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Theatre of lights

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  1. #11
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    Skye's intervention had been timely and it would seem well received as the two seem to hit it off. "Fuller? As in active? Or do you mean the show. I rather enjoyed the way they incorporate the other senses a lot more." It left a lot open to interpretation but as was the nature of symbolism.

    But Zina draws his attention back with a slight narrowing of his eyes, as if he is listening intently, before relaxing a little. Even if he was getting less so by the moment. She speaks far to boldly of things she either knows nothing about or should not be doing so in public. "By that definition of fate I do not." Hence why he had asked in the first place. "I find your analogy a little confusing I'm afraid. In it the person is the boat correct? and fate the ocean? Because then surely whatever your guide offers has nothing to do with fate." The analogy failed to capture the relationship in its grandeur. "And more to do with effecting the self." The ocean would not have a care for that which only affected the boat.

    As Skye shifts from the bump, his own eyes turn. Thoughts of recent happenings jumping to his mind. The Sharman still had her glyphs on show. The person is known however, in the vague memory sense to him. Could you be the one responsible for Corn's fate? Had the two ever met? But then why not me? All in all the question made a strong case for going out far less and taking up the practice of occultation. "Hello again. Here for the show I take it?" Not making introduction because he is unsure if they ever actually exchanged names.

  2. #12
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    Zina playfully raised an eyebrow at Aella's "Santa’s elf" quip, assessing the other woman's strikingly Scandinavian features. With a smile, she said playfully, "Hide-and-seek, eh? You’d have an unfair advantage. Santa’s helpers must come with special tricks. What could a mere fortune-diviners powers do against that?" she chuckled.
    When Aella mentioned Brad though, Zina’s smile faltered, replaced by a scornful laugh. "Oh, Brad’s fate? Let’s see—probably tripping over his own stupidity while following 'Lyz with a Y not an i', " she said doing an imitation of Lyz, all pompous with a raised finger as she gave Lyz's favorite expression, "to wherever the fuck they end up snogging, hoping he would get a piece of Lyz's pie. That man couldn’t navigate a kiddie pool, let alone currents of destiny." Her tone dripped with sarcasm, eyes rolling for effect. "And Lyz? Well, she’ll probably spell her own doom the same way she spells her name—badly." Zina gave Aella a conspiratorial smirk.

    Mason made a good point. Skeptics were always a challenge but some of them showed up just to prove themselves right. She met Mason’s narrowed gaze with a calm, confident smile. "You’re right, the person isn’t the boat; he is the one steering it. Fate may not care for them, but it’s there - unpredictable currents, hidden reefs, and even sirens that can spell doom if they’re ignored." she said before her tone became lighter. " And that that’s where I come in!” she threw back her hair for added flair. “I can help the navigator see what’s ahead, avoid dangers, and maybe even find treasure. Even a small kindness can be a treasure.
    She glanced at her warm cocoa with a wink and a nod of thanks towards Aella for the 'treasure' before turning back to Mason.
    And Abuela Camila? She can do more. Her guidance is like a gust of wind catching the sails - a small push, but enough to make all the difference in where a man’s journey ends.
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

  3. #13
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    "Greetings." Helen replies and eyes the Woman who just greeted her swiftly. clingy Dress, coat kinda not matching that and shoes that Show whoever weasrs them ain't planning to walk around a lot. "Nice dress by the way." Bit too short for her taste, but then, she's too old for stuff like that and it ain't really her drawer in the first place. Even compared with the other woman, the dress makes this one stick out, though. She laughs. "Technically, it's more like Lena over there using her strange magnetic prowess to make me bounce straight away from her, but result's the same, I guess." She nods at the crowd in a not too specific direction.

    Looking over the Groups interaction, she kinda gets the feeling there's two groups at work here. Asked about the show, she nods. "Sure, time to get into the right spirit, no ? Only snag was I thought the show'd be longer, but for the twenty minutes it lasted, it wasn't half bad, really. Just had to ditch the overseers right after." As her own stance on fate is pretty firm, she doesn't cut into the argument the two women are having. She does allow herself a little comment, though.

    "You don't like Brad and Liz too much, do you ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  4. #14
    Skye's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Flawless movement)
    New Identity
    (Aella Lăcrămioara "Rose" Rosechylde)

    A flowering of wildflowers accompanied by their scent and the sounds of a calm wind dancing over the sea. The more vulgar the spells, the meaner the magic the stronger the winds, the flowers blooming only to quickly decay and spread the scent of death with them.

