Circe hunts for gas maks this day. At a military surplus store. For one, they aren't illegal. For two, she had some red LED light strips. Nice little addition, would help slightly with light glare at the lower setting, and a great excuse. Evil glowing eyes in gasmasks, for villains on film!

Plus, it was a way to fuck with people, and Circe was ALL for that.

Which was why the confused clerk found her checking to see if they fit with the goggles of the masks. Had to fit inside to even give the tactical mini-light thing a try. That, or her bending over and being a Fairest was getting his attention. "Oi?" she asks him, "I think this might work with the light, ya have a bathroom I can look at it with this," she waggles the glowing LED strip, "Inside it with the lights off?"

"With, wait, why? Why are you going to wear it with lights inside the lens?" The old man asks her, confusion overcoming his gregarious tone.

"Oh, I am not. I'm props, not a stunt woman," she assures the clerk. "The, ahem, baddies of the film are supposed ta have scary masks whilst walking through smoke. This," she wiggles the gas mask she is holding up, "Can do that whilst ensuring the smoke isn't a health hazard. Plus, they don't need to see where they're walking for the few minutes of glowing eyes anyway. The app can turn it off when they need ta see."

The man laughs, "So what, the good guys will have blue lights instead?"

"Brilliant!" She points at him shouting loud enough to make him start, "I'll suggest that. Maybe they'll come and buy a different model. Contrast! That is brilliant."

"Why don't you just make something fake?" the middle aged man is laughing at her. Good for him.

"Because this is easier ta re-use since it won't break as easily. Also, it is a way ta scare kids in dark allies," she cheerfully tells the man.

That gets a raised eyebrow from the man, "On Halloween?"

"Also then yes, oh ho ho ho!"