the walls with excitement.

    Thinking / Speaking

  5. #15
    Salem's Avatar
    Status (Academia)

    Reality seems to warp around him, distance and direction having little meaning anymore.


    Salem gives a smile to Skye and nods. "Certainly, Aella," he says, pausing for a moment at the talk of nicknames. He gives it a moment of thought, a small frown curling the edge of his lips, "Uh.. I guess it would depend on the nickname? I'm typically more for calling folks by what they want to be called. If that happens to be a nickname, then I'm fine with that. I just generally don't go around thinking up nicknames for folks. I mean, if something springs to mind in a dynamic way that makes sense, I might be okay with it?" he adds, lifting his hands up and rolling his shoulders in a small shrug.

    He turns to the Guardian and gives a smile and a nod. "Did I hear Morgan earlier?" he asks for confirmation.

    He turns to the other Arrow and nods. "Nice to meet you too, Charles," he says and chuckles. "Yeah, I can see that being an issue.." he says. "EMT?"

    He turns to follow the others into the building, looking around the area. "So have any of you done this before?"

  6. #16
    Skye's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Flawless movement)
    New Identity
    (Aella Lăcrămioara "Rose" Rosechylde)

    A flowering of wildflowers accompanied by their scent and the sounds of a calm wind dancing over the sea. The more vulgar the spells, the meaner the magic the stronger the winds, the flowers blooming only to quickly decay and spread the scent of death with them.

    Standing 152.4cm tall, her hair color changing on a regular basis, usually braided but not always.

    Her body seemingly quite petite and small but upon closer inspection so is it unexpectedly sturdy, her left arm well trained with more defining muscles than her right arm.

    Rarely seen without an armguard and archer glove on her left hand.

    Each and every movement always precise, rarely if ever wasting any more effort than needed to achieve her desired result.

    Rituals February:

    Combo Organic Resilience and pulse of the living world (pot 6, armor 4, cloaked)
    Combo Body Mastery +2, and Transform Self 4 (pot 6, cloaked)
    Honing the form dex +4 (pot 8, cloaked)


    Shining up as she taps her own cheek trying to find a nickname for the woman, tilting her head and seeming lost in thought, ohh well it would come in time.

    Blinking at her fellow shaman as a wide grin spreads upon her lips.
    ”Alas my noble Knight believe you I do not, to sing in your presence is not something I can ever force myself to do again, for no such a thing wrong of me would be.” When was the last time I was doing karaoke? ”Yes so you are all safe should you get injured, no need to worry, we have the band aid ready.”

    Sighing with a light shrug.
    ”I mean we did do it once before, was quite a fun evening until the wannabe police showed up.” Damn bastards. ”But that was then now is now.” But who knows? ”That sounds about right, that is a common clothing item for me wear when receiving guests.” Raising an eyebrow in disgust at the words. ”Getting the water ready in the microwave? Yusch, I know I am odd but even I use a stove or a fire for that.” Sticking out her tongue at him. ”Well you have 11 months to plan then, but don´t think I will not be ready as well.”

    Blinking at the councilor, needing a moment to put his string of words together in her mind.
    ”Well then I guess we shall see when one jumps forth and see how it feels, for now I have none clear for neither you nor Morgan.”

    Rapidly shaking her head as she hurries them all inside and through the procedures to start getting dressed and get their instructions.
    ”Nope, never, but I have wanted to jump out of a plane for nearly 20 years but never found anyone who wants to jump with me.” Looking over to Morgan. ”Say would you be interested in some actual sky diving? This is a good warm-up but I doubt it is anything like the real thing.”

    152.4cm tall

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  8. #17
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    DYLF - Grim Sight
    DYLF - Alter Raiment

    MR - Supernal Vision
    MR - Unseen Aegis


    A brief smile at Asclepius 's question and quick concern, "I don't mind- it would be geological history - rocks and bones."
    And then a nod for Salem . "Yup, you heard correct. Morgan. As far as doing this before - no. Not me. This will be a first."

    As Skye Aella looked to her with the sudden proposition of jumping out of a plan she was again caught off guard, her motions of zipping into the mock-flight suit pausing. "Let me ... think on that one." And see how just pretending to do it went.

    She didn't think she had a fear of heights. But that being said, she had also never had the urge to jump out of a plane before as Skye apparently had. Resuming the motions of getting ready, she refused to look at either man with them. Just as she refused to think on why it was her that Skye had decided to put on the spot.