    Standing 152.4cm tall, her hair color changing on a regular basis, usually braided but not always.

    Her body seemingly quite petite and small but upon closer inspection so is it unexpectedly sturdy, her left arm well trained with more defining muscles than her right arm.

    Rarely seen without an armguard and archer glove on her left hand.

    Each and every movement always precise, rarely if ever wasting any more effort than needed to achieve her desired result.

    Rituals January:

    Combo Organic Resilience and pulse of the living world (pot 6, armor 4, cloaked)
    Body Mastery +2 (pot 8, cloaked)
    Honing the form dex +4 (pot 8, cloaked)


    A shake of her head towards Mason.
    ”No the world itself, who knows maybe” lightly tilting her head with a light smile upon her lips aimed toward him ”it is just the magic of spending the season among people for once. Something I haven´t done in quite some time, I am not even quite sure what I did last Christmas.” The years having blended together a bit, downside of spending so much time alone on the road days kind of stopped having much meaning and holidays even more so. ”The play enchanting in it´s own right of course but to new to me and to foreign to be fully appreciated I am afraid.”

    Blinking innocently at the divination woman.
    ”I can make it easy for you, you let me know one thing, and I give you a little map to divine upon, I promise you will succeed and not go to bed cold.” Playfully winking at her with the words. Having to laugh at the comments of Brad. ”And for such a man you took the time to both venture out and dress up in beauty enough to hold even the most senseless mans eyes in a mesmerized gaze, take my word for it dear men like that is not worth the time nor effort.” No she was living proof of that, in the wrong sense though. ”Find yourself a nice man, or better yet a woman to show you the wonders that only a woman can bring to another woman and you will never look back at a man again.” Meeting the smirk with a soft voice. ”Poor lady, I shall keep her name in memory.”

    The words of fate and divination listened to, registered, stored in mind but giving no visible concern to them. Fyre was already dealing with that, and giving ammunition on a topic she had heard enough on to make most Acanthus have their heads spin was not something she would invite.

    Eyes over the woman that had bumped into her with a little chuckle.
    ”Can it not be both, one magnetic power shooting people away to one of a more suitable magnetic suitability. Just look all our dear Mason was doing was stand here and now he has two enchanting women and a elf of Father Christmas by his side. All engaging in conversation, surely that is not a feat most men can accomplish without having to work for it.” Stretching out her gloved hand with the chocolate towards her, unsure if the offer had been registered after the sudden bump. ”Stay a while and warm yourself with some hot cocoa whilst avoiding this unmagnetic Lena?”

    152.4cm tall

  5. #15
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    The women in red does more to compound the image of a mortal charlatan as her analogy continues to miss the mark of fate. It seems more like a sails pitch then anything. "If fate cares nothing for the navigator then it does not exist in the way you imply it to, what you describe is causality." Which fate both was and was not, the existence of destined individuals showed it to be more then that. And fate certainty can't look ahead. "If it so anyone who considers the consequences of their actions is able to be this gust of wind that you speak of." The ability to make educated guesses and avoid pitfalls. Besides non of ours would dare revel themselves so openly to strangers.

    He turns to address what he thinks is yet another newcomer to the group as a shadow falls over him but turning to look nothing, no person no shadow. Odd it must be the lights. Then to the Lady from the lecture. "I would have to guess they don't want people standing in the cold for to long." Shorter attention spans and all that. "I'm not so well versed in the history of the city and so wonder how accurate it was but a unique take on a performance for sure." Not caring for the sleepers relationship woes he keeps quite on that part of the conversation.

    That Skye was simply out enjoying the festivities, well she was no mystagogue so he could not hold her to account on that front. "Lives get bust even at, especially around now. But not having the roots to appreciate the story ned be no barrier it means you have something to take away from the evening." New experiences that could lead to who knows what deepening of understanding. Although the arrow continues to give voice to an increasingly convincing reason why he should leave the house less.

  6. #16
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    Zina turned her attention to the woman who had bumped into Aella , her ear catching the way she’d said "Liz" instead of "Lyz." A smirk curled her lips as she tilted her head, pleased at the other woman's refusal to play Lyz's stupid games. "Ah, a woman that doesn't encourage Lyz's absurdity and attention-grabbing antics. Do you want a warm chocolate? My treat! I’m Zina, by the way." She gestured toward a nearby stand.

