John had made a request of Circe. It wasn't even a difficult request in her opinion. She'd make it in a single night she was sure.

Just a matter of getting the reference images to see what it looked like. It didn't need to be functional after all. Plus, it'd probably be illegal if it was functional. Like a opium.

But she'd tools and time.

30 minutes

Circe was quite proud of what she made. Next came assembly and parts insertion.

1 hour

Included in it was two added features. The handle could open to allow an AAA battery to be inserted. The nozzle on the end was a clicker switch. And inside the tube? The circuit's end for a mini-black light with a screw for the bottle.

The bottle's themselves were nothing special, nor was the materials to let John make his own glowing blue drug. Blue highlighter and water mostly, he could read the instructions, the glow doesn't last long. She was giving him plenty of props, so she expected some in return.

And the outfit should be easier, being more fragile and all that.

2 hours

Circe's work was mostly on the jacket. Dying the fur lining found her giggling as she got distracted and had trouble with the dyes. "Better red from ink then blood, cazzo making mail."

Belts, neck rags, shirt? That was all just buy buy buy for the results. And some knife work. John probably wondered why she wanted his boot size, but even those boots were available online. And she was right, one evening to knock it all out for John.