  9. #18
    Asclepius's Avatar
    Status: (Emergency Services)
    Status: (Adamantine Arrow)
    Skill: Medicine

    Height: 5'9
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Wears gold band on wedding finger
    Speaks with English accent

    Hears the sounds of a heartbeat monitor (ECG Machine)
    Combat Stats:

    Health: 7
    Mana: 7
    Defense: 2
    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Willpower: 3/3 (usable)


    The subject feeling concluded he felt no need to drag out the singing topic. He could hardly contain his confusion at her anecdote about the wannabe police. He had an eyebrow raised. “Wannabe police? Do I dare ask what mischief you and others got up too?” He nods to her. “Sometime is just nice to lounge in some real casual wear.” He closes his eyes to her disgust. “Yes don't even get me started on the taste.” It maybe was too early for Christmas planning but I meant he had his eye out for some gift for her.

    A look to Witch with genuine interest. “Oh cool, I hear you can learn a lot from them.

    He returns a look to Salem. “It really is some times but hey I get them there with a little help and that's what matters. Yes I believe that is the rough equivalent this side of the pond, It coincides nicely with my talents.

    He smiles and laughs as he and others are hurried in by Skye, he was not surprised at her haste. After all it was she that express her glee to want to experience this feeling of flight and mostly because she seemed to enjoying having people to do it with. Salem coming out with the burning question, which is assumed to be from nerves or interest. “No I have not, I would never have dreamed of looking into it. A certain someone looked so excited that I think it rubbed off on me honestly.” He gives a smile and laugh while he suits up for the activity, keeping his back to the others out of respect for them and because he started to question if he had any unknown fears in regards to the activity. Surely I will be okay right? I don't have a problem with swimming, and this is like swimming right? Just in the air?

    Thinking / Speaking

  10. #19
    Skye's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Flawless movement)
    New Identity
    (Aella Lăcrămioara "Rose" Rosechylde)

    A flowering of wildflowers accompanied by their scent and the sounds of a calm wind dancing over the sea. The more vulgar the spells, the meaner the magic the stronger the winds, the flowers blooming only to quickly decay and spread the scent of death with them.

    Standing 152.4cm tall, her hair color changing on a regular basis, usually braided but not always.

    Her body seemingly quite petite and small but upon closer inspection so is it unexpectedly sturdy, her left arm well trained with more defining muscles than her right arm.

    Rarely seen without an armguard and archer glove on her left hand.

    Each and every movement always precise, rarely if ever wasting any more effort than needed to achieve her desired result.

    Rituals February:

    Combo Organic Resilience and pulse of the living world (pot 6, armor 4, cloaked)
    Combo Body Mastery +2, and Transform Self 4 (pot 6, cloaked)
    Honing the form dex +4 (pot 8, cloaked)


    Shaking her head at Knight.
    ”All I wanted to do was some fun and activities, just cause I brought a bow to a secluded bathing area, mean jerks.” And ever since I have had to deal with having money, I was perfectly content without it, ohh well wouldn´t be here now if I had none. ”Yeah sure if you say so, not really my style but if you like it then go for it.” Trying to think of just what a disservice it would be to the tea leaves. ”Yeah I think I can go without learning that.”

    Nodding with a warm friendly look upon her to Morgan.
    ”Of course, take all the time you need. No one I have asked has said yes as of yet so to even just think about it means you are the one who shows the most interest.” I will find someone to join me one day. ”It would be fun if you would like it, but if not no pressure, its meant to be enjoyable.”

    Finishing her prep and rushing off, up over to the machine and looking excitedly at her companions.
    ”Come on, lets go, wanna go one by one or as a team?” Her leg shaking as her grin grows wider and wider. ”Are you coming? Come on we only have a limited time window.” Looking down to her clock, not that she was wearing one and back up to her companions.

    152.4cm tall

  11. #20
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    DYLF - Grim Sight
    DYLF - Alter Raiment

    MR - Supernal Vision
    MR - Unseen Aegis


    Witch nods in confirmation toward Asclepius , "You can. Though I'm not so biased as to claim it's like ... everything you know. The way chemists and physicists do."

    The zippers were zipped, the helmet straps buckled ... not much left except for the actual activity. Moving to join Skye she grinned at Salem as she walked by, "Getting nervous?" she teased the quiet man lightly.

    "I think I'll opt for whichever option has the instructor telling us what to do first." She was all for impromptu solo work, but like ... what a waste of money if she just ended up standing in a giant wind chamber like one of those gotcha machines at skating rinks. Only this one sans tickets or money.

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