    Aella’s words pulled her attention towards the petite beauty. Zina's cheeks flushed slightly at the flirtatious tone but she didn't mind the attention. Still, she should put such notions to rest.
    Quick to recover, she replied with a chuckle. "You're so sweet! Stiil, I think I’ll stick to trying my luck with men for now," she said, her voice light and her tone playful. "But thanks for the tip, Santa’s elf. Maybe next Christmas I’ll reconsider."

    When Mason started talking again, Zina’s confident mask and mystical flair slipped, even if it was just a fraction (or so she thinks). What the hell was he talking about? His talk of stuff like causality and fate sounded more like something from a philosophy textbook than the kind of fortune-telling she practiced. Did he actually believe all this stuff or he was simply trying to rebuff her efforts, like many skeptics do?
    She didn't understand his point completely -if he had one and was not just trying to poke holes - and she felt out of her depth - just a bit of course!
    Still, she wasn’t about to let it show.
    "Maybe it’s all causality," she replied, giving a small shrug, "but think about this: when a client comes to me, I might guide them to pick one job over another, or a car that doesn’t break down in six months instead of one that does. Sure, it might look like good judgment or randomness and you may think it is," she added, "but we" this 'we' was charged to show diviners and fortunetellers, "know it’s about reading energy, the patterns around them, the way their shadow dances and all. Little things that we can pick up that can hint at what’s coming. Call it causality, call it intuition, fate, whatever you like. It’s real enough to help someone avoid the wrong path." She took another sip of her cocoa, her smile confident, and a wink added for all those that listen. "And that’s what counts."
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

  7. #17
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    "Eh, people can't be inconvenienced by some chill for a bit, means they might put some stuff for kids and older folks, alright. But the rest ? Failed to dress fitting the weather ? That's the lowest common denominator ?" How the mighty have fallen... When have people become such sissies ? "True, cutting stuff down into 20 minutes makes sure only the most important or dramatic bits stay in. They ain't butchering it on the writing table, that's a nice bonus, too."

    "That'd be pretty deterministic, no ? Magnetic stuffs density high enough for that kinda thing, I mean. Almost makes you think people are afraid of having chance meddle with their life." She's more tempted to call it luck, but seeing the conversation the ladies are having right now ? Even she's not dumb enough to get them down that road. "I mean, two of us know him and a third took an interest. Whats the probability of that ? Sure ain't zero." She accepts the cocoa with a nod. "Yah, I don't mind dodging her and her appendages for a while."

    Helen follows Zina's gesture with her eyes and gives her a nod as well. "Not for the time being, but don't figure that means you're off the hook, thanks." She shrugs. "Some girls make that stuff their bread and butter and see what kind of guys it gets them. or girls, if you want." Helen holds out her hand to Zina. "I'm Helen, nice to meet you."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  8. #18
    Skye's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Flawless movement)
    New Identity
    (Aella Lăcrămioara "Rose" Rosechylde)

    A flowering of wildflowers accompanied by their scent and the sounds of a calm wind dancing over the sea. The more vulgar the spells, the meaner the magic the stronger the winds, the flowers blooming only to quickly decay and spread the scent of death with them.

    Standing 152.4cm tall, her hair color changing on a regular basis, usually braided but not always.

    Her body seemingly quite petite and small but upon closer inspection so is it unexpectedly sturdy, her left arm well trained with more defining muscles than her right arm.

    Rarely seen without an armguard and archer glove on her left hand.

    Each and every movement always precise, rarely if ever wasting any more effort than needed to achieve her desired result.

    Rituals January:

    Combo Organic Resilience and pulse of the living world (pot 6, armor 4, cloaked)
    Body Mastery +2 (pot 8, cloaked)
    Honing the form dex +4 (pot 8, cloaked)


    Turning her eyes upon her fellow awakened.
    ”The tale itself was nice, but so odd, I fear I could not truly resonate with it. I mean stockings and a jolly bearded man dressed in red coming in secret, I never had any of that.” Gesturing her hand out over the crowds. ”This though, this gathered masses of people, the scent of warm chocolate, of ginger and merry smiles, this is something that does resonate within me.” Giving him a teasing look knowing the other two would likely not get it. ”For what is better than the sea of people gathered in a joined appreciation of a cause or celebration?”

    Placing her hands upon her chest with a feigned defeated look.
    ”I am sorry Mason, steal this woman I tried, yet my wiles holding no candor to your magnetism.” Chuckling at her little play as she moves her arms back down. ”Then next time use your crystal ball oh teller of fortunes, and lets hope the next one whom ignites a spark within your heart be one who knows the value of warm faithfulness, a simple skill so many seem unable to master for some strange reason.” Glad for her own outward persona to not react to the words aimed at the woman, knowing how much her own mind wanted to just scream out and scream alike, if it was one thing she had heard way to much of so was it fate, strands paired with effect and causality. I wonder if I could hold a lecture about it by just mimicking my masters words, not that I would get even half of it though.

    ”Well arent they? How many does not plan each movement, tailor their own little bubbles of existence, plan their vacations with minute knowledge beforehand. Shop online to avoid people, sit behind their screens to work in their lonesome, as a species so many of us seem to actively try to remove every ounce of chance from their lives, missing the beauty of giving up control to an extent. Forgetting the skill to be able to allow chance to play it´s part whilst you remain in the drivers seat, keeping just enough control.” Smiling as the offered chocolate is taken. ”Nothing is ever zero if you just open your eyes, anything can happen, any chance encounter possible, but why miss the chance to offer a compliment when the chance reveals itself?” And given how our lives work we better damn keep our eyes open for everything.

    152.4cm tall

  9. #19
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    The more this women showed she knew nothing of fate the more he wound down from the edge of concern. It could be a ruse sure. But if the Seers had dropped so low as to try this, then the pentacle had less to worry about then he feared. That left mage hunters so all the better to not attract attention. "Or. It could be confidence tricky and confirmation bias." Well aware how folks peddled their supposed magical talents to exploit others and separate them from a few banknotes. You would actually need to understand fate before you could even comprehend how wrong you are.

    Helen gets a shrug. "That's the way of the world isn't it. How dare they inconvenience people with discomfort for more then a short span of time." The mild sarcasm showing he to thinks it a little silly. "I don't a bit of expositing myself, context can easily be lost if only the barebones are told." As for Skyes apparent cola free upbringing that is a little surprising. "The coca cola mascot is himself fairly modern. The tale of old is based a handful of figures that gets amalgamated two such would be Saint Nicolas of Myra and Duke Wenceslas of Bohemia." Now looking to the crowds. Gathering against the cold to tell stories. An old custom.

    Ignoring the attempt to drag him back into the talk of flirting and relationships entirely.

  10. #20
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    Zina turned to Helen first, her smile warm as she took the offered hand. "Helen, nice to meet you. She took a sip of her cocoa as she looked at the other woman. “I’ll hold you to that chocolate later. Perceptive women shouldn’t go unrewarded. Perhaps, I will save you from ... what was her name again? The tentacle lady? Was she one of the holier-than-thou types? Or you just had enough of her?" She didn't want to offer offense if Helen and Lena were friends and Helen just wanted a moment away.

    Aella’s teasing earned a laugh, and Zina shook her head playfully. "Oh, you tried, Santa’s elf, and you gave it your best. No shame there! But some of us ... " she didn't say 'prefer dick' in polite company. Nope. "...aren’t ready to switch sides over one asshole's decision." Her tone was light, but she gave Aella a genuine smile, appreciating the camaraderie.

    When Mason spoke again, Zina raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Huh? Saint Nicholas, I know of. The Coca-Cola Mascot overtake the original too. But this Duke of Bohemia? That’s a new one for me." Where the fuck was Bohemia anyway? She paused, tilting her head thoughtfully.
    "So, it’s all layers of tradition built on older stories, huh? I suppose that makes sense." Her smile turned wry as she gestured vaguely at the crowd. "Kind of like how people dress up their lives with fancy metaphors to make them seem bigger than they are, eh?"
    She was silent for a moment, took a sip from her cocoa. "As for fate, luck, causality, or intuition… maybe it’s all just stories we tell ourselves to make sense of things. But hey, it works for me, and I’m not about to argue with success." It helps me pay the bills, buddy. She thought wryly. She gave a small shrug, trying to signal that she would like to put the debate in bed, at least for the time. "Now, this Duke of Bohemia… what’s his story?"
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

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